I’ve been trying to make sense of this situation, and I like this theory because it answers, much more clearly than the simple “false flag” narrative, the many questions raised by this profound (and admittedly suspicious) intelligence failure. I am unsatisfied with the false flag theory that is currently dominant on this website because: 1.) it aligns with the radical left and their “anti-colonialist” pro-Palestine BDS agenda and 2.) it is inconsistent with Trump’s own loud support of Israel on this issue. I am suspicious of the false flag narrative which tacitly endorses Obama and Biden’s pro-Iran/pro-Hamas agenda and handwaves away the unbelievable barbarism Hamas displayed during this attack, attacking soft civilian targets and seizing innocent hostages. Either we support Trump on this issue and his post-Obama realignment of Middle East policy with strong support of Israel, or we agree with the left and their collective hatred of Israel… I think this explanation is more consistent with what we know about the Deep State and its contempt for Netanyahu and his “far-right” agenda.
The salt! “For any other politician, a mug shot would be the end. For Trump, it's a springboard.” They are helpless to take him down. He refuses to play by the beltway rules and they cannot stand it! Just a butthurt, needlessly verbose way of saying NCSWIC 😂
This is glorious! You know the lefty losers have to be PISSED! All eyes in the U.S. and the world are on this hyped event, and the mugshot is absolutely beautiful. Very high energy! Defiant, rugged, manly! Like Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry. AND he is back on Twitter. And to make this event even better, Trump is a svelte 215 lbs (2+15=17! Praise KEK!). Oddsmakers had him at 273.5. He is in better shape than me, and I go to the gym four times a week! 😂 Trump truly is the king of all media and the rightful GEOTUS! 2024 begins right now!
The smug is strong in this clip: Are there two more insufferable people on the planet? Such blatant hypocrisy is sickening. Only Democrats can challenge election results, I guess… And Hillary Clinton is the poster child of administrative incompetence and political corruption 🤨
Ewww! This is the coup de grace of any credibility DeSantis ever had. Trump won my admiration the moment he called out GWB’s boondoggle in Iraq, sunk Jeb’s low energy campaign, and pivoted the Republican Party away from a neoconservative MIC foreign policy, all in a single moment of brilliant political theater during the primaries… Trump completely upended the conventional DC beltway political thinking of the Bush years and showed a new, better path forward. DC insiders and power players have never forgiven Trump for calling out their failures and exposing their elitism and incompetence. If DeSantis thinks lionizing the Bushes and returning to their retrograde style of politics is a winning strategy, he’s even more of an idiot than I thought!
The NYT is total left-wing propaganda. Compare the velvet glove reception of this blatantly genocidal song to “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”. One is politically incorrect and unacceptable in light of modern circumstances, one must be tolerated despite current circumstances because of its history as a progressive anthem. The hypocrisy is blatant. But this anti-Boer song is no different than “Kill Whitey”, which was always and still very much is an acceptable slogan and policy prescription for leftists… If it weren’t for double standards, the left wouldn’t have any standards at all…
“From Parlor Act to Problematic.”
Hilarious! “Of course he said ‘hello’. What was he supposed to do, tell Hunter to hang up the phone when his coked out son said if you don’t play ball, my dad is gonna break your knee caps? That would have been rude!” If this was Trump Jr instead of Hunter, there would have already been public hangings…
This is great news! The ability of federal bureaucracies to make, enforce, and adjudicate policy is the single most egregious abuse of separation of powers we face today. And the paranoid left always lamented about Trump’s “dictator impulses” his entire first term. And it was usually insidious career bureaucrats accusing him of this, such as FBI or CIA lackeys… Unelected beltway bureaucrats with unchecked power. Don’t ever let a leftist call you an authoritarian: They LOVE deferring to bureaucrats and paper pushing civil servants. If they didn’t, they’d embrace MAGA’s war on the deep state. Instead, they circle the wagons.
The leftist media have become masters of dishonestly framing controversies that make the left look bad. It’s Pravda or Xinhua level state media sycophancy. I’ve noticed for almost a decade now, since the media completely abandoned objectivity to defend Obama during the debate over Obamacare, that anything bad for the left, any controversy isn’t bad, they frame it as a “far-right feeding frenzy.” I always see any story unfavorable to democrats written with headlines like “Republicans smell blood in the water…” It’s never about the story, but the reaction. This was especially evident during the twin scandals of Eric Swalwell’s affair with and Dianne Feinstein’s driver being a Chinese spy. Imagine if these two lawmakers were Republicans. Or if the foreign agents were Russians. Instead, it was “Republicans are clamoring about…” Orwellian! The other standard canned response is to editorialize any Republican claim with the tag “without evidence.” “Without evidence, Donald Trump accused the Obama administration of bugging Trump Tower.” Unbelievable…
I finally went and watched SOF yesterday and was stunned by how non-controversial and un-sensationalized it was. A great movie, and I was surprised to see a packed house for the matinee. That this movie has become such a lightning rod speaks volumes. The left would rather turn a blind eye to child sex trafficking than admit that MAGA is correct about the need to launch a war against groomers and pedophile perverts.
And apparently Prince tried to micromanage her career and turn her into his acolyte/protege. She got into a fist fight with him, if I remember correctly… She was definitely ahead of the masses when it came to calling out child abuse in the Catholic Church
Very much a free thinker and narrative questioner. She famously converted to Islam not too long ago after years of being very much a restless and troubled soul, and she seemed to have found peace until her son died. She was always a rebel, almost certainly a leftist (of the traditional “question authority” sort) but at least not an in-crowd celebrity sheep.
So sad! She was one of the first voices to publicly call out the corruption of the Catholic Church, and she paid a big price for her courage and outspokenness—basically becoming a persona non grata for speaking the truth. She also recently lost her son to suicide. Very tragic. A great Irish rock star with a fantastic voice—like Dolores O’Riordan of The Cranberries who also died tragically young. Two of her classics, ‘Mandinka’ and ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ are among my favorite songs! RIP
If the right wanted to make the woke culture industry’s head explode, they should have embraced and co-opted the Barbie movie, particularly Ken’s enthusiasm for patriarchy and his ‘Fight Club’ style attempt to overthrow the Barbieland matriarchy—an ingenious and surprising subplot in the movie, actually. Could you imagine the Vice and Atlantic articles bemoaning the “alt-right embrace of Barbie”? It could have been made toxic and a retrospect embarrassment for the left, like ‘Juno’ which has been correctly reevaluated as a pro-life classic and disowned by its leftist writer for exactly that reason. As it stands, Ben Shapiro, for example, is being mocked for his fist-shaking hatred for the movie, and his reaction has actually galvanized support for the movie. He should have shocked everyone with a conservative re-interpretation of the movie and a wholesale endorsement. Imagine the meltdown! Has no one read “The Art of War”?
This is a fantastic editorial and actually examines Trump’s pragmatic political style with a lot of nuance and insight 🙂