The Pituffik Space Base (formerly called Thule Air Base) in Greenland is officially acknowledged by the U.S. military. But I suspect there could easily be other hidden facilities too.
what's with chopping up Texas? I seem to recall that back in 1848 the USA and Mexico were arguing about which river constituted the Texas-Mexico border. is the idea that Trump is going to cave to the Mexicans on this point?
The Marines may be back to the Halls of Montezuma sooner rather than later.
well the Koran commands them to do it so what the heck did Christians expect?
glass or ceramic pans and baking dishes - many of them come with glass/ceramic covers to get the same effect as wrapping in foil.
no - and get rid of aluminum forks, spoons, knives too.
it amazes me all the seniors I see cooking with aluminum foil in the oven and then their relatives wondering why they get Alzheimers.
yeah like where's the guy who shot down the big bad Chinese balloon... get him to shoot them down!
There's a popular misconception that the Constitution's “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” requires us to accept Islam in the USA.
As the Q Group has repeatedly emphasized, the Declaration of Independence takes precedence over the Constitution and serves to delineate what activities the Constitution intended to permit and which to prohibit. Any religion that is hostile to the Declaration's emphasis on "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" runs counter to the American national spirit and therefore does not merit Constitutional protection.
The pilgrims most certainly did not come to North America for "religious freedom in general". They didn't come for the free practice of Islam or Buddhism or Zoroastrianism... they came to practice Christianity. This is one reason why Muslims in America think very little of the Thanksgiving holiday.
There needs to be a purge of Muslims in the USA but after decades of soy-based diet robbing the nation of testosterone and fluoride gunking up Christians' brains, I don't know that it will ever happen. Something has to be done, though... Europe is lost so it's not like we can just go back there.
at first I thought it might be one of the First Ladies ... but I don't see a match any known First Lady portraits.
it's true, nobody truly 'recovers' from myocarditis. The damage is permanent and tends to decrease lifespan.
Lynn Kitei became something of a local expert on the subject - I think she was teaching at a local college or something.
I remember there was a local newspaper reporter who got fired for reporting on it.
he probably neglected to get a mammagram too - Tim Walz educated me about the importance of that during the campaign.
In 1993 some college classmates and I arranged to meet several Pearl Harbor veterans in San Diego so that we might interview them and capture their own stories and recollections of the attack on audio tape. The vets were awesome and told us lots of things we had never read in history books. We transcribed all the interviews and donated these transcripts and the original audio tapes to the Honnold Library in Claremont, California. I've actually seen this audio tape archive referenced on some of the TV Pearl Harbor documentaries since then. I'm glad these veterans and heroes got their stories preserved for future generations.
this was pretty well-known among Pearl Harbor veterans by the early 1990s even. I had a chance to meet many of them in San Diego and yeah, they didn't think very highly of what FDR did to them and their shipmates.
I can see patriot forces in Canada agreeing to bring their 10 provinces into a combined republic with the USA, but with Mexico there are too many reasons for both sides to say no.
Language, history (Mexican-American War), crime, attitudes toward socialism and welfare... Mexico and the USA are just too different and Mexico would be a burden to the U.S. Plus we'd have to deal with generations of Mexican 'freedom fighters'.
same with Cuba. With all the money we've spent taking care of their people who couldn't or wouldn't tolerate the communist govt there any longer, the price Cuba ought to pay is to lose its sovereignty and become a U.S. state.
it's like in baseball, they teach the kids that Jackie Robinson was the first black player on an otherwise white team in 1947. Nonsense! There were mixed race professional baseball teams in the 1880s, until the Democratic Party pressured the team owners to separate teams by race.
Cuba should forfeit its sovereignty and be made a U.S. state for all the expense it has caused the American people, having to take in a third of the island as 'newcomers'.
the vitamin K only really makes sense in the case of a natural birth that was difficult or traumatic to the baby. for a C-section, vitamin K makes no sense at all.
also, there are two types of vitamin K out there and naturally, they use the more dangerous type to inject into the newborns.
it can be transmitted other ways... such as dirty silverware in a restaurant. This is a common way it's spread in Asia, dirty chopsticks. That's why many people bring their own chopsticks to restaurants there.
it's important to have an ally in the hospital in the hours/days after giving birth who will help you ensure the baby isn't whisked away for a vax while mom sleeps. Can be your husband, your mother, your sister.... but somebody who will monitor the nurses and keep needles out of the baby except possibly for a blood test.
The nurses try to take advantage of mom's exhaustion in the hours after childbirth so it's really important to have a gameplan in place before driving to the hospital on delivery day.
The nurses in the maternity ward insisted the vaccines are safe... I said my first kid had a bad reaction to the Hep B shot as an infant and my pediatrician recommended we delay vaccines till the baby is 6 months old... not really true but it placates them and they think you are not totally anti-vax.
They made me sign forms to bring the baby home without vaccination, the head nurse yelled a bit, I just let her speak her mind, I just wanted to get my baby home safe...
Two and a half years later, my unvaxxed child has only had minor sniffles and cough, no serious diseases. Planning to homeschool her when she's older.
I don't live in the U.S. but yes, I was able to avoid it... in the hours after my most recent baby was born, I told the nurses we won't be doing any vaccines before taking baby home... had to watch them like a hawk and accompany the baby for blood tests to make sure they didn't vaccinate on the sly.
I think that is part of it - Greenland has a lot of the rare earth elements that we currently depend on China to sell us. And quite possibly it's foreseeable that they will refuse to sell them to us in the future.