Qled 4 points ago +4 / -0

I work in clinical research

I think you need to get a new job. Research is fully infested by the Deep State and they're probably trying to convert you. Do you work with anyone who voted for Biden? They're probably a plant. We know the DS has its fingers in research because it seems like it is constantly backing the left agenda. They do this to make it hard to argue, because when you disagree, it makes us look unscientific. I don't even bother with so called "statistics" anymore, I don't think we can really trust anything besides our gut feeling.

Qled 3 points ago +3 / -0

But why would President Trump give such a stirring eulogy for a someone like that? I mean, if we viewed everyone who asked for money and did a few shady things the same way, we wouldn't have anyone to depend on, including President Trump himself.

Qled 4 points ago +4 / -0

Neither was the vaccine though, they started testing in June of 2020, so it's been 3 years at this point.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

The white hats know what they're doing. With enough data points and a correct algorithm, you can map out decay in a system and calculate the point of no return. My guess would be sometime in the next 2-40 months, though I don't have any special insider knowledge. Even if it doesn't happen until after the 2024 election, we know that the storm will remove all the corruption, even if that corruption has been elected.

Qled 3 points ago +5 / -2

McCarthy is a brilliant man, President Trump's hand picked leader for the House of Representatives.

The economy is teetering on the brink of devastation. Biden was trying to force the Republicans to fight so he could default on the US debt and blame the Republicans. This way he could start with a blank slate and make sure no Republican could get elected for the next 20 years. But instead, the McCarthy has pretended to cave. Biden now is sitting on an economic time bomb which is sure to cost the Democrats everything. I wouldn't be surprised to see McCarthy run for president one day with MTG still supporting him as vice president.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even if Paxton actually did all 20 of the things they're charging him with, he should get to stay in office because of the work he's done for our country. Some of the best patriots are those with the dirtiest hands. Any money they may make on the side is fair compensation for having the courage to stand up against the DS.

Qled -5 points ago +1 / -6

The jobs that immigrants do is tough though. I tried doing construction, but it didn't make sense to do back breaking labor for just above minimum wage. Almost everyone there was Hispanic, it seems like none of the born Americans were interested in a good hard days work anymore, it's really sad. I wouldn't have quit, but then my parents new house had an extra room, so I didn't need the job to pay rent.

Qled 5 points ago +7 / -2

I just have a hard time believing in a short timeline. The Deep State has been entrenched for centuries. I think it will take decades to completely remove the deep roots and replant the tree of liberty. I don't think I'll live to see it, but I hope that my children will at least see it before they die.

Qled 3 points ago +3 / -0

But she's probably the most red pilled representative we have, the only one to publicly back Q. We have to support her and show that we are not afraid and will not back down to intimidation. We are wolverines and we don't eat our own.

Qled 3 points ago +3 / -0

At least they're admitting. I'm happy with any steps towards accountability.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hang on a sec. I think the voter registration exceeding 100% of residents is just the registration. It looks like this is because they're not purging voters who are inactive, dead, or moved away, I don't think this is unique to 2020. Also, none of the states listed were swing states like Pennsylvania, Nevada, or Arizona.

Do we know if there are any counties where actual votes exceeded the residential population? That would be much more interesting.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

His election deeply humiliated the Democrats and showed that they have to actually work instead of just showing up. In a place like New York, they got complacent. They have been calling for his removal since day one. Santos was a true man handler. We've lost a patriot today, but we will keep fighting.

Qled 3 points ago +3 / -0

But he has been a loyal supporter of president Trump. He talked openly about the stolen 2020 election, something that many other Republicans are scared to admin. He has endorsed President Trump for 2024. All politicians lie about stuff, that's really not a big deal. What is a problem is the DOJ is being weaponized against him and everyone around here apparently is just fine with it. A sitting member of congress should not be arrested. We can't afford to lose any seats. If a Republican is going to be removed, we have to demand that at least one Democrat is removed as well.

Qled 7 points ago +10 / -3

No, he might be shady, but they've slandered him and are now arresting him. He supported president Trump. He's just the first. They're going to start slowly picking off house members until the Democrats can take back the majority.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't really care what the WH ethics lawyer thinks and don't try to pass this off as Crow just taking interest in an at risk teen. If he wasn't related to Thomas, Crow wouldn't directly be paying his tuition. It's not even layered under something like a "scholarship" or non-profit organization. It's nefarious because Thomas has been hiding it because it looks corrupt.

If it was the same situation with George Soros and someone like Sotomayor, we would rally and say it's time to drain the swamp.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why Thomas specifically though? There are other justices who I hardly hear anything about like Alito, Gorsuch, or Barrett. It seems like among the Supreme Court, they pick on him because he has a lot of unreported and sketchy financial dealings.

Qled 0 points ago +1 / -1

If you really believe this, do you think the same about Hunter Biden? He was able to get cushy well paying positions and all kinds of perks because of who his Dad is. But since Biden was only vice president (with no real legislative power), then I guess it's fine and everyone here is just overreacting.

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