Rahndo 2 points ago +3 / -1

Have to stick with the tried and true "Anal Bum Cover", Alexsch...

Rahndo 11 points ago +12 / -1

He slipped and fell on his ass. Given that his head was in the same location, his "brain" suffered some collateral damage.

Rahndo 1 point ago +2 / -1

Deleting the post would be the smart thing to do... but leaving it up as a monument to stupidity also works...

Rahndo 20 points ago +21 / -1

Agreed. Coal is the only "fossil fuel". Natural gas and oil are formed from the out-gassing of the planet.

They need the illusion of scarcity to increase the price. If people knew hydrocarbons (natural gas, oil) have a virtually unlimited supply they would have much lower profits.

Rahndo 1 point ago +2 / -1

This might also tie in with the incentives for people to start families... similar to programs in some eastern European countries to counteract their declining populations... it also goes along with the increase in standard of living President Trump mentioned - which would allow single income households (and full time housewives) like we had in the 50's.

So, we are going to need the same type of program here in the US as well? Considering the population decrease that will be caused by the injections, the answer appears to be yes.

Interesting times ahead, by all indications.

Rahndo 3 points ago +5 / -2

Out of all the other things President Trump mentioned... this one is the most interesting and confusing.

Why? Why build 10 new "freedom cities" on federal land? He said it would be to encourage home ownership... so does that mean some sort of subsidized housing?

With the decline in population due to the injections (which will probably get worse in the coming years) we may already have plenty of houses. The increased supply and decreased demand would bring the prices down.

I don't get it. All the other parts of Agenda 47 make a LOT of sense... but I don't get the freedom city thing. Are existing cities going to be uninhabitable for some reason?

Rahndo 4 points ago +5 / -1

Challenge accepted: best I can do is put a bounty on the commie globalists spewing this propaganda, pretending it is "science".

Rahndo 6 points ago +8 / -2

On the bright side - look how much easier it is to reach "full employment".

I always thought that was about creating more jobs... but it turns out that killing off a sizeable chunk of the population works too.

Rahndo 8 points ago +9 / -1

I know, right? All the animals in the trials (mid-2000's) died from ADE... how could anyone have known that people would do the same thing? People are so much bigger...

Rahndo 13 points ago +14 / -1


Also, the OP's fear porn is extremely unlikely. The original virus was not dangerous to healthy people, and propaganda was used to pretend it was dangerous to scare the sheeple/cattle into voluntarily injecting themselves with the real bio weapon.

A truly deadly virus cannot be controlled once it is released, and would inevitably boomerang back on the DS/cabal themselves. They want to kill everyone else, not themselves.

Rahndo -1 points ago +1 / -2

Wrong. Thinking irrationally is what the masses do best. 7 x 24 x 365.

Fear, at most, accelerates that process a bit.

Rahndo 6 points ago +8 / -2

Those are shills, doomers - in short, glowfags.

They are poking everyone with a stick, advocating for some sort of unspecified uprising. When you press them on it, they shut up fast.

The easiest thing to do is just ignore them. They hate that.

Rahndo 26 points ago +27 / -1

Eight time deadlier - SO FAR.

The injections are designed to kill slowly, over the course of several years. This party is just getting started.

(not for me - I am part of the control group and did not participate in the experiment).

Rahndo 8 points ago +9 / -1

I ignore everything except results. Only actual results matter - at all. Literally everything else is just noise.

If you look around using those criteria... there is a whole lot of noise, and very little real, verifiable results of any kind.

Rahndo 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nope. It is Uncle Festerman... or Festerwoman... depends...

Speaking of Depends, he now has that in common with the Resident (assuming he is still alive). Animal, vegetable, or mineral?

Rahndo -1 points ago +1 / -2

You are a moron. The consequences of a shrinking population are economic. Most of our economic prosperity is based on growth. Growing markets, growing demand, growing supply, etc. etc.

Now do declining demand, shrinking markets, deflation, aging population, no money to pay for the increased demand for health care, and so on. They are looking at economic collapse, especially when you factor in their massive amount of debt.

Japan's population is both shrinking and aging at the same time - and the depopulation from the injections have not even kicked in yet. Basically, they are pretty much fucked at this point.

Rahndo 16 points ago +17 / -1

For a surgery, you can basically donate your own blood to yourself ahead of time. That is the best solution - assuming the hospital does not manage to fuck it up somehow...

Rahndo 1 point ago +2 / -1

No. The spread of viruses cannot be controlled. The virus itself is basically about as dangerous as the seasonal flu. They used propaganda and lies to make it seem to be worse in order to stampede the sheeple into voluntarily getting the injections. That was the main purpose of the virus. Most cases of "covid" were actually a cold or the flu used to inflate the case numbers and scare the sheeple - colds and the flu did not magically disappear for 2 years.

In contrast, the injections can be completely controlled in terms of who gets them and who does not. All the leaders faked getting an injection themselves. Obviously, they did not want to inject themselves with a toxic bio weapon. Go figure.

Rahndo 0 points ago +1 / -1

I heard they are working on an updated version that will be called the "Va-Jay-Jay" law...

Rahndo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Congrats to whomever managed to say "Beetlejuice" 3 times successfully. Well done !!

Rahndo 13 points ago +13 / -0

Those are rookie numbers...

Remember, the injections were carefully designed to kill people slowly, from a variety of causes (plausible deniability to fool the moronic sheep).

Only about 13% of the sheep are dumb enough to still be getting boosters at this point though. Therefore the plandemic seems to have fizzled out, which explains why the DS/cabal has been switching their emphasis back to the climate scam.

Meanwhile, the important question is: are all the injections toxic, or only some of them? What percentage of the injected are going to die in the next few years from blood clots, organ failure, cancers, and so on?

Enquiring minds want to know...

Rahndo 36 points ago +38 / -2

Are these the same parents that injected their children with a toxic experimental gene therapy, who then do nothing when it kills them?

You can poke those parents all day, every day - and they will do nothing. They have already proven that.

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