The most blatant steal. Waking up the normies. Boomerang
Scranton is Biden’s hometown. Honestly Republican candidates perform better with Trump on the ballot because it draws out your low propensity voters. The people that just want to be left alone. Certainly fraud up here too besides Luzerne. The Congressional seat went to the democrat incumbent by 2 points. A better candidate like Teddy Daniels would have won but he switched to LG in the primary and then had the craziest of coordinated attacks. Heads will roll though with that swampy move.
NEPA is old school system of favors and kickbacks. Run by Northeast Leadership Fund PAC. They even have a Rain Tax. Trump was the wrecking ball that changed the base in Luzerne forever. A flip of 25 points from Romney to Trump with Blue Collar Democrats. Trump almost won Lackawanna in 2016 (Scranton - the last bastion of working class machine Irish Dems. It’s all pensions up here. Machine politics)
My body is ready
This is a bridge too far. So obvious
[insert Andrew Breibart gif]
Body of water. Interdasting
I live in PA. Carpetbaggers are frowned up. The last 3 cycles in the PA8 for example. The Dems will crush you on it. Especially if you’re from NJ
The greatest Reeeee of all time
It’s so good
Technically true because Kamala is tie breaker
What’s the difference between a 4 year old and a bag of cocaine?
They can smoke cigarettes in the rain
The PAGOP is worthless. Commonwealth Partners too.
They ran out of paper at 9 am. The real scandal is the interim head of the bureau of elections is a sitting democrat Wilkes Barre councilwoman with no experience
Could smoke a cigarette in the rain
He will reach out to us about our car’s extended warranty
I ain’t no ways tired
This guy wants to adjudicate your blood too
Khazarian Mafia
Ok. Was worried we get Trudeaed
They always rotate back in
NBC can shampoo my crotch