Patriot_Grazer 2 points ago +2 / -0

pigs can be rum behind a single hot wire of they get trained to it. That's something I'm about to look into my self.

Maybe ask the farmer friend if he'd guide you into it?

Hope your farming endeavor goes extra well for you, friend.

Patriot_Grazer 10 points ago +10 / -0

Buy directly from farmers. Better yet, become a farmer. The demans is there just waiting to be met with supply. Make the big protein fucks feel it!

First and foremost, the USDA needs to leave direct marketers alone. Regulation and all need to go. The red tape is there solely to hold us down and let the big ones own the field.

Patriot_Grazer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Indeed it does. It's happening so fast I can hardly keep up. Get busy for 8 hours and I feel like i miss a lot.

Patriot_Grazer 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am struggling with this too. Just trying to understand.

Patriot_Grazer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Im so sorry for your loss. My mom's going thru it now. Also a retired RN. She's pretty faithful towards the doctors and such. Maybe has a 20% suspicion. Can't get her to take me seriously after she's seen first hand how terrible the system is.

Patriot_Grazer 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's crippled my parents. Just recently they've became open to the idea that the shots are causing the problems. Doctors can't pinpoint the issue. Non-epileptic seizures is what they said at first, recently they said that's not it. My poor mother is now incapable of enjoying a single day. Can't drive anymore. Can't remember shit. Most days she's nodding out, and it isn't a medication nod. She could sleep 20 of 24 hours half the week

Makes me want to fuckin sit down and throw my hands up So damn sad.

Patriot_Grazer 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's how we had to do in NC/TN/VA mountains. It was pretty much all privately funded. Road rebuilding, aircraft fuel and maintenance, basic human needs, all paid for by individuals or their small businesses from across the country. Feds fought it the whole way. They want you to leave the area. As citizens we can't afford to pay taxes and then have to pay to keep our neighbors alive during a crisis. Definitely not over and over and over again

If this doesn't stop in the next couple weeks, we don't have many options left.

Haven't read the article yet.

Patriot_Grazer 4 points ago +4 / -0

I got a few things for the kids in my family, and my parents, but that's it. Christmas' gift giving has gotten to be insane. Save all year to spend it all on others only to be broke come new years 🤪😜.

Consumerism and being materialistic does not appeal to me.

Patriot_Grazer 3 points ago +4 / -1

This will sound bad to many, but I figure current scripture has been changed greatly from the original writing. Much like our textbooks. Hopefully not though.

Patriot_Grazer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Joel Salatin was placed atop the USDA if i understood right.

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