Fake and gay.
That’s shortsighted and an easy way out
This feels oddly personal while easily ignoring folks on like Randall Carlson or Jordan Peterson.
Did this man just discover the power of nofap?
Who put the pedo swirls on it?
Case denied.
The court is not going to save America.
And here we are.
No as in the girl depicted isn't supposed to be her or confused for her 😄
It's not supposed to be her...
Imagine armchair doctoring this much and getting it totally wrong 😂
Isn't that why you work too? The money?
The main cause of athiesm today is christians like yourself.
Thank you for all that you do for the board fren
u/Catsfive you know better than this :(
Fake AF
Why do we let this shit degrade board quality?
I didn't delete anything. You're showing divison, read the sidebar.
My comment stands and will stand. Thinking SCOTUS is any sort of remedy is hilarity at its finest.
Huge rush to jump to conclusions with this; the rush to do so is pretty sad based on everything you've been lied to about literally everything.