Roleplaypete 8 points ago +8 / -0

The fact we can see this at all is more proof than you need.

Look at the absolute shitstorm Sandy Hook is, and we haven't seen one parking lot camera picture, one second of interior footage, and not one screenshot.

You are being fed this not to sort out the fact, but to confuse the fact, to make you doubt a militant tranny shot your children.

Roleplaypete 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is a problem here.

It isn’t a minority of a minority. Over 50% of the black male population will commit crimes.

Roleplaypete 3 points ago +3 / -0

Things they are telling us about are never as bad as they seem.

THings they are trying to hide from us are always significantly worse than they seem.

THis was on purpose, I have no doubt, and it is real bad, i doubt even less.

Roleplaypete -5 points ago +1 / -6

This was explained to you in post.

I get it. You are super tough cool guy. You smoke weed. You are such an outlaw and a badass. Enjoy that I guess.

Roleplaypete -9 points ago +1 / -10

If they were rebellious, intelligent, or independent minded they wouldn’t smoke. That’s the entire point. Everyone here is bellyaching about how weed is attacked while alcohol runs rampant, while ignoring marijuana high dulls reflexes even more so than alcohol on both a cognitive and nerve spectrum. That is you can’t think as fast nor physically react as fast.

Sure we can all stand up to say alcohol is the primary vice we should target. But saying we shouldn’t this one is folly on its face.

Smoking weed may have made you seem cool and maybe even helped you fingerbang a stupid 14 year old. But growing up has to happen at some point.

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

To be fair if a woman who looked like that came around, was a bit thicker, she could get some of my secrets.

Of course. I don’t have any. So giving them up isn’t as serious as being an actual traitor. But still.

Roleplaypete 2 points ago +3 / -1

He is performing in a genre purely built on destroying the white race, glorifying violence and drug use, alcohol abuse, and worst of all, rape and domestic violence, especially against white women. Not singing about these specifically doesnt change the fact he is still sponsoring it by pushing the genre into more ears

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stupid take.

Cops show up at your house to search everything and they tell you 'Well we arent here for any of your stuff, we are looking for stuff related to your neighbor. No we aren't searching their house and you damn well better believe we are seizing your guns and will arrest you here and now based on anything we find that might incriminate you while we are searching for your neighbors stuff in your house"

Dumbest shit I have ever heard. Don't carry these peoples water.

Roleplaypete 7 points ago +7 / -0

No one is against medical care for all.

People are against medicare for all.

A subtle difference, but quite vast.

Roleplaypete 20 points ago +22 / -2

You are definitively wrong. Ive got 19 first graders and I can certainly sort them by IQ and nothing else if I had to. I can tell you where each one of them will be on their High school GPA, assuming their effort is all the same. .iQ is very real and there from birth and cant be grown or decreased or taught or culturalized.

Roleplaypete 11 points ago +11 / -0

So each letter of the alphabet is associated with a specific sound. A few specials ones have two different sounds, but only 7 of them so it isnt too many.

When we see letters together without spaces, string the sounds of the letters together and stop to complete a word when their is a space.

Should have it down in no time!

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are missing a major component here.

If they will cut your dick off in public, the deterrent is there. Prison isn't supposed to be containment. It is, but it isnt supposed to be. Its supposed to be a deterrent. These kinds of punishments are definitely so.

Roleplaypete 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah. But when they low key fire you on some BS the person they hired to take your place sure will.

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

That isn't what Gamergate is.

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0


The United States is Olympus, and where it goes the world follows.

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

Way to make me feel even poorer brother😂.

Probably for the better. My moms a terrible cook anyway.

Roleplaypete -10 points ago +1 / -11

He got airsofted to try and get laid.

In the country with the second most Ak-47s on earth. He did nothing but what drunk rednecks do for fun instead of doing anything at all.

Until he is out there either shooting the people oppressing the women or mass protesting Islam as a religion, he is just out there simping.

Roleplaypete 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am a teacher. Nothing is bigger to me than a school shooting, your know?

And of all things that never happened. Sandy Hook is the thing that didn't happen the most.

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