deleted -1 points ago +1 / -2
deleted 5 points ago +11 / -6
Richmanstrick 3 points ago +3 / -0

With all the poison and chemicals going into the processed foods, you should be putting up as much of your own food as possible. Beginning in 2019 there was a huge change of ingredients put in food. Most processed foods are no long real food. They are a product for you to consume. All of this happened during the Pandemic. They want us sick and dependent on meds. Grow you own spices too. Buy olive oils and salts overseas while you can. Our basic foods are being contaminated. If at all possible raise your own meat chickens. Plant potatoes and beans.... anything to keep you healthy and from going hungry. Purchase a gravity fed water purifier (Berkey). Without clean food and water, nothing else matters. Reach out to a local rancher and purchase beef. Find other liked minded men for a support system. Have the ability to protect your family and to hunt.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the meantime, his administration, is implementing policy that destroys us, taxes us and cripples us.

Richmanstrick 5 points ago +5 / -0

The kind of hope we wish for, dream about, and pray for.

TRUMP is the only man strong enough to handle the dirtiness of it all; but he will need a strong team to handle the corruption and the treason. Pray that those men will rise up and stand with Trump and obey God's will.

We are so tired of the drama day in and day out. So tired of the corruption and theft by the psychopaths. And we are enraged at the Pedo Agenda. These people are SICK.

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you think General Flynn would lie to us? Do you think the Jan6 prisoners are at a resort? Do you think Ashley Babbitt is alive and well? Do you think the 13 service members who were ambushed in Afghanistan were just a show?

Richmanstrick 10 points ago +10 / -0

They have no idea of the gravity of what they have done.

by winn
Richmanstrick 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks Brother, we need to keep them in the headlines also. Rudy has been having health issues, the stress may really affect him. Rudy knows some disturbing things about the corruption and I have no doubt they will make an example out of him.

Black political support for Trump via Harrison Floyd, may also be made an example, just to send a message to the black voters.

Let us keep our eyes open and pray for them all.

Richmanstrick 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, there are a ton of videos and messages on FB that will redpill even the awakened.... Messages are getting thru to the older generations who use FB and the Millennials with children since there is a fight with school boards. Most normies don't know about GAW, Patriots.win, Poal or 8kun.

However, Beware, Meta records all activities.

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't see that happening as long as corrupt powerful wealthy owners, who own the media, are an arm of the corrupt government.

The media and government has been exposed, to some extent, by the people. We know they refuse to take accountability for Russia, Russia, Russia, yet they continue to carry on.

The Horowitz report and Durham investigation exposed the Government's and media's collusion and out-right lies, yet no charges were brought, no legislation was made and propaganda is king.

Nothing is ever going to happen without accountability. It is bad enough that we have lost our country due to the corruption, and as some of us try and claw it back, I just don't see how it can be restored peacefully.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Our enemies are deadly serious about their task of turning America communist.

It’s nothing short of national suicide for us to continue to ignore their plans and their progress.

Richmanstrick 8 points ago +9 / -1

Anyone that watched the debate with an open mind, who is a critical thinker will conclude that there is only one man for the job of president - no question.

It is TRUMP.

With the response of the audience, it is clear there is still some waking up that needs to happen. If not, we are doomed as a people.

Richmanstrick 5 points ago +5 / -0

I watched the debates. All I can say is we are in some serious trouble. TRUMP is the ONLY man up for the job. Period.

Richmanstrick 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hear ya man, but patience does have it limits when there is abuse of innocence.

You're asking a grown ass man to go up against everything God made us to be - a Leader - a Provider and a Protector.

Micah 6:8 says, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

The core of a man’s life should be his relationship with God. The man who walks humbly with God is motivated and empowered to step up and assume the difficult responsibilities that come his way.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was quoted by Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England, addressing the United States Bankers’ Association, NYC 1924.

This quote is from page 72 of the book, “Imperialism in America”, by Mrs. Sarah E V Emery 1893.


