QuantumPsychosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always thought it would come out that he’s a made up person. Or isn’t even investigating.

Durham could be a military intelligence group investigating treason under the name “Durham” to throw off the DS.

Just spitballin’...

QuantumPsychosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

So I think the deepstate is going to do “our plan” and arrest a bunch of politicians but it’s gonna be the wrong ones.

That’s all they can do. They’re gonna try to take over by force. Probably with the help of a false flag so they can blame “QAnon”.

Then jam thru whatever legislation they want.

by BQnita
QuantumPsychosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don’t think the public nor Trump will demand justice once the results are published? I think they will be published way before 2024.

Biden could lose Arizona’s electoral votes. And then states and counties who don’t comply with audits will be assumed to be fraudulent and will have justice demanded anyway.




QuantumPsychosis 4 points ago +4 / -0

That’s exactly why Trump did like 50 fucking rallies even though it was clear he was going to win by A LOT.

Aka: they had to cheat A LOT!

QuantumPsychosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s projection.

She is projecting onto you the fact that SHE is the one who only gets her “news” from the sources that she likes because she is afraid that her world view is wrong.

Some people unfortunately think using abc nbc cbs cnn msnbc Facebook google twitter gives them a wide variety of world views, when it clearly does not.

It’s also way easier for someone to project this onto you and think you are misguided than to deal with the fact they’ve been lied to about basically everything.

Good thing it won’t be optional to be ignorant for much longer. The truth will be revealed to all.

QuantumPsychosis 9 points ago +9 / -0

That would be sweet. Deadman switch IS the EMS we’ve been waiting for.

What a Biblical way to ensure everyone sees the truth.

Would it be ironic and fitting that the “Trumpet of God” is more like a mass phone hack broadcast?

QuantumPsychosis 14 points ago +14 / -0

KEK! “Why even wait?”

I’m hearing that in Trump’ voice with a laugh and arms shrugged.

We all don’t even fully realize yet when we see him speak but he’s still holding back quite a bit. I have a feeling he is gonna come out swinging hard and fast when this starts. The pots boiling.

QuantumPsychosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

This. There will be an opportunity for apes to jump onto the rocket ship even after it’s started taking off! Lol

QuantumPsychosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it’s very possible that a member/members of the Kennedy family are involved with Q.

John Jr. being magically alive, although an awesome idea to think about, is likely an over dramatization used by the deepstate to make us look looney.

It’s a half truth because it would more likely be JFK’s long lost 3rd cousin carrying out JFK’s promise than John Jr.

I heard Ezra is related somehow and that’s what I’m thinkin.

QuantumPsychosis 5 points ago +5 / -0

Watch the movie “The Hunt”. Just added to HBO max. It’s literally about liberals gruesomely murdering conservatives for sport.

It’s pretty messed up. It’s like a black comedy basicaly but still. This shits being normalized all over.

QuantumPsychosis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Power to the Players!

QuantumPsychosis 10 points ago +10 / -0

Same as Trump “pushing the vax”. He accelerated the vax which accelerated their plan, leaving the public too skeptical. Trump always recommends therapeutics EVERY TIME he mentions the vax.

He’s using their weapons against them. It really is pure genius. But I don’t think it’s only Trump. It’s gotta be his team. But that’s what a good business man is good at, building a good team.

QuantumPsychosis 4 points ago +4 / -0

We need to go back to the “take no shit” days.

Pubic executions are the way to go. Traitors will think twice next time. Aka: there will be no next time because there will be no more traitors.

It’s not barbaric, it’s justice as it should be served.

QuantumPsychosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok that article was complete trash. Just them repeating irrelevant opinions about HOW PEOPLE FEEL about his segment on treason. (Mostly by inserting extra context to his segment to make it sound crazy)

And then they state at the very very end what he states in response, which is THE TRUTH and exactly the same as what his segment was about in the first place.

Election fraud is treason. Treason is punishable by death. Fact. So he said a fact and they FEEL A WAY about it. Ok great. Does it change the FACT?

Truth hurts, you satanists!

Traitors’ gunna swing!

QuantumPsychosis 3 points ago +4 / -1

It’s like they could see the end result and are working backwards and forwards.

Think Tenet.

Think Mirror.

So there ARE things that are mathematically impossible.

QuantumPsychosis 7 points ago +7 / -0


People who would speak out about it have probably been purged from the internet or threatened directly or indirectly.

QuantumPsychosis 14 points ago +14 / -0

It’s literally the only other person shown up close in the entire video.

QuantumPsychosis 6 points ago +6 / -0

I also agree. I own both and I like the stock on both but I could definitely see some fuckery here before the MOASS. Both companies ARE shorted but they can be manipulated independently.

I’ve been thinking about what the hedgies/DS could do to trick us. They want us to sell. To do this they can either A) drive the price down and get to people to give up/cut their losses/get bored (I feel like they’ve kinda already tried this) or perhaps B) allow the price to skyrocket to like 50% of MOASS for a relatively short time and then gradually fall so Apes would think they’ve hit the jackpot and panic sell.

I’m not saying this is gonna happen. I’m just saying it COULD happen and sounds like something deepstate fuckheads would do to manipulate us.

The concerning part about it is they could try any combination of driving price down or up for either company at any time independently.

So you can own both. I just recommend to be sure to treat it like two separate battles and always be aware of fuckery.

I eat crayons too so don’t take my advice at all.

QuantumPsychosis 1 point ago +1 / -0

This need to be prime-time television. Made me think of like a classic SNL skit or something.

This is gold because it’s TRUE.

Leftist ideology can’t humor because its evil.

QuantumPsychosis 10 points ago +10 / -0

Truth is the key.

That’s what I imagine is behind the curtain Trump is pulling back. It just says “Truth”.

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