PaintingTruth17 8 points ago +8 / -0

I love hearing stories like this. Not surprised they are knowledgeable, because many seniors have honed their bs detectors and have learned from life experiences.

Part of the NWO plan and why it was timed this way was to farm a few gens of militant useful idiots while the wiser older ones died off.

Not trying to hijack your thread, and I did not wanna start a new thread, but since we're dealing with hopium let me tell u my latest dose.

Just the other day some lady zooms up along side me honking and waving her arms doing what looks like sign language. I was thinking " ok I guess I triggered a karen somehow ". Maybe one of my rear window stickers. Well it was the stickers, but not what I thought.

She continued to stay with me arms flailing, so I finally decided to roll my window down at the light. She smiles enthusiastically and says " You're my kinda people. Where We Go One, We Go All " and gave me a thumbs up. Turned green and we had to go. But was still awesome.

It's been about 6 months since I've ran into an amped up fellow Patriot that approached me on road or in a parking lot where my Q stickers are on display.

I also see Q stickers on the road at least once a month where I try to get near them so I too can at least honk and thumbs up to show support.

Hopefully this short brings another smile to your face.

PaintingTruth17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everything is vibing at some frequency. Endless videos on using frequency to move water, sand, effects on plants and animals. It's another rabbit hole, but definitely worth looking into.

There is a reason they changed the national frequency ages ago to disrupt our body's natural frequency and any other frequencies good for us, like healing.






This has been known for awhile. If there was no benefit it would not have been hidden from us. Magically under Trump these types of infos and " breakthroughs " are appearing. Coincidence surely.



Nikola Tesla " If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration "

PaintingTruth17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Around here we can't even keep violent felons and illegals in jail for a day.


However I do love Trump's hopium and he has for the most part always delivered. On the things he has not delivered on I believe it's only a question of when, not if.

PaintingTruth17 5 points ago +5 / -0

How about those of us that were forced to flee our home in communist states and would like to return, but cannot because of those exact same conditions ?

If anyone denies we are under foreign rule they're a moron. Everything good is done FOR everyone else, while everything bad is done TO Americans. It's rocket science I know.

PaintingTruth17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course. Mine are same way. Denial or hiding makes them feel safest. They will learn the hard way u can ignore reality, but not the consequences of ignoring reality.

PaintingTruth17 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's crazy to me is that anyone thinks any of scenarios you've listed are in any way crazy. Look at what has happened over the last 4 years and just last couple of months. Only at the precipice of destruction will ppl change so an NDE ( near death experience ) for the Country is what I'm expecting.

PaintingTruth17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Day X. They have been importing an army for decades. Question is tho - is this army to only steal elections or to try to ignite a civil war so they can usher in the " solution ". Chomping at the bit to get on with whatever is coming.

PaintingTruth17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very happy your Father in law got out in time. I won't tell my story here but it sure does align with yours. I believe they purposely highly medicate these victims w/ psychotropics so they have no clue wtf is going on and just offer themselves up to the white coat cult. There is ZERO oversight and accountability so basically they can actually do w.e. tf they want with impunity. Heartbreaking and disgusting.

PaintingTruth17 6 points ago +6 / -0

Speaks better English than 1/3rd of the low IQ ghetto trash here. Prolly loves this Country more than many lefties too. Glad she spoke out and it's getting traction. You never know when, who, or what will trigger a light bulb moment for a leftist.

PaintingTruth17 11 points ago +11 / -0

Hence why they must stop our memes. If they were harmless they would not care. It should be crazy for normies to realize just how fragile and volatile our so called " leaders " are that fake pics trigger them. It should be a red pill for many to see such blatant abuse of power, just because his feelings got hurt.

PaintingTruth17 5 points ago +5 / -0

If u allow the government to break the law in case of an " emergency ", they will always create an emergency to break the law.

PaintingTruth17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wonderful news. Seen a lot of this kinda stuff happening recently. What concerns me more than the voters are the counters, although this should make cheating more difficult. Only problem is it doesn't pertain to the most important election in history.

It disgusts me that 3rd world countries have cleaner elections than us. It's no even hard to do, but were invested with traitors.

