QDay 5 points ago +5 / -0

How about anyone who received the vax can no longer operate any job, especially jobs related to national security.... bye bye military and all the people in executive government positions. Bye Biden. Bye congress. GTFO.

QDay 5 points ago +5 / -0

Idaho along with a bunch of other states go to war with the federal Gov and military because they are shipping illegal mexican orphans into the country.

It ends with the start of the war and the National Guards of many states having their soldiers executed by the US Gov Military on national news and everyone is in disbelief that they are now fighting eachother.

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

Phun is a turd. Dwac is a diamond.

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hope the normies pay attention to the vast differences between X & TS vs FB & Reddit.

It is not that X & TS are 'maga terrorist' social media sites BUT that the other sites are purely censored rats nests run by commies and their programmed bots.

TS & X are free speech sites where actual people express their views and opinions... the others are propaganda tools run by commies.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol. The 4-6% lost forever, post. May just be 4-6% lost forevever from the dem party. Yep.. years in the making to just get a few percent to flip sides.

QDay 7 points ago +11 / -4

Would be better if it actually ment something. Until then, another set of meaningless words.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

If one were to assume that Q was providing legit info, why would Q give the enemy that info?

If the enemy has that info, wouldn't they now know Hunter was a problem and take him out?

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

What are they protesting?

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its ridiculous that one unelected man had so much control over the world. That man also destroyed it.

QDay 9 points ago +9 / -0

During the last economic collapse, due to the housing crisis, the middle class were flipping dozens of homes at a time and had multiple houses to their names... todays middle class has no house and lives in a van or in a tent.

Thanks bankers!

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

In Nazi Germany, the thugs were rounded up and were actually the ones the SS used to keep the prison population under control, granted they were also prisoners but they received special privileges to deliver the blows and rat on the prisoners to the SS.

Let the scum democrats reap what they sow.

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

They will ignore it. They ignore everything that doesnt affirm that Trump is the biggest criminal of the universe... if you say otherwise then youre a right wing extremist terrorist.

QDay 1 point ago +2 / -1

So roughly when do the arrests start or become known? Im tired of info that is released pointing to what we have known for years... until this matters its like woopdie-do. Its just accepted as well we were right and so what? Moving on to the next set of crimes they are doing.

QDay 10 points ago +10 / -0

32 pages of fraud and thousands of affidavits. Millions of dollars raised to stop the steal. Millions of people protested peacefully on J6 to make their voices heard about a government willing to hand over its country to the cheaters. Hundreds in prison 3 years later for a false flag to solidify a stolen election. And what are our government agencies and elected officials doing? They are having gay sex orgies and acting like everything is perfect.

And the people are waiting on them to act, yet they are all fucking gay faggots having gay faggot orgies on our dime.

QDay 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is so sick and disturbing. Create the problem then make billions on the 'solutions'

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hitler was allowed to do his genociding. We must accept that what is going on today is also being allowed to happen. Brace yourselves for the next step. Dont get on the train car to the camp when the next phase starts happening.

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