Post 666 and 646
Apache is the server the banks used. In the Q Drops around 666 it mentions them along with Soros transfer of wealth.
I use (it's sus, I know. They're going off the opposite of Big Brother twist) But they've developed a web of interlocks that are connecting people, pols, and corporations by their donations and receipts of them.
It's intense!
Be sure to have him document on your son's paperwork he refused treatment with Ivermectin.
Is that a discreet Q reference in the ribbon on the tree?
People do not consider what Trump considered the vaccine.
They also trust Big Pharma enough to think they didn't change the formula after Biden's election. Or the fear of being pursued by Orange Man was gone.
Had Trump not forced the rushed development of the vaccine we would just now be seeing Beta or Delta because the current variant would have been milked to the fullest.
If you can't see that you're a shill.
Use (think opposite of Big Brother) to make the connections between these Repubs and other entities.
Turns out Democrats claim to be for the working man but a lot of their donations come from the Corporations and lobby groups.
Don't forget Deborah! She was a female Judge. She used men to carry out the LORD'S will. But it was her that got them moving.
Did he call Q or QAnon a psyop? There's a difference.
All of the points you made have acceptable explanations. It will take some time but it will all make sense as you stick with it.
use duckduckgo for your own research. Look up Ivermectin advertisements and seek out the old ones.
No thanks. I don't pray pagan prayers. Intercession isn't real.
I read they made the payment at the last minute
Well yeah. That's how digging for yourself is done.
Get to the bare Bones. That should be your endgame anyways. Otherwise the opposition argues your sources aren't good enough until you do.
Just make sure she doesn't quit first. The date will move again. It's a scare tactic.
If it doesn't have her say ok everything and then don't do it.
Did you get vaccinated? Yep! Can I have your card? Yep!
But don't do anything except keep working. Make them walk you out.
They won't do it.
Make it personal. That's a great move. Otherwise, everything is simply "doing my job".
And he has not called for a national forensic audit of the election.bHe has stated Joe won fairly.
No.You aren't thinking big enough. Crimes against children is the issue.
This is going to be his cover once the atrocities start trickling out
All from an airline that used to throw booze at it's customers as an approved marketing ploy. Where's that kind of leadership now?
I remember when this all first started a paper was photographed from a French meeting that had bullet points written down.
One was the payoff of debt for an individual but they had to sign over their worlds possessions.
Does anyone still have it? I'm terrible at organizing my own folders.
Yep. Arrests or GTFO. Everyone says it needs to be done perfectly in order to arrest the players at the tippy-top.
They'd better start hinting at who they are so we can make more connections or start arresting.