I know, but when you search troll farm all the results just say Russia https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&tbm=vid&q=troll+farm&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiFvaHPuLn2AhUNHM0KHdxlCMoQ8ccDegQIDBAH&biw=1564&bih=906&dpr=1
When you look up bot/troll farms it's always just Russia Russia. BS, its incredibly easy to make them, every country definitely has them
My friend is on it, and it works great!
Thanks for the link! Your link actually led me to what I was looking for https://www.bitchute.com/video/dSifDZrorFu8/
Does anyone have the video explaining what Trump did when he got into office. It covers Saudi and the giant pack of files, sword dance, Trumps meeting with the pope, etc. It was fairly famous video running around 12min. It was being explained by 2 people. I can't find it anywhere anymore.
How is RT still on Youtube in the US?
yeah, but the logo is on almost everything ice cream related
Strange that their major brand logo is released in the FBI pedo symbols doc
If anyone is still on reddit check out r/volunteersforukraine, it's hilarious
That's the Unilever Heartbrand logo, makes me think Unilever is sus https://prezi.com/zzfqynpq-buz/unilever-s-heartbrand/
So Q comes from the the Army of Northern Virginia
Looks like a new game of chess is being set up
RT is still on Youtube tho
True, now we must rebuid.
Sadly the great reset will be paved and downhill, the great awakening requires more effort and vigilance, hope the world is ready
@Q on Truth Social just updated his profile to say "Not Q"
The Simpsons put out a tweet in support of Ukraine
China edited Fight Club and completely took this scene https://www.insider.com/China-edits-fight-club-ending-scene-tencent-video-2022-1
Wikileaks 2.Q
My friend got a 2 letter name, so I know you can make your own 2 letter
I didn't get in before midnight but my friend did, and now she's on it
There's not a 3 letter limit, theres @J @M etc. on there too
Q's first posts were a week ago, lol
I think they let in roughly 100,000, just to work the bugs out before millions of trolls sign up
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jqe1gKEM5g Lies Lies Lies