When people suggest you move it is with your quality of life in mind only. We moved mid Covid from red to blue and the difference is night and day. I didn’t ‘have’ to move, I moved because I knew it would bring me peace and happiness. Is it possible that move only bought us time? Perhaps. But time is precious. I may die before anything changes where I am now and even if I don’t? I enjoyed my life for longer than if I’d stayed
First, they would have to prove the death was the direct result of the vaxx
That said, my husband is a life insurance broker of 30 yrs. He has heard of none of what people have been claiming re:insurance companies and vaxx deaths
Most people have their fb accounts viewership limited. Random pedos can’t see their photos. And if your security settings keep them from public viewing, no, a stranger cannot get around that
That said this is something that never worried me. My kids don’t live in a bubble. A pedo has plenty of ways to get to them without resorting to my personal social media page that they are unlikely to come across in the first place
But it’s less about where you get it from than why you get it from where you get it. You’re supposed to know that you can’t rely on the tv. Why is it that so many people don’t know that? I honestly never knew that so many were so stupid. It’s been a tough pill to swallow for me.
I respectfully disagree. I think ‘you’ think people put him on a pedestal. Perhaps when they disagree with your personal assessment/opinion of something or another. But that doesn’t mean they don’t recognize that he is human, has faults, and sometimes makes mistakes
Always good to ask more questions, make fewer assumptions
Recognizing and supporting someone’s efforts is not ‘worshipping’. He’s not perfect, no one is… and I don’t think a single person here would insist otherwise. What you certainly won’t find here though is a high tolerance for blatant Trump bashing.. because that is counterproductive. He’s on our side
Healthcare isn’t what keeps you healthy though. Your lifestyle is. The healthiest people I know rarely if ever go to the doctor, not even for annual physicals or preventative screenings. Interestingly, those I know who are quick to run to doctors are the ones who always end up having some diagnosis or another , are on various medications, etc
I have a child with a “defect” that many abort for. We were even given that option. Would you like to ask him if his life is worthwhile? This 20 young man who lives a completely normal life despite only having half a heart?
“Well, then his condition isn’t what I’m talking about”, you say? Well, how were we to know that he would do so well? He could have been one of the unlucky ones. Should we have aborted just in case? And if so, could “just in case” be applied across the board? What about babies to be born to the very very poor? The babies born to drug addicts? The babies born to those with illness/disease that may impact the child? Where does it stop?
And who defines quality of life? Again, how about you ask those with what you perceive to be a reduced quality of life if they would rather have never been born? I think you might be surprised by the answers you get