QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

What do the mods say about a not safe for great awakening.win (NSFGAW) daily thread where we can have unmoderated discussions?

A place we can go to unpack the things that are not allowed to be unpacked with our family and friends here at gaw?

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dang. Low 3's where I am at and that price pisses me off.

On a side note, I can't wait until all these electric car driving freaks realize that their 500 unit apartment complex with outdoor parking will never pay the piper to allow them to charge their cars.

QDay -2 points ago +2 / -4

Good point Ranger.

Lots to be tired about. The notions of disinformation is necessary etc just lends to what is really real and what is fake?

If those we are supposed to trust cannot even be trusted at their words and guidance what is the point?

This whole plan is a giant mess just like our politicians.

I dont put any faith in any military saving the day. That is a socialist type of action and unless Q is a socialist I dont see that ever being part of the plan.

The plan in my mind is up to us to fullfill - we thought our plan was to wake people up but now we all look like crazies for falling into traps like Biden is not POTUS, Biden is wearing a mask etc etc.

So what is our next movement to do? We have been discredited. How do we save face at this point?

QDay 0 points ago +2 / -2

We in the storm yet frens?

Feels pretty stormy and the plan is not for everyone. Anyone really enjoying the plan? The comfy memes were only fun for a few months but now they are pretty old and lost their luster.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am familiar with the disinformation is necessary post. It calmed some waters for awhile when people were expecting the booms and arrests of the swamp. At this point into the timeline - there has been no significant arrests or anything to hang a hat on outside of a few minor deltas that could be mere coincidence.

What is not a coincidence is that the world is a fucking mess and the ones that we put so much hope in are peddling a deceptive narrative that no one can make sense of. If patriots are in control why are those who are following them made out to be a delusional cult of crazies?

Patriots are now being locked up with sentences of murderers. Gitmo has plenty of space and I think we are all wondering if those cells will be filled with Patriots and Qanons.

QDay 6 points ago +8 / -2

All Q engagement is at an all time low. Q disappeared.

General has abandoned his troops on the field.

Swamp is on full display and those who have awakened are seeing that the rest of society has clearly become possessed by demons but any further effort to try and awaken them has been met with deception to make those who are awake out to be the fools / crazies.

Not much left to fight for at this point. We are all abandoned and starting to question our sanity in this information war. Unless a backed up effort is established for a declass we are left like the Vietnam troops of Saigon.

QDay 0 points ago +3 / -3

Yeah sure... in an information war those who are part of the plan are now giving misinformation. That is such bull shit. Talk about deception at the highest level. So we should just ignore the obvious and cherry pick what we like when we like it and ignore the things that are blatantly in our faces from folks who tell us individuals should not be trusted.

QDay 0 points ago +3 / -3

Kash laid it out clearly - Musk is not an ally of Trump.

Musk simply is trying to save face and realizes the collective mass of people is turning on the elite. I dont trust him for a second.

He is against 2A and wants strict gun control.

Sure... he can call foul on somethings but he is a swamp creature like the rest. Be careful with him.. as he has an agenda and is not for us but himself.

QDay -6 points ago +1 / -7

Having a guy who has literally become the richest man on the planet from our taxes complain about income taxes is a bit annoying. Musk's networth was only made possible by the government and his constant dick sucking of the NWO agenda that he buys into.

QDay 10 points ago +10 / -0

Basically they are making an announcement on Wednesday of major crimes. The worthless house republicans fear that our injustice department will indict Hunter on minor charges like failure to pay child support and then seal all the major crimes they have discovered before Wednesday.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

This has been on full display - think about how the slave party (e.g. democrats) convinced everyone that the parties switched sides. Insane.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

All my posts are disappeared due to the ban but there wasn't anything that is not already openly discussed or in violation. Not sure what triggered it.

QDay 10 points ago +10 / -0

Remember when they suicided Epstein in a maximum security prison and the camera's magically were all down?

I remember.

QDay 6 points ago +6 / -0

Candidates ran under MAGA agenda and promised to impeach Biden on day 1. Yet they keep saying they have the evidence but then counter themselves and say they are still investigating more evidence. Fucking impeach him already!!! There is enough evidence to proceed. Hell, there was enoigh evidence on that laptop to send him and many others to Gitmo for life - what additional evidence is needed?

Get it done already. In am tired to the harsh letters with no follow through from all of the GOP.

QDay 20 points ago +20 / -0

I am not liking this more and more each day...

The problem with the banks that are collapsing is that other banks that are known for being tied to the masters of jekyll island (e.g. Rothschild and crew) are gobbling them up. The fed reserv is also continuing to raise rates and drive banks into the ground.

All of the banks are soon to be controlled by the #1 enemy of the world.

by Kokonut
QDay 3 points ago +6 / -3

Its like this... The high functioning people who move society forward are critical thinkers & leaders. They are the innovators, the problem solvers, the ones who can hear about a problem and immediately go out of their way to solve it. These people are the ones who are awake and have spent their time and effort broadcasting that what is going on is not right.

Then you have the cogs. These people are not necessarily brain dead but they put no effort into anything other then to keep the wheel of the machine moving. They function but are not leaders or ones to step up to solve anything. They simply maintain the narrative that is shown to them and continue to parrot that narrative - never bothering to question it or put any real cognitive thought into it.

Then you have the brain dead sheeple. These people simply do not care. They have tuned out of everything and couldnt tell you anything informative about anything. These people are mostly the ones you see on comedy hour being interviewed in the street, asked about a certain historical event and have no clue.

Right now the problem is the high functioning folks who are leaders of society are crippled. They are all awake and have broadcast what they can to the cogs and brain dead sheeple. Right now the high functioning leaders of the world all look like complete morons for not following the narrative used on the sheeple. The cogs will happily get on board as soon as the cards are played if ever that takes place. But society is at a complete collapse because the ones who move this country forward are stuck in a state of disbelief and are crippled by the deception taking place.

QDay 24 points ago +24 / -0

Bingo! That has been my sentiment lately. We keep hearing from the die hards that we have to wake up the normies... that is now a stupid statement. IF the normies are not awake at this point they are in a comatose/vegetative state or fucking brain dead. Those people no longer matter.

Time to remove the life support and move on. Either this plan is real and needs to be executed now.. or we have been fooled.

Anymore waiting will lead to disengagement as folks are now trying to maintain their sanity and/or their family's and friends believe they are lunatics.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Practicing for their airshow to fly rainbow flags over Disney during Pride month.

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