Pepe2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

We are trying to get them a very detailed list. Its not that hard. Finding their supporters is what is turning out to be difficult.

Pepe2024 33 points ago +33 / -0

That's only half of it. It was during the impeachment. So you had them hacking into the president's communications with his lawyer. Few things shock me anymore. This one did.

Pepe2024 11 points ago +11 / -0

Virginia also. I refuse to believe their governor tried to ban guns and they voted democrat.

Pepe2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

https://www.oann.com /ariz-audit-underway-officials-finding-signs-of-fraud/

I think the article was changed from the initial release. Even the link says it, which I think was original title of article.

Pepe2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didnt read it before it was changed. I assume it was that screenshot that everyone has been posting. I didn't even realize they left it in the link until I read someone else's comment. I had to check it out for myself and sure enough there it was. From what they said, the link matched the original title. I don't think people are posting fake news. I think they read the article and posted it. In the meantime, they changed the article.

Pepe2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

https://www.oann.com. /ariz-audit-underway-officials-finding-signs-of-fraud/

Its in the link.. lol they went back and changed the article to remove the part about finding fraud but they left it in the link.

Pepe2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think so. They are not wearing gloves. Possibly looking for creases. If they were watermarked, We don't know the method used. That watermark may only show up under that kind of light.

Pepe2024 8 points ago +8 / -0

It does look like everybody came see what was being found at that table.

Pepe2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw this on Alex jones show a couple days after election. It wasn't actually owen shroyer on his show. I 100 percent bought it. Then when nothing came of it, I basically swore off the whole show for putting out that bullshit when patriots were in such a state. I'm really hoping now that the guy knew what he was talking about.

Pepe2024 6 points ago +6 / -0

I also want that senate seat they barely won which would give control back to the republicans. I'm not their biggest fan right now but better than what has control now.

Pepe2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry I should have read the replies first. That has already been pointed out.. carry on :)

Pepe2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your math is wrong. It would only take half of that to give trump the lead... Assuming they were trump votes flipped to biden.

Pepe2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

His ruling should have been that since the state senate had supoened them that they have no standing and their claim is moot

Pepe2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would write everything down that you can remember while it is fresh in your memory. I'm assuming they gave you a formal write-up. Keep that also. You should also keep derailed notes with dates of things that happen at work from this point forward. If they want to play this game, then be better at it!