I think what Q was referring to the elites buying up water rights all around the globe. They want to control the water. Controlling water is controlling the people. It is the most required thing in living beings. Now the OP's post could fit into Q's meaning, Because why would the state be draining reservoirs just ahead of drought season? Curtail irrigation hurts farmers and the food supply, thus hurting the populace. Just my theory on "Watch The Water".
They sorta finished the movie of it, It's 3 movies, and last i saw of it you could watch all 3 for free. But even with 3 movies it doesn't compare with the book. I read it about 10 or 15 years ago I couldn't put it down, but it does drag on in too many places.
Maybe the DS thought it was real and didn't want to take any chances and took the Building out anyway.