Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Keep in mind that the people I am talking to have known me for a long time and know that if I say God told me something, they know I'm not just blowing smoke AND they know that they can verify for themselves: if they do? They always find that God verifies what I said HE said. I know He will. Everyone must ask HIM though. He isn't going to tell me one thing and them the opposite. That's why I am confident that if they ask Him they can verify.

This was not a general sort of admonition that everyone believe this (even though I am reposting this to a broader audience that does NOT know me). Everyone is still free to ask God to verify. I would advise it, because again: you don't know me.

As for the claim that we don't need a teacher, that wasn't me. Jesus said that. Matthew 23.

"But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. 1And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ."

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Definitely. There's been a weird (and expected I suppose) attack on people of Jewish ancestry on 8ch, 4ch, and 8kun since the beginning. Why? Because the shills for Satan know:

Jesus said that He would not return again until His people (the nation of Israel - the people - the nation - not the place) said "BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD". How to stop this? Kills the Jews. Or convert them to Satanism. They are fine with people of Jewish ancestry who serve Satan.

Satan has thus since (and always) specially targeted Israel (again, the nation of people not the place). It should be no surprise to anyone who has studied scripture that there IS such a thing as the synagogue of Satan. The Cabal is the synagogue of Satan. Where do they hide? Amongst Jews.

What does Satan want? To keep that AWAKENING from happening. Again: How? Kill all faithful Jews. .

Disclosure: I do not have a drop of Jewish blood in me (Norwegian) but I do know this: your people MUST come to Jesus before the real Return of the King ;-)

Don't listen to all the crap you hear on the subject. Stick with scripture and learn to know God personally. He loves YOU. And you have an added little smile from Him: you are part of the nation He chose and called the "apple of His eye". The Satanists are NOT even Jews anymore, though they hide amongst you. They are certainly not the apple of God's eye. They will watch, horrified, as you are elevated and loved and they are judged and sentenced.

I will add more but wanted to respond at least to some of your post.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yep. War. I don't even get people who cannot comprehend that this is WAR,

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

The first politician to jump up and insist we make people untrackable was actually Sen Ron Johnson. Look up all who followed suit after 2000 Mules came out. All dirty.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +2 / -1

There have been casualties in this war from the getgo. Deaths. "Patriots in control" doesn't mean over every last molecule, person, and event. The Cabal and their vast Deep State can still attack and we were warned that they ARE very dangerous animals.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

She needs to get out of the US. I would recommend south of the border. Plenty of people prosecuted for purely political agendas have permanently fled over the border.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any piece of information. As we all know, announcing possession of any THING that is incredibly damaging to the Cabal and their Deep State usually results in the death of the one holding it before they can make the info public. Breitbart, etc. Best to unload it all asap or make sure so many people worldwide are in possession of it that there's no point in killing the one making the announcement.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay, so I saw this twice this week and fell for it both times🤣

Rubieroo 4 points ago +5 / -1

If I thought I had been infected with Lyme I would keep taking everything you mentioned for at least a month and I'd add all of the b vitamins.

Spirochetes can create biofilms that they are able to hide behind. So there we all are taking antibiotics while there are more spirochetes BEHIND the biofilm that reemerge when the coast is clear, so to speak. And blammo - you're reinfected.

Can you add bromelain? It helps dissolve biofilms. By the way, borrelia is a bacteria so the antibiotic is more effective than hcq or ivermectin, but quite often there are other diseases in these ticks so I would at the very least continue on with both for a while and perhaps end with just ivermectin after a month or so.

On the offchance this continues: For long term damage (they get into cerebrospinal fluid and can cross the blood brain barrier) from spirochetes one would take resveratrol to combat the beta amyloid plaques; curcumin to eliminate tau proteins; EDTA to get rid of the accumulated metals that always accompany this disease, and glutathione in the morning (because chelation depletes glutathione).

Just for good measure I'd add high dose melatonin because it's a scavenger and is so dang multi-functional. We found 60mg melatonin on Amazon and also bought it in powder form from purebulk.

There is one other thing to address with long term effects but it's been so long since I researched this that I cannot remember what it is!??! You can probably find it though - something to address neuro-fibrillary tangles.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

We need to buy Greenland AND Switzerland. Then ship hardcore lefties to Greenland, and clean house on Switzerland (which would leave the nation half empty).

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Give us your stuff or we will call you a Putin boot licker!"

Rubieroo 15 points ago +15 / -0

And Musk needs to "buy" reddit next. Because the number of bots, fake accounts, shills on reddit probably dwarves Twitter - and they DO make claims of numbers to advertisers. I remember when they were first busted back in the old days of The Donald. First they altered the numbers. Eventually they HID the real numbers. And let's not forget the framing and murder of founder Aaron Swartz. Killed at 26 to give the Cabal's Deep State another megaphone.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0


The Satanic Cabal does not and cannot control the timing of prophetic events. Only God controls the timing. So try as they might, they cannot bring in the reign of the antichrist when THEY want. And they are trying. But I believe they will fail.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not crazy and it IS q related.

We have never known what "watch the water" means, and Q warned that some posts have multiple meanings. Thanks for sharing - something new to ponder!

Good night patriot!

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

What state are you in? Same ole, here in CA

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know, right? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Did they get an honest vote in San Fran of all places? Because Newsom was recalled and we all know what happened after that. Nothing!

I am hoping this is indicative of change. Of elections that actually MEAN something.

Rubieroo 4 points ago +4 / -0

You should really run - I'm over the mountains from you, past OC - but if I were LA you'd get my vote! Hey, and you would not even have to hire anyone to do videos for you cuz you do great ones all on your lonesome!

Rubieroo 7 points ago +7 / -0

Oddly enough measles does the same thing. It infects cancer cells which then suddenly become visible to the immune system.

No wonder the Deep State freaked out the last time there was a measles outbreak.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where did Q say that? Never recall seeing that one. Of course, if I had to guess how long the Q operation has gone on I would say many years before the Trump presidency. I do believe there's been an alliance of patriots waiting, waiting.

Rubieroo 6 points ago +6 / -0

Maybe it would be good to revisit Gilligan's Island so that coconuts and sticks can be turned into energy-producing bikes :P

Rubieroo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I see myself enjoying victory and vindication. Not that I need to BE vindicated, but it will allow me to talk with people who shut me out 3 years ago because of the media. I just want THEM to be okay and awake. I've already learned to live without media mind control victims, so it's only to their benefit.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember ages ago, when the Internet was still fairly young, being in a conversation about freemasons. It was in a small corner of the web, not some mainstream visible forum. And whaddya know: within five minutes, freemason acolytes and enforcers showed up in this obscure place to attack anyone DARING to say negative things about freemasons. How did they find us? How did they find us so quickly?

I am expecting we will see the same response from Scientologist adherents/employees in this thread.

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