It's an absolute must that it be known worldwide treason is death in this Country. How else to deter it in the future if not serious punishment ? It should go even further. Foreign countries buying our pols should be considered an act of war.

PaintingTruth17 10 points ago +10 / -0

" Scare Event Necessary ". Actually there have been many already, not just assassination attempts. " The End is NOT for everyone ". This could mean this last 4 years is just for the sheep's de" education " program. Also could mean when all of the SRA drops start happening as it's too jarring and heartbreaking. People will deny, run, and take fetal position.

PaintingTruth17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Congrats to you both. One of the very best things we can do is to have kids and raise more good Patriots. What better way to fight their replacement agenda ?

Trump knows this that is why he will reward for a baby boom in his next term.

And as the wise Tom McDonald said - You worry 'bout leavin' a better planet for our kids / How 'bout leavin' better kids for our planet?

By the time she's a toddler I'm sure the indoctrination system will be teaching education again, vax crimes against children will be halted, pedos will be banned from schools, and she will have better opportunities for health, learning, and growth.

There's no safer place for a child than under the care of awakened parents. Enjoy while u can because they do grow up too fast.

PaintingTruth17 1 point ago +1 / -0


Error implicates accidentally, as if they did not know. The crimes comes into play because THEY DO KNOW. Everything that has been done in the past and what they are doing today is on purpose and it's not " care ".

Examples are suppression of HCQ and Ivermectin during the supposedly most dangerous time in history, only allowing remesvidir and vents. The scaring, tricking, bribing, coaxing, threatening, & forcing ppl to take a shot that not only does not do what it claims, it injures and kills ppl.

If u think those " errors " then ok, but I believe they are by design. KNOWINGLY. We're cattle ( property ) to them. Nothing more.

PaintingTruth17 2 points ago +2 / -0

How can u ask questions from someone who not only has no answers, but truly just doesn't fk care to know any answers to anything ? That is how u know it's a cult. That is how u know brainwashing and mind control are real.

Watch tv, vote for biden, take the clotshot, watch more tv, vote for kamala, take the booster, back to the tv. The truth is they are simply broken.

Every defense mechanism their body was born with to help protect itself has been disabled. It has been supplemented with poison so now they cannot function without it. Very similar to what the vax does to immune systems.

To argue with a man who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - T Paine.

PaintingTruth17 35 points ago +35 / -0

Spot on. In 2019 I asked my libs to sell me on biden & all they could EVER do is spit anti - Trump venom. It is the same thing allover again. They'd vote for an open 300lb pedo drag queen so long as it's not Trump. Msm did this.

PaintingTruth17 2 points ago +3 / -1

Physical beauty is important yes, but if you're truly wise you know what's truly hot is high IQ strong woman that thinks for herself without needing to be a feminazi bitch about it. Finding one that can stimulate both heads are usually keepers. Nice catch.

PaintingTruth17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Death cult. The very few good ones are handcuffed to cure anyone by the very system they so adamandantly defend.

If they were truly good ppl they would've left upon that epiphany. Go into business for themselves or get with a legit smaller practice.

No matter the money there are tons of us that wouldn't KNOWINGLY maim and kill our fellow man, even the liberals, for money.

Doing muh job cannot get them a pass. Their stupidity also can't give them a pass. Everyone will just use those 2 excuses and then there will be no justice. This also sets precedent for future so their Crimes Against Humanity will continue if they're not held accountable.

Precovid..3rd leading cause of death is medical " malpractice " according to John Hopkins study.

PaintingTruth17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Been there. For me the problem was the so called " public servants " also agreed with the criminals ( likely found it enjoyable ) so they happily did NOT do their job. I guess Trump hurt their feelings too. I had cameras and it was all clearly caught on video.

I truly hope you have better luck than I did. Best of luck.

PaintingTruth17 6 points ago +6 / -0

Tom's used to be fluoride free. Not sure anymore. Weve been on luminuex products for awhile now.

Clean products are catching on but definitely expect to pay more. Not actually more if u look at bigger overall picture

PaintingTruth17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dept of indoctrination and teachers unions need destroyed. As we threw more money at them our kids became dumber and more volatile. Has to happen.

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