PatriotFL1978 -2 points ago +2 / -4

I’m going to disagree with you here, especially on your first point. The science has shown you are born either attracted to the sex you are attracted too. It’s not something you or I pick. Similar to being born in the US or Afghanistan, you didn’t pick the US, it just happened, luck of the draw if you will. Every gay person I know just wants to live a normal life. They want to be able to walk the street without being attacked, and eat at restaurants without being harassed. With that, they want to raise families to their best ability. Having hate for these people is wrong. I’m not saying you have to agree with the lifestyle, but if it’s not directly effecting you than who cares.

I have 2 gay guys as neighbors, let’s call them Tim and Tom. Tim and Tom adopted 2 kids back in 2014ish. Both are health, happy, respectful, and raised just like my own for the most part. Both work professional jobs and pay taxes. And both will drop what their doing to help me with whatever I need. They are quite frankly dream neighbors. Do I love the pride flag waving all year? Not particularly, but I will stand up for them and their right to fly that flag.

PatriotFL1978 5 points ago +6 / -1

Don’t get your hopes up. Pharmacists reserve the legal right to deny any prescription for any reason. Fear of misuse, abuse, even personal morality issues with the med in question; it doesn’t matter all reasons and more are legal and valid. The odds of this going anywhere are about the same as me walking on water.

Source- worked as a pharm tech years ago in college

PatriotFL1978 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haha give it time. Just my opinion based on my own research. At the end of the day all of us anons are doing the best we can based on what we believe. Factually tho, none of know who Q is or how true Q is. If you ask 10 people about Q you’ll get 10 different answers. My belief may not be “mainstream” for Q, and I really hope I am wrong, but it’s simply where my own research has led me.

PatriotFL1978 5 points ago +6 / -1

To play devils advocate here I don’t think your question(s) are fair. Regardless of fame, if someone came out and proved they were Q and it was all a troll, they would undoubtedly be targeted and harassed by the most extreme followers. Look at election workers, they are getting nasty death threats so there’s no basis to say in this scenario whoever was behind Q wouldn’t. I think it’s fair to say they would have legitimate concerns for their safety.

Secondly, it may not be a liberal. I think it’s equally as possible it was a troll by a conservative that grew beyond their wildest dreams. Before this Q 4chan had an FBIanon and CIAanon that never took off just to name a few. Any ways I think it’s possible who ever started it figured it would fizzle out quickly like past anons but were shocked when it didn’t. A week turned into a month, which turned into a year, so on and so fourth. Sometimes things get away from you in life. Trump “losing” the election would have gave them a perfect out where they could disappeared into the darkness and move on with their life without ever facing and consequences.

Personally I don’t believe either of the above are accurate, im just brainstorming ideas. My personal belief (and I’ll catch heat for this) is Q was 100% legit up to the move to Watkins platform, 8kun. I think at that point Ron took over and the rest was bullshit. I though HBO was taking me for a ride but there really was an instant and definitive 180 in both writing style and complexity of posts the second Q moved over. So while I don’t believe Ron is the real Q, I do somewhat believe he stole Q to drive business to his site and drive tenure to him and his weird dad. As a result I keep my Q studies largely to pre-8kun days

PatriotFL1978 -12 points ago +7 / -19

Please. Stop making up excuses. I see too many anons who say they love Trump b/c “he’s a straight shooter and tells it how it is”, but the the second he says something they don’t like it’s “he’s speaking in code”.

Think of the Plan like a longgggg game of Chess, b/c that’s essentially what it is . Trump fought a good fight and tried to stay the course but was eliminated as he was too weak. A triple mRNA vaxxed self proclaimed father of the vaccine is the last person I want leading our movement. The only way I’ll forgive him is if some new BOOM comes out and we were 100% wrong about the vaxx (which isn’t gunna happen). I trust in Q, not Trump.

PatriotFL1978 1 point ago +2 / -1

There are no optics, only facts. Trump has changed, he’s not the man all of thought he was. I still believe in the great awakening/reset, but I don’t believe trump himself will have anything to do with getting us there. Never again will I put so much hope in a politician. He and his team sold us on a dream and delivered a nightmare.

