Qaniso 2 points ago +2 / -0

kamala just lied and lied and lied, and the idiots will believe it.. I think this is setting the stage to just have everything exposed soon and in an irrefutable manner

Qaniso 14 points ago +14 / -0

100 %. it's Trump Tower 721 5th avenue

Qaniso 6 points ago +6 / -0

721 5th avenue, Trump Tower

Qaniso 2 points ago +2 / -0

good points

Qaniso 4 points ago +4 / -0

billionaires swing just like anyone else

Qaniso 1 point ago +1 / -0

So I've heard, but I'm not sure I believe it 100%. It may be a conflation of multiple things, however in the end it won't matter, if ivermectin can cure it, along with the parasites

Qaniso 5 points ago +5 / -0

My theory is that ivermectin, or some other anti parasite drug will be shown to cure monkey pox(which it should), and thus will be distributed, amongst everyone, curing not just monkey pox, but also curing them of being gay, and leftist

Qaniso 2 points ago +2 / -0

when biden started speaking, he said 4 Booms. I thought it was interesting

Qaniso 2 points ago +2 / -0

did anyone notice the 4 booms joe dropped near the beginning?

Qaniso 1 point ago +1 / -0

Inoffensive speech does not need protection. Any so called conservatives asking for her to be banned aren't friends.

Qaniso 2 points ago +2 / -0

there's a VR game called Journeys VR, made by cartoon network.. it is the most symbolic satanic, moloch crap i've ever played. it's free

Qaniso 10 points ago +10 / -0

ok so here's my crazy white hat theory. . It will be shown that Ivermectin . and fenbendazole can cure monkey pox (this is extremely likely to be true due to the nature of the virus) . Monkey pox is.. typically a "gay" disease. so a whole bunch of gays will get ivermectin to cure themselves.. whoopdee do right?

well it seems also that the Majority of gay people have Literal parasites, . something like 60% compared to a baseline of near zero for everyone else.

it has been Shown that cleaning up parasites (which obviously alter behavior) in gay people, Resets them to normal,, and they become heterosexual.. Not ALL but a large chunk of them would become heterosexual if they took ivermectin.

anyway that's my crazy prediction for next year

edit: in case you haven't seen this video, https://www.bitchute.com/video/7q7FazQca1bZ I trust Ivermectin more than turpentine.

Qaniso 1 point ago +1 / -0

i've been watching the dow, and things closely. on the five year delta of 1402 , the dow closed at $40,003.59 3+5+9 = 17 this was the FIRST time the dow had ever closed over 40k

and that would be the LAST day that the dow would close at 40k until the FRIDAY (JULY 12th) the DAY before the Trump assassination attempt. forbes says it closed at $40,000.90

I don't know what the .90 means if anything.

The Dow once again never closed above 40k until TODAY aug 14th. .

do I think the Dow value are Q coms,? yes. at least enough to get me to see what it closes at everyday.

so maybe tomorrow something crazy will happen.

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