He’s a retarded Faggot. Why did they specifically choose Faggot ideology to indoctrinate? Are there any other they could have chose? What he’s saying is correct in it’s technical function but ignores the fundamental reason they’re creating faggots. They worship Satan.
Much of the material about him is difficult to find. What is Above&Beyond? Happy digging :)
they used ninjewtsu, a custom form they developed while starving and hiding from Mengele inside the toilets. the nazi soldiers were no match for their newly developed martial art form, which takes 6 million hours to master.
many of the proponents of flat earth are sincere- not shills. Theres something going on there that I encourage all free thinkers to investigate. that being said- starlink is the infrastructure for establishing a quantum network here on earth.
the jews have been stealing children for blood rituals for a longgggg time.
stop talking in metaphors. say something of measurable value.
I call everyone who defends jews with the vigor you do, a rabbi. You may not be jewish ethnically, but ethically you certainly are. a good shabbos goy. I cant say for certain my origins, but I can tell you im not jewish by ideology.
you call me a paranoid schizo while participating on a forum that believes satanic pedophiles harvest children for adrenochrome. the irony. you consider yourself superior because you spent a lifetime playing shabbos goy. theres no room for faggots like you in the world we are creating.i know youre a failure as an engineer because you married a subhuman. youre probably personally responsible for the state of some African infrastructure kek. go love your high IQ gorilla and make sure to donate to the local synagogue to remember the 6 billion who died. shalom rabbi.
the holocaust is a demonstrable hoax (hint: just like covid & 9/11). with that context, hitler isnt the evil man he is portrayed as in the jew media. id love to hear your uninformed opinion on the matter lmao.
almost everyone who comes to America is escaping their own territory. Its phrased as "seeking a better life" for political correctness but the truth is theyre running away from their shit holes. Fuck that, stay where you are and fix the problems you have there. How is that ever going to happen if all the intelligent and capable ones flee their own people and nations? Thats not to say the US doesnt incentivize these people but if you look into that, its mostly done under the guidance of Jewish NGOs and political PACs both historically and currently. You say its a subject I know nothing about, when once again, it is you who clearly has limited grasp on the totality of it. Lets discuss mass migration from brown nations to white nations. The only people who cant get a visa in the US are white people. Everyone else is approved in epic numbers and the rest just hop the border and enjoy catch & release. what is the hart cellar act? who voted for it? what has its consequences been?
getting to America is easy, if you can pay for the trip. How are people who live in a society that earn less than 1$ a day going to pay thousands of dollars to get here? the vast majority could never afford it, no matter how hard theyre willing to work. there might be nice places in Africa, but thats because its where the money, political power, and intelligence are concentrated. lets look at the whole. African society is no more developed now than 100 years ago. They just got technologically more advanced due to the generosity of white people. The result is necklacing, cannibals, and child soldiers. I grew up in the hood. I know more about inner city blacks and culture than you ever could. I used to blame socioeconomic factors too. Now I know better. I blame the Jewish record companies and executives that pay these criminal thugs millions of dollars and idolize them on the TV and the radio to the eager youth consumers. That demonic music is explicit instructions on how to be an evil criminal. And many millions of people are under its spell. Funny story- once I stopped listening to it I stopped being a ||igger myself.
theres been plenty of poor engineers throughout history. calling yourself one doesnt automatically afford you some sort of superiority relative to myself. Likewise, you know nothing about about my personal existence. All you've done is make assumptions in line with whatever programmed ideas you have about so called racists, fascists, and oy vey antisemites.
and I agree with you- free floating hatred accomplishes nothing. My hatred isnt free floating. It is precise and it is directed. Pedophiles and subversive jews who seek to harm my people deserve hate. Sometimes in order to solve a problem, you have to become a problem. I don't expect you to understand that, seeing as you view the world through the eyes of an engineer. Expand you're thinking.
I never mentioned hitler. how obvious it is you are brainwashed. anything that doesnt align with your point of view is nazism. sound like a familiar political tactic of the Democratic Party? the reason black immigrants from Africa tend to do better is because only the high IQ ones have the means to escape their homeland and make it here. high IQ tends to do well no matter the circumstance. using your token blacks to represent the mean ability of this genetic group is a useless metric. the state of their society is physical proof of their intelligence level, but you blame socioeconomic factors and liberalism instead.
cant solve problems we cant talk about. you called yourself a literal professional problem solver KEK. someone doesnt get more full of shit than that. I don't think you even see the irony in making a claim as such. telling me that im a problem to others for trying to discuss demonstrable jewish supremacy throughout our white society is absurd. you sound like a communist. shalom.
ok ive concluded youre not a troll, just an idiot. I don't want to rebut you any more but just thought you should know:
jews have conquered and control all institutions in society through infiltration and subversion. Not due to some genius intellect they possess. Media, finance, academia, politics, corporate. They seek these positions because of the immense influence they have.
most blacks have retarded IQ due simply to genetics. No amount of social justice is going to correct that. you talk about the outliers that can escape the hell they are cast into and pretend that can be every black if they just tried harder. Africa is a shit hole because its filled to the brim with retards.
if you think the average IQ of china is higher than that of white europeans then you should go live in china instead lol. tell me how you like that high IQ society.
I speak this way because these are significant problems that need addressing and the way people tip toe around the conversation means nothing can get accomplished. I know that there are good and great people of all kinds from every culture. I am not filled with hate or bigotry.
I have no jewish problem. I live completely outside their sphere of influence. Thats how I am able to speak so candidly about the issue. I do this for the children Epstein and Maxwell raped. This is a selfless mission because its the right thing to do. Remember:
You make a very nice argument on its face. Can you demonstrate how the earth is round to me without citing NASA or any space agency?