PreserveMF -1 points ago +3 / -4

Keeping political Islam at bay is enough of a task, besides numerous other goals some benefiting for us some being questionable. Israel and those who led to its inception both jew and non Jew understood how important that is to have buffer in the heart of all the Islamic states. which we always have as a base if certain events would occur not to mention the regions close by are extremely important for trade something like 25% of world trade. Would you like to give that up?

I wonder how JFK felt about the issue, he must of been wary of Israel but surely understood its importance.

PreserveMF 2 points ago +2 / -0

God bless them. It's clear that the events that lead up to and results of the Assad overthrow have been caused by Turkish assets. Those in power are assumed to be propped up Turkish armed forces wether they are secular or not is the question as would make it clearer why Christians are being persecuted.

PreserveMF 2 points ago +2 / -0

So you destroy Israel who takes controls the crazy whahabs? Muslim brotherhood? Some crazed modern Shia sect like the hashassins from the 12th century looking alot like Hamas? How about we give it to Iran. The logic behind we must get rid of Israel reminds me much of a lefty logic of never thinking it through.

PreserveMF 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think many on here have been mislead. Sure elements of Israel have hindered us and will be squared up, people forget the whole purpose of Israel is to have a a rock solid base there and to be a buffer, I do think if we hadn't helped establish there state we would be much deeper in wars with surrounding forces. I I don't think q or trump has ever intended the destruction of Israel. Saving for Israel for last has multiple meanings. It's interesting to see who is anti Israel, so the far left now are almost full blown anti Semitic about it, and we have the element of us that have always blamed them for alot of history's evils following he money etc.

It's an interesting alliance

I however back the rational 40000 view and trump will use Israel and get your hard earned dollars back or out to good use helping America prosper.

PreserveMF 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha hey patriotic Australians have a voice too we are in the trenches

PreserveMF 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yes because that would be civilians that most likely left after the ottomans took over or after because the british took it in 1917 or left previously because the roman rule or maybe the Egyptian purged them or maybe Noone is native timo that area. The current rulers ie Hamas are iranian so Shia Muslims they have little business there as we do.

PreserveMF 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are already getting attacked by them and you have since America's conception fighting the Barbary wars. To misunderstand geopolitics is your own predicament. President Trump will a new meaning to nationalism and he has only said he will put America first. Building a canal is 100% America's interest as 25% of world trade commences through here. Why would it not be in America's national interest. Just because other warmongering parasites at conducted money laundering and other illegal non America first type conflicts dosent mean every foreign move patriots make is globalist.

PreserveMF 3 points ago +3 / -0

Defiantly building a new canal, why not will destroy the Muslim brotherhoods grip

PreserveMF 2 points ago +2 / -0

People dont understand how to defeat the Muslim brotherhood and effect game strategy. They would rather guzzle up the anti trump propaganda masqueraded as a bullshit human rights word vomit soup. Trump is for peace although our peace is different to there's it includes being secure.

PreserveMF 4 points ago +4 / -0

America will be a great empire, and the power will be the American peoples. It has up until this point been run by a cabal and foreign policy was to benefit that foriegn entity. Now it will benefit the Americans. Controlling this area is of extreme importance.

PreserveMF 4 points ago +4 / -0

America first still means having effective foreign policy you tweeb how else would America return/stay on top.

PreserveMF 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sorry but Q didn't say saving Palestine for last.

PreserveMF 8 points ago +8 / -0

The last line in post refers to Panama rulers not getting away with allowing China to run it.

PreserveMF 3 points ago +3 / -0

Correct, it's been great not having to send as many of our warriors to fight the desert people and making them the buffer for us.

PreserveMF 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes but there's the Anglo global order, which mind you we have been witnessing having a civil war as we get rid of the deep state but the new order, there will be one. It has to be us not them. Globalism is the enemy but only there globalism. The rule of nature dictates there will never truly be a one order as many will always exist to challenge that one order. That law being God's law. If there are motives of this global order where the ideologies are a threat against our way we have to fight that global order and in doing so counter it appropriately. I believe this is why trump and his allies are referring to the Q plan which is a worldwide plan wether you like it or not.

PreserveMF 0 points ago +1 / -1

A business has to grow and empire has to grow other wise it decays it's just the way things are

PreserveMF 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not every German soldier subjected the Jews to genocide. All efforts didn't go to an subjecting the Jews.

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