NO. That's plain ignorance and a non-sequitur on your part.
The FISA warrants weren't legal because the FISA COURT was lied to.
Note that a grand jury is NOT the same as a FISA court, btw. They have different purposes and standards. HOWEVER, it isn't legal to lie to a grand jury, either. BUT, that's not what is being discussed here. So, take your strawman and go away. FAR away....
Because this is NOT the purpose of a grand jury.
It is NOT a trial. Ergo, arguing "no defense" is downright ignorance and misinformation.
Let the whack-job out of control DA make mistakes. Sun Tzu would be proud.
It's a bad look for Trump to be screwing around with a grand jury, too.
You can argue that, BUT, you would be ignoring the understood purpose of a grand jury. So, I really don't think it's going to change now. AND, it's been working pretty well for decades if not centuries.
This post is borderline misinformation. Not a good look for us.
Let the enemy make their mistakes... don't stop them.
Its NOT silly. This post is the one making a mountain out of a mole-hill.
Which in turn is BAD OPTICS for this board, AND for Trump and the Right.
If this somehow gets to trial THEN it will look bad for the left.
Messing with a Grand Jury isn't a good look. Letting an out of control DA screw himself is a better strategy. Never stop the enemy when they are making a mistake.
This is BS.
A DA is not LEGALLY obligated to show exculpatory evidence to a GRAND JURY.
In a regular trial, yes, that is required. But, NOT for a grand jury.
Nothing. NOTHING... to see here.
Have had similar thoughts...
I think Q is REAL, that there is a plan, and mostly that the plan is going well. Things could (should) be a LOT worse.
I also think the plan is not perfect.
In particular, I believe the plan will not actually change anything in the LONG run.
This is because the "Tree of Liberty" MUST be watered with BLOOD from time to time.
This isn't dooming or hating. I just believe that this is NECCESSARY. Without it evil cannot be pushed back in ANY meaningful manner. Without it people don't have that real "OH shit" moment where they realize that everything MUST change or that they PERSONALLY will die. There won't be any real sorting of the wheat from the chaff without it. If those tough times are avoided (kicked down the road), then we will never grow strong.
So, I think "The Plan" is wrong to avoid civil war / revolution. Yes, civil war would suck, and people above my pay grade have decided this is to be avoided. But, I suspect within a decade or less of any success we will be right back in the frying pan, possibly all the worse because we've allowed the enemy to live to fight another day.
So, you're not wrong. But, you're not in charge either. For the sake of you own mental health... Enjoy the movie.
The tracks being intact right after that derailment is impossible.
However, I wonder if they got repaired QUICKLY.
Yes, this seems unlikely, but depends on when this pic was taken? I could see them making a huge priority out of the getting the tracks fixed.
Yeah... this is pretty sus...
Weakening field is related to the mechanics of the magnetic pole flip. This in itself will be catastrophic. The timing is unknown - could be a century, or tomorrow. But, they tell you this to keep you disarmed. The weakening field IS happening NOW, and it's rate of collapse is accelerating. It's causing the craziness and health problems that we are seeing NOW and it will keep getting worse.
We will likely experience solar flares that will blast our civilization back to the stone age. Crap shoot as to if these will be before or after the pole flip (or both). On top of the fact that we may very well EMP ourselves first.
And, if one of these "flares" is of the solar "micronova" class, then we will experience a further catastrophe not unlike the great flood - crustal and ocean displacement, bombardment by impactors blasted from the Sun, etc. Some, including many scientists (in the classical sense: teaching, publishing, doing research, etc.), believe that this could happen within 2-3 decades.
Keeping society chugging along is the only option. But, evil will never let a crises go to waste. This is the REAL reason for everything that is happening right now.
Not exactly.
People that know, and have sufficient resources, are attempting to survive it.
But, the weakening field is only part of what's coming...
I've been saying this for a LONG time...
Covid-19 is fake.
The vaxx is fake.
It's all fake.
Designed to distract EVERYONE from the FACT the Earth's protective magnetic field is weakening.
The "sudden" deaths, the craziness, the animals weirding out, the violence... it's all because of the weakening field.
They can't tell us... just as they wouldn't tell us an asteroid was headed our way... because society would collapse.
They must keep us busy, and distracted.
Read the Chan Thomas book. Read about the NASA guy they fired for publishing the last report on the weakening magnetic field. And, so much more...
Watch the water.
Trying to find a way to hide the minor that was trafficked to the house?
If you believe we are watching a movie, including all of it being one big STING (election sting, war sting, economy sting, etc.) then it makes sense that Trump is setting up the enemy, including as many non-maga republicans as possible, so that they are left "holding the bag" when the storm arrives.
That's why he SEEMS to be associating and even promoting the "wrong" conservatives... he's taking advantage of their weaknesses - ego, lust for power - and setting them up for the fall.
And now well employed as Chief Executioner at GITMO.
... Marxists. (aka "Useful Idiots')
So, what you are saying is that you've done a better job this year of NOT letting the federal government take as much out of each paycheck.
Keep up the good work! You're on the right track!
The vax that Biden is handing out, and tried to make mandatory... is NOT Trump's (military) vaxx.
Nobody's asking the right questions...
Trump claims credit for HIS vaxx. Not big pharma's vaxx.
Reading between the lines, learning the comms, etc., is very necessary.
Solar micronova, crustal displacement.
Or, ya know... just plain ol' global thermonuclear war?
Don't forget... Obama "gave away" the Internet.
Starlink is DARPA attempting to fix this shit... Worldwide.
Srsly... No nsfw, any warning at all???!! Wtf
No blood?
Would be great if this chat was available to download all in one PDF. Tx
Meat sauce?
NO, don't be obtuse.
What I AM implying is that your theory is untenable. How would we know which is when? It's completely impossible for Trump to operate in such a manner... it would only sow confusion.
Now, what is actually happening - if you pay attention - is that Trump does participate in disinfo... but, there has ALWAYS been a Q post to indicate and support such an action. BUT, that's not what you said, so I was pointing out the absurdity of it.
It's not the job of a grand jury to consider exculpatory evidence. A grand jury is NOT a trial.
Screwing with a grand jury process is NOT a good look for Trump. This post is making it worse and making the board look stoopid.