Amen to this, as well as the fact it's basically a very unsubtle, on-the-nose whack at "evil white men in positions of power having ownership over women's bodies."
Every man in the show is either an evil psychopath or a gutless simp, and of course the only happy couples were the interracial ones.
A teaspoon of propaganda is tolerable for every cup of entertainment but this show is basically a pinch of entertainment for every ounce of propaganda.
The name is the same, Utopia. I think the Amazon prime has edited and removed some scenes from the original, so if you dont have any issues streaming/tormenting I'd reccomend that.
It's definitely a million times better than the amazon remake, and as mentioned beautiful cinematography and colour palettes, acting can sometimes leave a bit to be desired but would recommend.
CNN has been hemorrhaging money for years, it's a profit black hole. The reason its kept around is because its AT&T needs a ministry of truth (read: propaganda), so they really dont care how much they're in the red, its staying up.
Firstly, most modern ships (especially ones that large carrying millions of dollars of goods) have automated systems to assess damage to the important parts and alerts engineers.
Speaking of Engineers, theres at least a few on a private YACHT, this is a huge commercial carrier which means most likely the majority of the crew are engineers, and they definitely have diving/SCUBA equipment on board to assess damage. What if something happened in the middle of the ocean? You wouldnt sit around twiddling thumbs hoping for a country to send a team out "next week."
Currently the ship is approx 2Nmiles away from the nearest part of the coast and if it managed to make it through the main canal and most of the lake then the likely call would have been for it to continue up the next (much shorter) branch canal so it could reach the Ismailia port for repairs.
Also on the location of the ship, if they were worried about the hull why would they not anchor up once they were immediately in the Great Bitter Lake (theres even a little gulf they could have gone in) and out of the way of traffic? Why continue almost to the other end of the lake before stopping?
Nothing this ship has done, or continues to do backs up your claim about potential hull damage. If it was severe enough to stop them moving they wouldnt just be sitting ducks in the middle of the lake, they would have been towed to the port, or at worst to the coast so the cargo and people could be salvaged. It's an intentional stop, nothing to do with damage to the hull.
In terms of the message it's trying to convey and how much information is needed to absorb it is short.
Theres another documentary about the same thing which lasts about 4.5 hours. This is the average length of a sitcom episode
Ok so as someone who was part of the original Wayfair threads when it was being found on Reddit I was a little sceptical at this post, and I definitely feel more digging is necessary rather than just finding an expensive piece of furniture that matches the name of a missing child.
First of all, Redellin Mcfall went missing on August 16, 2020, not in January of this year as OP has stated. Secondly, a 40k rug isnt really all that unheard of, there are rugs that can easily reach 6 figures because of all the effort and time that goes into making them.
If you reverse image search the photo of the rug only one link is found, to a site called Modern Rugs where the posting is from 2017. the prices on this site are only slightly lower than that of Wayfair, ranging up to 35k(ish) depending on the dimensions of the rug. What's interesting to note however, that weird message of "feel the fear and do it anyway" isnt found on here at all.
Another important thing to note is that on Modern Rugs the designer is credited as 'Christopher Fareed', however on Wayfair his name is nowhere to be found. All you can find is Brayden Studios, which, after doing a search on, links you to another furniture store called ALLMODERN. Searching this Brayden brand on here you find that the most expensive item is a $4,000 ottoman couch, far cheaper than the $40k rug from their wayfair site.
Finally one of the other ways of searching in the original wayfairgate scandal was to Yandex search the src found on the item (e.g. src USA W___________). When doing that with this rug you once again find photos of young children, including the first one being a very young girl posing in a bikini. I havent linked it here because it's pretty gross to think of, but you can do it yourself.
Overall theres definitely something suspicious about the listing of the rug, but please always remember to do extensive research on your own, and not just take posts like this at face value.
This is a bit of a dichotomy for me. On one hand I've always said you dont have to hate the art just because the artist is a bad person. I still used to listen to Michael Jackson when everyone thought he was a pedophile, Michaelangelo also loved little boys, John Lennon beat his wife and kids etc...
On the other hand, with actors its damn near impossible to look at their faces without feeling unbridled rage, especially since they're aware of what's going on and actively partake in it.
I guess for me I just try my best to disassociate the individual with the entertainment, otherwise you literally cant watch/listen/appreciate anything (Disney is something I cant forgive though, and every show I watched growing up has now been ruined). All the modern stuff is woke leftist shitshows, and all the golden old stuff is being tainted with what the actos/producers/network have done.
It's a zero sum game.
I'm pretty sure the Cabal has always had its hand in any media that reaches the masses, it's just the narrative has now shifted and enough progression has been made that they are at their endgame.
Before it was about making stuff that romanticized and glorified war because they needed public support for the MIC, then they started making James Bond and Spy thrillers to propagate the intelligence services and make them revered. Now they make shows and films about globalisation and the elimination of national identity as a futuristic utopia that we should strive for.
Its damn near impossible for content creators to not let their bias slip into their work, but as one the best and most redpilled comedians today said, "It should be a teaspoon of propaganda for every cup of entertainment. The problem now is it's a cup of propaganda for every teaspoon of entertainment." And that's why people notice it more now.
True, but a great quote is:
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently oppressed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
Personally I heard jokes about the illuminati long before anything else, but it still made me better aware of who they were as a general concept when conspiracies were coming to light.
Exactly, it's an initiation. It shows the world that they're compromised and under the thumb of the DS.
Most likely once they get the blackmail footage sorted out they give the individual a black eye and organize a public appearance, so everyone else involved is aware the ritual is done.
Any organised religion is the wrong one, you dont need tax-exempt groups who thrive off donations in order to find salvation.
The switch from atheism to believing in God starts internally, begin reading scripture, begin praying. It's not an overnight transition where you wake up believing in the existence of God, it takes time and lots of introspective growth.
I dont think shes alive, chances are she didnt even survive the year she got abducted. The most famous missing child of the century would be too much of a liability to keep alive.
I also dont hope shes alive, having to endure that sort of sadistic torture for over a decade is too much.
If you're going to challenge the post you know you could take the time it took you to write this comment to visit the website and check for yourself? Joke.