That is professional grade
She’s just “following orders”. And loving every minute of it.
the misery of the stupid loves company
He’s absolutely right. …..AND this is exactly what would have happened if they had done NOTHING, except it would have happened much sooner. And fewer people would have died from the illness and we would have NO vaccine injured.
Remember Knut Wittkowski ?? That’s what he said. He said don’t to ANYTHING except separate the ill and treat them and it would be Over in a few months.
Punching for his bonus from Big Pharma
The guy’s chest should be lit up like Audie Murphy’s after WWII after this Plandemic is finished. THE hero of my time.
Malone said that in respect to his discoveries with mRNA vaccine vector — “I identify with the Wright brothers. The makers of the mRNA Covid gene therapy, the CDC, etc are Boeing with their 757 MAX failures”.
Well said RPPM. I know a number of pharmacists, some very well, because of what I do. Pharmacists giving inoculations is a relatively new thing. This was put upon them by Big Pharma via the chain drug corporations. Most pharmacists did not want this. At first the chains used pharmacists that would volunteer for this duty. Eventually it became mandatory. If you would not vaccinate then you were fired. As you can see from this video cognitive dissonance abounds.
You are right FL94. I know a number of pharmacists, some very well, because of what I do. Pharmacists giving inoculations is a relatively new thing. This was put upon them by Big Pharma via the chain drug corporations. Most pharmacists did not want this. At first the chains used pharmacists that would volunteer for this duty. Eventually it became mandatory. If you would not vaccinate then you were fired. As you can see from this video cognitive dissonance abounds.
Well, if one uses formulaic thinking like “nothing can stop what is coming” and “there are no coincidences” they are true no matter what. I think these are mind-fucks that have been injected into the Q community to disable them from action.
What bothers me the most is him bragging about “warp speed” and “we made these vaccines happen”, etc. He’s a sitting duck for the BLAME when this vaccine scam finally falls apart. Which it will.
Old men start wars. Young men die and are maimed in them.
You betcha. Someway somehow.
I think that is a big part of this sudden inflation. It’s comping via the corps. Beef has skyrocketed and it is not due to natural forces. All big business beef is processed through 4 processor mega corps. They are the ones gobbling up the price markups. The rancher is paid the same.
The Wallace Clown Car is going to start parking in a more suitable garage.
What if the “Great Awakening” is all about the reformation of the United States from the #1 World Wide Hegemonic Empire that has been criminally using its position to live above its “earned means” via a Gangster Military into something more sustainable ? With inflation showing its ugly head, our government spending trillions in the past couple of years and many trillions before that, and talk about the dollar folding as the “reserve currency”…. need I go on ? That would indeed be a Devolution. Is the party over ?
It will appear organic if the mRNA coded S-1 pathogen via the jabs goes genocidal via ADE induction.
Do you even know what the brown shirts were all about ? You have been SO lied to. The brown shirts came about as push back to the Antifa (communist) goons that would attack the National Socialist rallies. The German National Socialists were much closer to the free French and the free Americans of today than you think.
There is one thing that is absolutely clear. Germany is NOT run by ethnic Germans and has not since the end of WWII. Maybe some “front men” but not the real bosses. Connect the dots. Who has Germany paid many $Billions$ to since WWII ?
kek. top kek.
Community Service for Smollett will be attendance at leftist protests.
guy on left is Biden the Real. Just find Biden pics for 90’s and 2000’s.
All Hollywood movies have some propaganda points. And some Hollywood movies are All propaganda. These are type II.
1 Corinthians 15:45–49
Anyone got a link to the video Dr. Paul mentions ? ….where Bourla says “2 shots offer very little protection, if any”