PeaceThruPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Chlorine Dioxide Solution

PeaceThruPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ivermectin worked for me and my daughter at different times. I came down with a sore throat and chills. Took Ivermectin and felt 100% the next day.

My daughter also had a sore throat weeks later and took Ivermectin. She was fine the next day.

We are now taking Chlorine Dioxide MMS and CDS. Both water protocol and also via a nebulizer. CDS has already cured a sore throat in a couple hours.

PeaceThruPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not a lawyer, but I’ll through my hat in part-time if needed. IT Professional for over 25+ years. Leading Cloud, App, Infrastructure teams.

PeaceThruPrayer 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hope the white hats are watching all back doors into those tabulators. Majority of counties still using Dominion with the 4G backdoor.

PeaceThruPrayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please pray for the CA gov recall election today.

PeaceThruPrayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

True he just said “disinfectant” and wasn’t specific.

PeaceThruPrayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Chlorine Dioxide recent study as a CV19 solution:


PeaceThruPrayer 6 points ago +6 / -0

Our family has 5 boxes and 1 box is almost done after using it to treat a cough as well as a prophylaxis.

If you want a natural form of Quercitin… find a blackberry bush and try a blackberry leaf tea or tincture.

Blackberry Leaves and Flavonoids:

Blackberry and raspberry leaves contain a notable amount of flavonoid compounds. According to a 2004 study from the Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Bialystok in Poland, these leaves contain derivatives of kaempferol and quercetin, phenolic acids, triterpenes, mineral salts and vitamin C.

Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants. They have anti-inflammatory and immune system benefits.

The best-known flavonoids are quercetin and kaempferol which blackberry leaves contain. Due to their anti-inflammatory and immune boosting benefits, blackberry leaves are used to aid in healing sore throats, mouth sores, anti-aging, diarrhea, wounds and hemorrhoids.


PeaceThruPrayer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Taken by weight

A horse @1200 lbs uses the entire tube

A smaller horse @120 lbs is 1/10th or ~2 notches


PeaceThruPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you Cpleb! JudyPatriot also posted this. https://greatawakening.win/p/12kFGIZkyk/californians-take-action-today-a/

Posting my reply here here as well:

Attention to all - this applies to all no matter what race, party, or ideology. This means your children, your jobs, your freedoms will be taken away or severely restricted.

Also even if you did take the 1st or 2nd clot shots... you will be required to take booster clot shots containing mRNA spike protein producing toxins as well as graphene oxide which will continue to compromise your immune system and weaken your body.

It is obvious they are trying to gut and replace a transportation bill with these amendments. This is being rushed last minute before our elections on September 14th. This is also conveniently timed while attention is focused on foreign affairs.

AB455 is being pushed by liberals including Evan Low https://californiaglobe.com/section-2/another-gutted-bill-amended-to-compel-ca-employers-to-require-covid-vaccine-as-condition-of-employment/

Here in CA we are soon to be behind enemy lines. But if they can pass this here it could spread west.

September 8th, 2021 - 10AM CA State Capital Rally https://t.me/informedwithanthony/653

Donate: https://www.visforvaccine.com/oppose-ab455-rally-donate.html

Take a stand - hold the line if you can get there. If not we need your prayers and support. WWG1WGA

Thank you !!

PeaceThruPrayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you JudyPatriot for posting this. I was about to post and sound the alarm as well.

Attention to all - this applies to all no matter what race, party, or ideology. This means your children, your jobs, your freedoms will be taken away or severely restricted.

Also even if you did take the 1st or 2nd clot shots... you will be required to take booster clot shots containing mRNA spike protein producing toxins as well as graphene oxide which will continue to compromise your immune system and weaken your body.

It is obvious they are trying to gut and replace a transportation bill with these amendments. This is being rushed last minute before our elections on September 14th.

AB455 is being pushed by liberals including Evan Low https://californiaglobe.com/section-2/another-gutted-bill-amended-to-compel-ca-employers-to-require-covid-vaccine-as-condition-of-employment/

Here in CA we are soon to be behind enemy lines. But if they can pass this here it could spread west.

September 8th, 2021 - 10AM CA State Capital Rally https://t.me/informedwithanthony/653

Donate: https://www.visforvaccine.com/oppose-ab455-rally-donate.html

Take a stand - hold the line if you can get there. If not we need your prayers and support. WWG1WGA

Thank you !!

PeaceThruPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had a cough and slight chills and I took 2 notches of Ivermectin paste. The next day I felt 100% better. I took the same dosage for 5 days and each day my mucus went from a dark color to clear.

Now we just take it as a prophylactic as needed.

PeaceThruPrayer 3 points ago +3 / -0


Understand her love language https://www.5lovelanguages.com/

Understand her personality type and how it impacts her communication, stress, and conflict. Search MBTI or similar tests.

Since 911 I’ve been a researcher which has caused challenges in my family. There was denial in the beginning due to cognitive dissonance so I would back off.

Enjoy life! Go enjoy nature. Take a walk in God’s creation together. Find a walking trail nearby… go to a state or national park and unplug.

Find a good church that speaks truth.

by Chadfe
PeaceThruPrayer 3 points ago +3 / -0

So sorry for your loss. My parents all took the jab and now have magnified tremors, Auto Immune Disease, etc.

Praying for you: CA is red.

Find a CA church that speaks truth.


Reawaken tour hosted in Anaheim https://americanfaith.com/california-megachurch-pastor-partners-with-clay-clarks-reawaken-america-tour/

Destiny in Rocklin

Jack Hibbs

Join NCS51

Join EIP

PeaceThruPrayer 5 points ago +5 / -0

For those who have not seen this, there is research from Spain where they analyzed the components of the shots which they claim contains a nano chemical called graphene oxide (GO).

GO coincidentally causes symptoms such as loss of taste/smell, respiratory issues, etc.

GO is also found in PCR tests and masks.

GO is a toxin but has biosensor properties.

GO can be detoxed and thus the booster.

99% GO was also found with 1% mRNA in the jabs.


Also research Dr Jane Ruby w/ Stew Peters. https://t.me/stewpeters/4767

PeaceThruPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is timely given the class action:


PeaceThruPrayer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Research: Spanish research using electron microscopes reveal possible link to GO nano tech which has toxic affects on the human body very similar to CV19

More findings backed by research journals are being revealed daily it seems.

If true this connects a lot of dots.

PeaceThruPrayer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes deaths have jumped from ~30/day to ~300/day as VAERS is updated every Friday.

I understand the clinicians entering the data are backlogged as well.

PeaceThruPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I also believe in VAERS you will be able to search and find tinnitus as a symptom. I did this for an acquaintance who has severe tinnitus before and after the shot. It seems to have worsened after the shot.

Recent studies using electron microscopic nano materials in the shot are very concerning from doctors in Spain. Translation here. https://www.orwell.city/?m=1

PeaceThruPrayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agree… very under-reported. Recently 2 acquaintances died in their sleep suddenly. One due to seizures of unknown cause. Another 2 have had serious health issues including ER visits, Myocarditis, Auto-Immune treatment, eye bleeding, tremors, etc. All are un-reported as they have not associated cause as the shot.

PeaceThruPrayer 3 points ago +3 / -0

If 1% is reported… [Using 9k deaths reported] (https://www.openvaers.com/images/files/FridayOpenVAERSAlert07-09-21.pdf) the projection may be higher. This may be the case given hospitals are not associating the shot as cause of death and some life insurance will not cover for an experimental EUA shot driving further under reporting.

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