Welcome to evil!!! "2001: A Space Odyssey" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARJ8cAGm6JE Predicted what computers might do to us a long time ago. Not the best clip to share, but what I found. LOL
I've lived in California all my life. I hate what they're doing to this state!! My enemies may deserve to die, but I'm NOT they're judge. NCSWIC! I'll let the military and/or GOD do that. Be careful who you wish dead!! Romans 2
Just like Cramer on MSNBC and too many others say. Just like what they did with Covid crap and everything else. If they promote it... it's a LIE! If they call it disinformation... it's TRUTH. Up is down and Down is up??? Babylon means Confusion. It's going to be Biblical!!
He posted a 4 1/2 min. video about 15 min. ago. https://twitter.com/MattWallace888/status/1636159977147572224?cxt=HHwWgIC9mZO157QtAAAA
To me a "paytriot" is someone in it for the money, mostly or only! Memes online are free. Memes on a shirt cost something because it's a physical item. I don't see any problem with covering the cost of a meme on a shirt. Doing it for the love of the mission and not the love of the money you can make. To the normies that can be reached, by a meme on a shirt, could be priceless.