At this point I don’t believe he is doing any work on advancing the plan, and believe he is just milking his followers for all the donations he can get. If even 3% of Americans donate a dollar a year to him he’s making 10 million bucks doing jackshit but sending tacky emails out.

PatriotFL1978 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just want to point out the JnJ shot is a real traditional vaccine that doesn’t change one’s DNA. Not saying you should take it or that’s safe, but it’s not accurate to lump it in with Moderna and Pfizer’s MRNA shots.

PatriotFL1978 0 points ago +2 / -2

Bullshit. Trump just admitted he got a booster in his interview with Bill o’reilly. The guy isn’t some anti-covid vaxx hero. He’s not testing us. He’s not doing anything but promoting it at this point. Don’t believe me watch the interview. He’s now both fully vaxxed and boostered. Fkng great.

PatriotFL1978 0 points ago +1 / -1

Maybe I am wrong, but I believe we are at a fork in the road. We can either keep relying on Trump and others giving us nothing but lip service, hope, and endless donation requests, or we can get our asses in gear and get involved. Local politics. We have to start at the ground and work our way up, if we do we can push DS politicians out as our movement grows. Ive already accepted that it may take a couple decades to get full control, but that’s much preferred to giving up. I have accepted the DS may very well not fall during my lifetime, but I’m worried about my kids and their eventual kids. Breaking centuries of chains won’t happen overnight, but with consistency and drive we can slowly break them.

PatriotFL1978 1 point ago +2 / -1

The day Trump admitted he took the Pfizer vaccine was the day I knew no politician, even him, is going to do shit. I mean honestly, with highest office in the land how do you go one thousand four hundred and sixty days with arresting Hillary or any one of the leading DS figures? How? How do allow these mRNA clot shots to be developed and distributed to millions upon millions of innocent Americans?

We, the anons are the only hope their is. If we don’t go out and take our country back we may as well just give up now. We were sold a dream and delivered a bag of coal. I’m done sitting around waiting for someone who has no idea I even exist to come save the day.

PatriotFL1978 2 points ago +3 / -1

So I want to comment on this. I got the JnJ many months ago. I needed surgery and the hospital required it (check my post history if you don’t believe me). I had significant back injuries/problems that left me in debilitating pain daily. At the time I figured “well the vaxx has a 50-50 chance of killing me off, but if I keep living in this pain there is a 100% chance I’ll kill myself so fuck it”. I went with it since it’s not an RMNA shot and won’t change my DNA. I was horrified, but chronic pain will make you do crazy things as I’m sure others here can attest. It’s a miserable existence where every day you take handfuls of pills just to get out of bed.

Anyways my point is not to cheer for the JnJ. My point is not that you should get it (don’t give in). Hell my point isn’t even that I don’t regret it, b/c to some small degree I may at times. My point really is that I’m not convinced JnJ is part of the population control plan. I’ve had zero issues and feel no different that before. I was told by many fellow anons that I was going to die after 30 days, after 60 days, after 90 days, and after six months. But here I am today. Maybe I’ll die after a year? If I do I deserve it, but at this rate I’m not worried about it happening.

PatriotFL1978 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thank you. In the recent months I have taken a large step back in order to preserve my marriage and family. I have been posting on this (and other related) sites way less, gave up red-pilling those close to me, and reduced the amount of time I spend researching by probably 80-90%. I’ve accepted that if the Q and the storm are real, it will happen regardless of how much time and effort I devote. If it ever happens and I’m proven right, great, everyone will see I was correct all along. If the storm never comes then at least I won’t lose my marriage and family over it.

PatriotFL1978 1 point ago +2 / -1

Honestly it has been a net negative. My life was “better” before Q. Sure I was asleep and part of the matrix, but my marriage and family life were much happier many times over. I’ve never been able to redpill my wife or kids, they just write me off as crazy. My social circle was much larger and more fulfilling. I’ve lost countless friends over politics, some of who I genuinely miss and long to reconnect with. But that will never happen unless either I leave the movement, or the storm actually comes true, which at this point who knows.

