Rooks 6 points ago +6 / -0

Please read the comment to this post by u/FractalizingIron earlier to understand what this post is about. Once again you have misunderstood because of lack of context.

Rooks 2 points ago +3 / -1

Not many think he's that good a guy, but is, in fact, just doing good things.

You've missed the mark in order to tear down a person.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually, very easy. Accai berries, or however they're spelled, was a fabled weight loss berry that unlocked your metabolism, and you could loos 100s of pounds.

In reality, A couple dudes said it COULD help in a supportive role, and had traits that helped support metabolism.

All of a sudden the cost went through the roof, and it became scarce. Native farmers ravaged the plants and a lot of source plants died because of excessive harvesting and demand.

Super easy to create scarcity and deny access to about anything. Ammo, toilet paper, ring a bell?

Rooks 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not only that, but yes that.

Likely also for filtering the minor players on their way to gitmo.

Rooks 5 points ago +5 / -0

Additionally (historically), craftsmen would not teach their skills without you being a member. Many of these used to be the first types of unions, and you had to be a member to get access to the certain job bidding knowledge, skills, etc.

If you wanted to work in some towns, you would only be allowed to work if you were a member. It was one way for early Americans to protect against cheap or poor quality labor.

Not justifying, that was just how it was.

Today with youtube and rumble, you can figure out how to do things, though it may not always be the best way, or it may leave out key nuance. And then you have garbage like those shows that teach house flipping, using particle board, Styrofoam, and junk to dress up a house just enough to sell then it falls apart.

Before the Internet, you had to invest time and effort to figure this stuff out and there were a LOT of gatekeepers. Apprenticeships were one of the easy ways to get this info, even if you had to join a club. Benefit was you gained a lot of access to that trade or social group.

Can't win for trying sometimes.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ditto, that is why this is such a travesty, and an important part of the plan. Anyone supporting this farce is obviously with them. Many normies have woken up seeing this and realized how bad it is. The only reason it perpetuates is the abuse of power.

Going through the proper channels is the proper way to challenge it comma but it takes time.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for the reminder. I'm usually pretty good about that. 👍

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was well documented a while ago. In short, They are using an extremely old/obscure/never been used before statute to prosecute him under which does not require a jury.

Rooks 12 points ago +12 / -0

UPDATE: IANAL therefore this is opinion only. (Thanks for that catch there u/JollyRancherHard )

By not approving the mistrial, the Judge opens himself up to lega consequences beyond the normal when this is overturned on appeal (if it gets that far).

In this case it could open him up to criminal charges, disbarrment, sanctions, etc.

As it questions his judgement, additional side effects could be as bad as to call into question previous rulings, rippling through his legacy as a judge. Not a bad thing in this instance.

Rooks 14 points ago +14 / -0

Don't unless there are issues. I'm not a doctor, so just my opinion, never had one, don't want one.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the lady who had her phone conversation leaked and was put on both GAW and TDW at the time in Nov/Dec 2020

I reposted it here this last spring.

That phone conversation lines up perfectly with everything she has said here.

I'm amazed she's still alive, and that she was able to preserve the evidence for so long. I'm guessing team evil is assuming the evidence is so unbelievable that no one will in fact, believe her.

by BQnita
Rooks 8 points ago +9 / -1

This is the proper way. Even the 25th won't work, as it applies to a legitimate president.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not really, unless they keep the facts buried for a year. If they're running from that, wouldn't they leave sooner rather than ride out their current term?

I believe this to be either normal attrition, or submission.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

"A ship turns a few degrees at a time. The beginning of the turn starts with but one." ~ Unknown Sea Captain

Rooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Young'in. There are 80+ on there.

I'd rather this than wait for natural causes.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a big deal. One of the first Ds, not just rinos anymore.

Rooks 2 points ago +3 / -1



...Said the shills and glowies.

Rooks 7 points ago +7 / -0

The poster has a hidden apostrophe, " HUNTER'S BECOME THE HUNTED"

Not a possessive, but rather a contraction.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

And thank you for the compliment.

I try. It means a lot to know your efforts are recognized. Back at you.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe this will boost my reputation a little more... 🤣

So I've been asked, and accepted, to be on the advisory council of a candidate running for County Council at large. They have people in the state senate and congress, as well as most of the current county council backing them, and they are MAGA/Q believer, and awake.

From what we can discern, if things go well in the next couple few years, they want the candidate for state level (congress/senate).

Super excited to be doing my part.

Rooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem is we see with (mostly) full clarity. If you take the lense of Q off, I think you get Vivek Ramaswamy.

I wonder if he is not a puppet, but more an educated, aware person who is not awake to Q. Still dreaming, still fully in their system, but can see what is happening, like he is missing a huge key that will fully awaken, but until then is still playing in the imaginary system.

Rooks 4 points ago +4 / -0

Used to be a day that sneaking into another country would get you tortured and or shot.

....good old days....

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