Reese27 5 points ago +5 / -0

Purkiss, you're like a broken clock, gets something right at least once a day, twice if you are not on a 24hr clock, that's why some of your posts are stickied. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it a 'mistake' remember, facts don't care about your feelings. The fact is you really do spam post with a lot of shit. As I said before, some are decent posts but then there is the other 30 in a 24 hour period. Its not about giving a shit about you, its about giving a shit about this site. What's with the 'have a great day, son', did you get me mixed up with the other op you are spamming? That's my point, you can't even keep up with your own shit you churn out so much! Point in case, the Mar a Lago post, You didn't even take it down when it was pointed out to you that you had posted it before with a different header, you just got aggressive like you do, a mod had to remove it. You have literally proven my point, you have spammed the hell out of this post just the same way you spam the hell out of this site each day. You have a nice day too, I won't assume your gender :D

Reese27 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hey, small mercy, while he is spamming this post with comments he is not spamming the site with shitposts! The op who posted this thread is a genius! lol.

Reese27 6 points ago +6 / -0

As I said, you need to grow up, you are the one who gets personal with insults, as a mod recently pointed out to you, no need to get shitty when called out for a shit post, own it and delete it. I am not infatuated with anyone, least of all you, the reason why its difficult to ignore your posts is because they flood the board and are mostly nonsense or duplicates. You are in denial, a very unnattractive quality, all you need to do is stop spamming the board with shit and start actually doing some real research and only posting quality posts, problem solved. The first step to resolving a problem is admitting there is one in the first place. I am not sure if you are grown up enough to do this but it at least needs to be something you work on for your own sake as well as others.

Reese27 5 points ago +6 / -1

This is pretty sad at this point. In the past 24 hours you have posted approx 33 posts. Some of them are quite good and some interesting, then there is the rest of them. Duplicate posts from other people on here already posted hours before. Some are just nonsense twitter posts (low effort), one or 2 is just a statement with no sauce, no nothing, a nothingburger, you made 1 post that was already posted 13 hours before and then made a second post of the pdf document available in the article of the first post! Some really old news that we (most of us) already know about, 6 months ago and one about a climate article from 2017. This could be relevant! I hear you cry but a quick search of the site and there are already dozens of articles on the same info. 'I don't do it for likes',you say, while down voting anyone who mentions your posting and while you leave posts up that are clearly false because they have some likes on them. 'You have a stick up your arse',(note the small a) 'you're a liar' you say, while You complain about anyone you find insulting if they criticize you for your post. I have never got into trading insults with you, something you like to do. My purpose of pointing out your constant duplicate, low effort spam posting is to help keep this site real in terms of information. You have lost site of the prize I feel and dare I say, need to grow the hell up. You are upset about this whole post simply because you recognize you are exactly what it is talking about.

Reese27 6 points ago +8 / -2

I'm not grateful you do, you are guilty of spam postiing, every news article, every post even if its already on the front page, posting up videos 3 months ago with a header then posting again with a different header. I have implored you to use the search button many times, you get defensive and aggressive. This post is for YOU. You are one of the most guilty. I get on here to look at what's going on, read all the posts then the next day its like de ja vue, all the same posts 'breaking news' posted by you.

Reese27 5 points ago +5 / -0

In July 1940 when a German victory looked likely, the IRA issued a statement in Ireland hailing the Nazis as ‘friends and liberators of the Irish people.’They would support Genghis Khan if they thought it would mean an entire catholic, non British Ireland.

Reese27 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, nothing new, this happened months ago, VPN, problem solved.

Reese27 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've seen this guys threads on twitter, this Brooklyn Dad muppett. He is a real bellend but now it all makes much more sense.

Reese27 9 points ago +9 / -0

Way back at the beginning of this scam I looked to see what the average death rate was in Britain before Covid numbers. The average was approx 1500 per day. This means by May 2022 they where up by about 400k deaths on top of what would be a 'normal' number. Even minus the so called Covid death number here of 41K they are still up approx 360K at this point. I know several people that make up part of this number. Never forget or forgive these people for what they have done to so many.

Reese27 2 points ago +2 / -0

Take heart that the demographic of booers here or drunken old warmongering hag supporters seem to be in the 80+ category, masked, so jabbed to shit and like her, a dying breed. Good riddance, your ignorance of what really goes on in the world and lack of wisdom will not be missed.

Reese27 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolute filth. They're getting bold putting this filth on display. Where are the purple haired loones with their cans of tomatoe soup when we need them? They might actually get some support for their cause if they were in there throwing soup over this muck.

Reese27 2 points ago +3 / -1

I am neither bored nor looking for confrontation but I will have it if that's what you want. Take your shitpost down. Tired of your lazy posts. Always posting up whats on the front page, now even re posting your own posts with different headings and getting aggressive when your BS is called out. BTW condolonces for your brother but I won't 'FO' and I'm not playing.

Reese27 4 points ago +4 / -0

So are you just going to keep posting the same video under different headings? YOU posted this video a month ago https://greatawakening.win/p/16aT39isx4/president-trump-says-hello-to-th/c/

Reese27 1 point ago +1 / -0

Last time I saw this guy he had green milk dripping down his chin after milking an alien. Hamill will do anything for money.

Reese27 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't understand this post.

Reese27 5 points ago +5 / -0

The people who 'want to touch him' usually give him a slap!

Reese27 2 points ago +2 / -0

Came here to say the same, they are known for their excessive violence.

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