Can't hide behind all the bs in big bill-which this was a portion--every senator will be seen as bs for supporting this on its own--do you want this done to the American people?
This is an attack on the young man--he is obviously praying-could be finishing his own prayer-all the emotion --not kneeling shouldn't be even considered --he is clearly broken up
Routine hits like Monday night happens countless times in a high school football game--tackle was not the same as getting hit by baseball or hockey puck
Karen opportunities in grocery stores--studying products on shelf-Karen Karen loud and obnoxious waiting for shopper to move to allow them their 6 feet
My Walgreens closed-pharmacy on weekends now
I had a bumper sticker made and put on that message my truck--finally removed weathered paper and replaced with a punisher
As a Christian:
Let me ask-why did the Christians choose 12/25--clearly the bible says the spring was birthday--The pagans and man y others had for thousands of years celebrated the coming of the winter --I believe we horned in on the date -similar to the Celtic cross--12/25 perhaps arbitrarily selected
Any day would be fine with me-We lose focus when we criticize others for celebrating on day we selected -focus on the birth of Christ whenever it was
Why post either AP or UPI here
absolute bullshit-Dr writes a script they fill it--none was illegal drugs It is RINO-no personal responsibility--is it Coors fault that someone is an alcoholic?
Yet again -non elected people making life and death decisions for us
Indicate that he is fining God
Point made--cost Florida significant money to provide basic services-formerly undergone by Disney--this is what is being negotiated
Conspiracy community growing-treated as such by same frightened moderators
My wife says the metal in the vax is the culprit when exposed to 5G--how it affects purebloods another matter
I helped a number of friends to quit smoking tobacco--a hint--buy the small bottle of canker medication from drug store-has small amount of lidocaine--when withdrawing from nicotine and just seems unbearable just about to fold place a drop of the lidocaine on gum -will numb for a few seconds--this has been the small assist that has helped my friends in quitting
Me as well as Alice Cooper another Arizonian-39 years sober
Remember all the shit you have been through drying out especially the first days will of been for nothing if you don't with help of God stay sober
Bitch-who I thought had our interests at heart--- turned and ran like greased pig
She is a veteran--when did this shit happen?
I live in Prescott-she lives in Chino Valley--16 miles north--she has a barricade-traffic cone business --her ex runs Fann Contracting a big paving company--she chose to keep his name when divorced-at least 10 years ago- She has nothing to do with paving business. Her and Ken Bennet let down the whole country--I believe they got bought off just when blood was starting to show--have spoken to both many times (before the audit-not since) --The way they quit can't be explained--They are responsible for inflation and shit shape the world is in--they quit on all of us
indicates that they have gun s and know how to use
I live with Karen Fann and Ken Bennet --As Trump would say --"They choked" or were bought off--in their collapse after a great start (fake?) Ken and I reside in Prescott Az-15 miles north is Karen's town Chino Valley
I have spoken to them both--great actors--great at talking MAGA -but ultimate disappointment---They found the cheating early on -had historical opportunity to disinfect Az elections and affect the whole country or world-could of snipped it in the bud--Fucking Anti American losers. Arizona is a solid RED state just crooked Dems controlling election.
Hotel California was about lifestyle--cocaine ruined The Eagles
written on 5th grade level
Extra weight makes him look even worse--will never be accused of toxic masculinity--he allegedly has children--he doesn't seem able