I remember when they tried playing the Monkey Pox card, and got that shoved up their asses and mouths. Fake News kept pushing it, until it was exposed as being a gay/pedo thing.
Same thing here with iSrAeL is at wAr…fake and gay. FF
Wait—you mean to tell me that criminals actually follow and adhere to law there in Australia? Amazing!
Actually, I feel badly for you guys down there. I hope that someday, you all will be able to enjoy the shooting sports as much as we do. Some people can’t wrap their head around that, and think “all gun owners and guns are bad!” Same argument could be said for people for drink and drive and kill people. Are the drinks bad? Are the cars bad? No, it’s the stupid fucking idiots that commit crimes who are the bad ones.
“We never forced anyone to take the shots…”. Whatever.
These motherfuckers are supposed to be “medical professionals”. Looks like they’re all just a bunch of fucking retards.
Take your business elsewhere, people. Let this hospital’s policies be their demise.
I also had a long wait, and was delayed over a year to finally receive the v2 hardware. I wish that I could post a screenshot of the Advanced Speed Test that I ran last night, but it’s 170Mbps download / 10Mbps upload.
I have been using it exclusively on some of my devices for a while now, and I can’t do much better regarding obstructions due to the trees, but then my system is not permanently mounted, either.
Running it now here in TX…not exactly speedy, but a great alternative/backup if needed. As was mentioned in the comments, there is a plan you can choose to just activate it when you need it.
Tested it against traditional ISP, as well as 5G, and it still is a lot slower, but is definitely usable. Still in testing phase, but I like that I can pack it up and bring it out to the ranch in the hill country and still get nice coverage, because there isn’t shit out there for service.
Yup, we don’t fuck around here. I carry according to how I’m dressed, and where I’m going. My favorite carry is .357SIG. Those rounds have so much KE. I’ll be carrying big when we can wear jackets here. For now, everything is about as big as I can carry.
Also, don’t forget your spare mags/moon clips if you’re a wheel gunner. Stay safe out there, all.