PurityIsParamount 5 points ago +5 / -0

And this is why I will never pull my punches with homos, even those claiming to be on our side, and will always desire them to be deported back to where they came from.

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +2 / -1

Drugs are fake and gay and getting high regardless of the drug is fake and gay. As to your assertion that alcohol is universally accepted, that's only really true in the West. In the middle-east and large swathes of Africa because of Musselman culture, it's really not and ranges from making you into a person non grata regardless of consumption levels to actively suffering criminal penalities like gayness, pretending women are the equal to men, and pretending foreigners are the equivalent to the natives . Alcohol as something to be consumed for recreation has no health benefits and many, many, many health detriments and society detriments that ultimately outweigh it's use for fun and I would've voted so hard for prohibition the ballot would have exploded like what's probably going to happen to a the ballots in AZ soon enough to hide all the election cheating.

PurityIsParamount 2 points ago +5 / -3

Ah yes, the old 'gays are born, not made' nonsense that this paper literally throws in your face as not being true as the whole purpose is to manufacture gayness. Even when confronted with the proof of it's existence, the homo is such a homo he clings to his homeness and refuses to stop. Good thing then you will inevitably be thrown to the ash heap of history and removed from civilized society if you keep behaving like an animal.

PurityIsParamount 2 points ago +2 / -0

Big, right move tomorrow. Big, RIGHT move. We've done everything we can short of burning the place down like the left is doing, so if President Trump is trying to avoid that by any one, we need a big, right move tomorrow. Literally if he just says there was fraud and shows charts and things, I'd be happy. Things that won't make me happy involve running a new 2024 campaign or a new party. Literally anything aside from these subject matters and I could get by.

PurityIsParamount 2 points ago +2 / -0

Predictably what happens when you do an infantry only run against someone with a maxed out superior firepower doctrine and more arty than they know what to do with.

PurityIsParamount 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is all predicated on the idea that the military actually does something because we've literally done everything we could and they haven't done half of what we have or endured half of what we have.

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wrong on many levels, as annoying as the Russkies are. At least in Russia, you can call a man a woman without any fear.

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well obviously we're not a democracy, we're a constitutional you Ivan idiot.

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +1 / -0

If military is the only way, what's taking so long?

PurityIsParamount 9 points ago +9 / -0

Probably after the Russians slap them and send them packing.

PurityIsParamount 10 points ago +10 / -0

Arizona pedes better yell their displeasure till the enemy's ears fall off.

PurityIsParamount 2 points ago +3 / -1

Gee, I wonder why Christians would hate Arab supremacist heretics who deny the divinity of Christ, deny the trinity, deny salvation by faith alone and the eternal security that comes with that, and who believe in a works based salvation so intense that eating the wrong thing would be enough to condemn you without an out. To speak nothing of the various cultural issues which are honestly more important for most people like naive folks like you than the far deeper theological and philosophical issues at play.

Just because the cabal loves using past grievances for their own ends doesn't mean those past grievances aren't legitimate and very, very, deep.

As for me, I'm more than willing to let Islam be Islam... Over there. Where it belongs. With a Truman style doctrine of containment to keep that sickness from spreading. Over here? In America? In the west at large? You get deported right back where you came from and take your prayer rugs with you.

PurityIsParamount 2 points ago +3 / -1

Baby murder is wrong. Period. Don't like it, get it deported. We don't need people who think baby murder is okay. We're already suffering so much because we tolerate it.

PurityIsParamount 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's not overcrowded. It just needs some infrastructure investment. Hard to get I know without corruption, but Florida has plenty of space and financials for the support of a much larger population. It just needs roads and things that can handle that population.

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