Richmanstrick 4 points ago +4 / -0

They have no idea who they are up against. But they are determined to control and dominate us. So far they have been testing us to see what needs to be done to strip us of our freedoms and establish Tyranny. The people do not understand that in the entire history of mankind, that governments do not have the peoples best interests at heart. We are being robbed of the premise of "for the people, by the people" and instead they are creating "by the elites, for the elites". And we do nothing to prevent it. Stop complying. Speak up. Start rebelling.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yet the people sit on their hands, hide behind a keyboard and lock themselves inside their homes and do nothing to reclaim the power we gave government to protect our rights.

Richmanstrick 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe what I see. Go to a facility that distributes food to the public, do it for 4 hours, talk to the people; they are not homeless.

They may be enjoying life and raising children but just below the surface, they are about to break...... some do.

There is not anything more demoralizing than a man in a suit standing in line for a box of food because he cannot provide for his family; even though he works 50 hours a week.

Richmanstrick 11 points ago +13 / -2

We have been at the precipice for 2 years. Even if the public doesn't want to know the details, they have come to grips that we live in a country run by criminals. Beginning with Obama who weaponized the Justice system and divided the country by race, Hillary Clinton who taught others how to enrich themselves via foreign policy and now Joe Biden who brings in his family for the complete shake-down of good old USA and no one is going to jail except the only man who tried to stop it, DJT.

Unless something happens soon, there will be conflict and I don't want to see that happen. People have had enough of the unfairness, the crime, the taxes, the suffering, the anxiety, the bankers, the stress, the wealthy and they are fed up and tired.

If I didn't know any better, I would think that causing people to fight each other was planned. But woe to those who poke a man who just wants to be left alone to enjoy the fruits of his own labor.

Richmanstrick 24 points ago +24 / -0

Unfortunately, there are many out there who have never heard of Q. And yes, they are panicking, are desperate and are raging just below the surface.

They cannot make ends meet and no one is listening.

Richmanstrick 10 points ago +11 / -1

I agree whole heartedly Cuetardian. But you're preaching to the choir. I have been trying to speak with people within my circle of influence for years now. I've spoken to small groups, large groups, had individual luncheons and gatherings in my home and the older people listen, but then tell me, THEY DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ANY MORE.

As for the younger crowd, they are running a business, raising children and are saddled with debt. They appreciate the conversations and even agree, but are under so much stress from inflation, debt, and everyday issues, there is rarely room for them to breath. The pressure is enormous.

The middle age men I talk to have lunch with and the middle age women my wife entertains at work, all say the same thing, "we are under attack and we just want to keep our jobs".

Every man and women that I know is battling a woke agenda incorporated within their work. They just want to keep their jobs. For example, quarterly, they must all submit an online training class. (LGBT agenda) They must answer "correctly" or they fail the test. These test go into their permanent record and affect raises, bonuses and employment. These corporations are in a conservative area. The fight is REAL.

The conservatives, the Republican, the constitutionalist, the traditional family are all UNDER ATTACK and there has been NO RELEIF, NO ACCOUNTABILITY and they feel hopeless. The ONLY thing that sustains them is their faith.

Only one other patriot understands the danger we are all in. One.

Where is hell is our elected Congress to stop this corrupted UN lawfare?

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree bubble, but I don't know what the catalyst will be to shake people awake. Unfortunately, Americans have a mentality that nothing is going to happen to them. They sit silent in their struggles. Say nothing, do nothing.

Just like young children who don't know the dangers surrounding them, they are in total denial and the rest just do not want to know.

I have spoken to many in my circle of influence, hundreds........... and they don't want to acknowledge that anything is wrong or that "this too will pass". Others believe that this ship cannot be righted. There are a few that are fired up, but not many.

The pandemic, the jab and the lying media have done more damage than you know. There is such collateral damage that people are paralyzed, poor and mentally exhausted. People who placed all their hope in Q, now have none.

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