In Commiefornia, bees are fish. Google it.
Well, to add to all the skating news, Dick Button, gold medalist in the 1948 and 1952 Olympics, died yesterday. He was the first man to land a triple axle in the 1952 Olympics, invented the camel spin, and first to do a double-double jump in the 1948 Olympics..
Notice that his interviews are only him and a reporter, no citizen victims.
Checking for bird flu?
What is the physics for solar panels connected to lithium batteries to burn? Lithium car batteries? What toxic substances are people breathing in the smoke?
Newscum declared a state of emergency last week for bird flu.
When the chemtrails block out the sun, how are you supposed to charge an EV?
Start the recall petitions at the gas stations!
Super Creative! Thank you!
4,202,471 votes for Trump from California--the most of any state!
San Bernardino County here
I checked with my county registrar of voters, who told me that mail-in ballots are not opened until the week before 11/5, which would be 10/29. As you know, we can only vote in person or turn in a ballot in person on 11/5. Commiefornia!
The names of hurricanes are picked out months in advance. John Milton followed "Paradise Lost" with "Paradise Regained." There's also Milton Bradley, maker of Monopoly.
JLo also performed at Biden's "inauguration." Her marriage to Affleck went south after Diddy's house was searched at the end of March. I watched her documentary, "The Greatest Story Never Told" over two days because the unhinged drama and emotional chaos was too much for one day. Poor Ben!
Exactly! How many people have researched voodoo in the last 48 hours?
Yes, that was an excellent speech, as Eisenhower knew about the MIC, power, and tried to warn us.
Those ballots are probably already printed! I'm going with Newscum.
I believe that Diana was from the bloodline of Charles II, who had no legitimate heirs.
109 right now in Southern Cal.
Or ---- their realities are altered in that there is no difference between real life and a video game. I'm guessing that Dad bought the AK as a gesture of masculinity for his son, who he perceived as slipping away.
No ABC for DirecTV customers in Los Angeles.
Let her know that the Shingles shot is not covered by Medicare and will cost about $260!!
Is Donald Barr's book, Space Relations, a documentary, and why does a paperback version sell for $315.92 on Amazon?