Regardless, I am beyond grateful for all the things I was woken too. I cannot write that off or minimize that benefit in any way. The big question to me now is when/if the storm is really coming. There’s a big part of me that feels the likelihood slipping away as the months and years pass. If Q couldn’t have Hillary arrested while him and DJT were in control, there’s just no way he can do so while Dems are in control. I have a bad feeling the storm is going to drag on for many years before we see any real arrests or change

PatriotFL1978 0 points ago +1 / -1

Humble bragging about the vaxx yet again!!! I’m very disappointed in Trump here. For someone who supposedly knows the truth about the shot, he sure doesn’t help spread that truth. Anyone willing to overlook this isn’t being honest with themselves.

PatriotFL1978 1 point ago +2 / -1

It’s a medical machine similar to a tanning bed that uses technology beyond my understanding to heal all aliments. In some Q circles there is STRONG belief the deep state posses them for their use only and won’t release the technology b/c it would topple big medicine and big pharma. After a few days of research I’ve came to the conclusion is as real as NESARA / GESARA passing. Both seem to be nothing more than carrot on a stick frauds to keep people hopeful and hooked to certain PAYtriot channels

PatriotFL1978 1 point ago +2 / -1

This the position I have too. The guy promoting them in Q circles is a grifter and fraud. The odds he is delivering truth this time is little to none. Just more hopium to keep people donating.

PatriotFL1978 5 points ago +6 / -1

I did, but I snapped myself out of it. Find motivation, be it your spouse, kid, or whatever and get back on the horse. The fight with DS is going to be over anytime soon. It may be another decade. You simply can’t put your life on hold that long. My advice would be take a 30 day break from this and all other Q sites and just focus on your life. Don’t worry about the steal, the vax, or reinstatement. I promise you it will be refreshing. I dissappear from here all the time for 2-4 weeks. I do it b/c I need to remind myself there is a full life outside of the plan.

PatriotFL1978 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ahhhh thank you for the clarification! I am just so used to people trying to argue every point they don’t like. It’s the “Trump is speaking in code only when he says things I don’t like crowd” that I am used to arguing with every time I point out the facts.

PatriotFL1978 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don’t know how else to word it? His administration developed it. He took it. Melina took it. And since then he has on many occasions promoted it. Calling him compromised is fitting. Believing he is anything besides pro-vax at this point is gold metal mental gymnastics

PatriotFL1978 1 point ago +2 / -1

I commonly feel the same way, don’t beat yourself up over it! It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement, but the reality is we are no closer to over turning the election that we were the day after Election Day. One thing that helped me immensely was just giving up on Trump returning before 2024. If he does, great, it’s of course what I want, but I’m not counting on it. I got so caught up in the January, March, and June reinstatement theory’s that after June I had to give up for my mental health. As far as vax, all I can say is trump is human. He is not perfect. Vaccines are just one area where he is compromised, it’s really that simple.

PatriotFL1978 1 point ago +2 / -1

It’s dead. The audit has not and will not change anything with the exception of waking a few more people up. Decertification isn’t going to happen in AZ or any state for that matter. I hate it, I don’t agree with it, but Trump has alluded multiple times now to 2024. At this point many parties in the fight the fraud movement have turned into a literal fraud. Everyone wants more and more and more donations. However no matter how much we give, no state is remotely close yo the actual LEGAL ACT of decertifying. At best we have a few politicians demanding it, but nothing more

PatriotFL1978 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think this is a stretch. If Q posts and this broad and moldable, we can essentially twist any post to mean anything we want.

PatriotFL1978 1 point ago +2 / -1

I’d say it’s possible but unlikely. Regardless of how hard the medical community pushes the vaxx, they’re not going around secretly jabbing people. The only way that would occur is in a one-off rouge nurse situation. Essentially it would be an isolated incident, not a widespread strategy.

by BQnita
PatriotFL1978 1 point ago +2 / -1

I hate to be a negative Nancy but I can’t find proof of this anywhere (admittedly I’m at work and using google). Just bc some rando on Twitter says x happened doesn’t mean shit to me anymore. And even if it did happen, we all know it’ll get chalked up to a tech error and 2 weeks from now no one will be talking about it. I’m out of hopium for overturning the election. After Lindells symposium turned into an embarrassing 3 days of rambling and selling pillows, the AZ audit changing nothing, and all the other hopium along the way, I just can’t mentally handle buying in again without seeing hard and concrete proof.

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