I though it was a pretty hilarious snl skit, until the nuclear bomb part.
Wtf is with all these judges overturning all trumps executive orders and this shit wasn't happening with Biden. Did we miss putting patriots in control on the federal judge level?
She seems overly obnoxious. As if to direct attention and vitriol for some reason.
Yes I have noticed even the opposition, as well as the controlled opposition has been making a point of dangling her infront of our faces like a carrot. She feels alot like a distraction or some sort of punching bag.
Thats Kinda how I feel when I see these big brands switching to healthy options after a lifetime if poisoning us. No thank you, ill reserve my support for grassroots companies that have never used pharmakia (chemicals) in thier products. We can't trust these big franchises and companies with that much power (money) ever again. They will just funnel it to our enemies once again and we will be back to square one.
Same in my town
Gee I've seen Google searches used in court cases to put away common folk. Wondering if the same will be done here.
Praise Our Father in Heaven. That was the most depressing warfare I've ever seen. I couldn't stand to see another young man squirming and sprawling in a fear and pain 100ft below an hd camera. No matter what side they were on.
That's the acid test. If they no extradition then it's just Mexican smoke and mirrors. A Broadway play being put on to appease the hungry wolves in our military and office. You already know they aren't buying it.
Red cross used to do some of that back in the day.
Holy shit that's wild
About time we start talking like we want our country back. Death is the only thing these monsters understand.
Yep done some dove hunting myself with some groups. Good eating too. The eggs are alot like Qual eggs. Good for pickling. Nothing wrong with it at all.
Yes I know. You should have too, alas. Mathew 8:20 And Jesus said unto him, “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man hath nowhere to lay His head.”
Insane people will train thier replacements. When a liquor company tried that with me i refused and walked away with my recipe and soul knowledge of the facility. Been a year and they still haven't got running again and now have to outsource and pay another company big bucks to produce a similar bourbon. They got another 3 years of my barrels before theybl have to change thier labels.They Shouldn't have tried to go cheaper just so they could buy another sxs and vacations every other week.
When you know you aren't promised a place to lay your head it's easy to leave others to the same outcome.
They look exactly like that. I use my telescope to look at them all the time.
So I can commit a crime and just the worry that I could go to jail is sufficient enough of a punishment? Noted. She looks ripe for the picking.
Heat kills lactose enzyme. Raw milk digest itself cause it still has the enzyme. It's not the person who can't digest the milk the milk isn't working the way milk is supposed to work. Your not intolerant, nothing is lacking in your body, pasteurized milk is lacking it's enzyme.
In history when a power comes to be many times they have thier opponents castrated. If you have a weak enough opponent they do all the work for you.
This is why they won't try it in Oklahoma. She wouldn't have made it out of the parking lot.
Off with thier heads
Not gonna lie. Thought it was a comedy skit at this point of the video and started to laugh and show my wife like look they are finally making fun of thier own crap and then the nuclear bomb part is when I realized, omg they are serious. How embarrassing.