QdaPeeps 4 points ago +4 / -0

God I SO hope this is true!

And Accurate.

I Pray for our Presidents well being every single day. All Day.

Without the Trumpster I'm afraid America is finished.

QdaPeeps 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ludacris and shameful. No word salad can make any of this make sense, except perhaps "severe mental illness"

QdaPeeps 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dare you to say that to Dan's face!

QdaPeeps 3 points ago +5 / -2

Dan is always the first one to tell you his show "is not for everyone". No hard feelings. If you don't like it, leave.

And please don't post with suggestions how he can improve for a wider audience. Just leave.

QdaPeeps 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree 💯,, especially the discussion warning!

I pray daily that none of this happens to our President or to Us.

My outlook swings on an incredibly large arc these days.

QdaPeeps 2 points ago +2 / -0


And then, anytime it's requested going forward. These folks have given themselves a license to steal and they feel NO guilt or shame in using it! None at all.

On top of that, they shame "us" for having the audacity to question them!

When I think about our Veterans, the homeless and our poor, and how different this whole country could be if it weren't for just a few thousand thieves and very selfish people, well, best to not even go there, at least not in Public.

QdaPeeps 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dominion made many Millions on 2020, but so did almost everyone else from poll workers to counters. And they are ALL still employed.

Many States are using the very same machines for 2024, the machines that connect to the Internet.

It would make a great comedy if it wasn't used to destroy the United States of America!

QdaPeeps 3 points ago +3 / -0

Happy Father's Day to all the great Patriotic Dad's in America!

Thank You for instilling Pride in our Great Nation, our Flag, our Constitution, and our Awesome Veterans (without whom we would not be here to celebrate) in your son's and daughters!

You are Loved and Cherished

QdaPeeps 2 points ago +2 / -0

Really? So the 44Billion is just MSM Rubbish? Damn, I guess we may never really know for sure.

I had not even questioned it until I read your post, but that does make a lot of sense.

QdaPeeps 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is so true. I came here to Thank Elon as well.

Being a part of Saving the World is no small thing!

Been thinking a lot about a New Mt. Rushmore for the New Heroes of our age.

QdaPeeps 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Availability", (especially of meat) is going to be the real problem very soon too.

I can grow a small garden of veggies but I can't raise my own "clean" beef and chicken.

They are going to try to starve us, that is only one avenue they are planning. The poisoning of our food supply channels is another. Beware of everything you purchase at the grocery store chains.

QdaPeeps 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same old, Same old!


Very hard to accept we are still playing these stupid games! It's absolutely infuriating!

QdaPeeps 10 points ago +10 / -0

Sure do! I remember MSdNC calling for the death penalty.

That's just so screwed up. Kyle is (was) a great kid, who has matured into a fine responsible young man.

Very proud of him!

QdaPeeps 3 points ago +3 / -0

How they can seek to destroy and vilify such a man as this only Proves how fucked-up these people truly are.

That he chooses to continue to fight for our Country and for "We The People" says everything we need to know about this man.

TRUMP 2024!!!

QdaPeeps 4 points ago +4 / -0

No! No! No!

Do we really want First Contact with some intelligent alien species to be with our mentally ill?

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