bro deserves a raise for the cut of this video
is this witchhunt now because she has an active sexuality?
I haven´t found the scandal is this one. Would be great if someone could enlighten me.
He is tho.
Black players in our sportsteams are the least of all problems in our shithole.
I´d trade 10.000.000 integrated migrants, whereever they come from, against the green woke mouthbreathers that dominate politics and media in this joke of a country.
Keep the racism out of here please.
please let it be not true
Nice fanfic, Would be awesome if it comes true
Don´t get confused by the monetary worth of the gold.
A million dollar in gold was a lot more gold in 1900 than it is today. So it may be possible.
go back to your gayclubs mike
Remember this Robin Hood Movie with Kevin Costner?
Reminds me alot of the Sheriff of Nottingham with his witch Mortianna.
this guy is everywhere but his country which is, according to him, getting mauled by the russian bear.
i mean wtf happened to the captain leaves the sinking ship last? the first to leave the sinking ship are always the rats.
It´s not "the President" it´s just Joe for him. Do I think too much about this?
this picture oozes evil
3 Years is more than enough, he won´t even last as long. More is unneccessary. Just tell other inmates, preferably fathers of daughters, what he sits for.
Why feed him if you have other options.
I´m saddend to hear of his upcoming suicide.
Slaanesh is pleased
Yea its the wrong party that wants to investigate this. So nothing will happen, and nothing is heating up. This is Tino Chrupalla, one of the leaders of the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland - Alternative for Germany) the party thats always labelled as a rightwing exremist nazi party.
It doesn´t matter what the AfD wants to do all the other parties won´t agree with it nor even consider agreeing in something the AfD demands because they are all scared of the furious media that will shame them into oblivione to work with LiTeRaL nAzIs.
Sorry guys, Germany won´t do shit. We are beyond lost.
entertaining read not gonna lie
Why do these stones have security cameras in the first place?
2 Officers got killed in germany too, on friday tho.
the shills will use it against us. ye its a shame.
was a nice protest tho, the farmers are based.
This is a real protest, but not because of corona bullshit. Its because the farmers get fucked over and over and over by the government. Especially the green party gives them the large black rubber dong again and again. Isn´t it ironic.
This pic is from some months ago, when the farmers had enough. Guess what happened after this blockade. Yes you´re right. Nothing.
The narrative here is that "they could only do it because the police was busy dealing with rightwingers and their darn covid demonstrations". It´s embarassing.
He didn´t know too much, he SAID too much.
I think this is good.
It opens job opportunities for people that really want to work and it lets those go that are not happy with their jobs. So, go ahead, you want to be hungry but happy? Ok, I prefer my family to be financially safe and accept that someone has to sacrifice a little comfort and happiness for the wellbeing of my children.
The shooter deserves a medal tbh.
Who elected his wife? How can somebody just be replaced? Why can´t I replace him? I´m not less elected than his handler, I mean, his so called wife.