I heard he attended the youth leadership group. Which are basically globalist grooming school. Too lazy to verify. But I’m pretty sure he’s like the Argentina clown that said all the stuff people wanted to hear. Then rolled it all back to serve israel once elected.
With all this protection and fake attack on “Israel” I can’t help to believe we are being set up again for another law protecting jews. Another attack on free speech to protect the ruling class. Bongino spends half the show talking about kids wanting genocide… when it’s most likely protest on fuck Israel and their war mongering genocide practices. I mean fuck both sides. But I’m already tired of this psyop. America first. I do t care what idiot young students say. It’s not reality.
They are government enough when they all push their boards to implement anti-White work practices for bonus payouts (not exactly using our tax dollars but our retirement funds to do so) Blackrock is another anti White j organization. They have too much power and I wouldn’t put past that they did at some points use tax or government subsidies to gain more accumulation of power wealth.
Government sent to fix the government. Laughable. The more j’s in the capitol the less powerful the west becomes. J= communism. Communism = death of liberty. No liberty. No west. Js own the government. And vanguard. So this is for show only. Like I’ve said in 2016. Nothing will change.
I kinda like that rule. Tired of hearing moronic young idiots, watching fast and furious and believe chopping off their mufflers, installing shinny pedals and shifters in their cars make them go faster in their shit civics and Toyotas. Reving their engine believing others around them are I pressed but are actually annoyed af. Fuck your gay loud assed vehicle. You suck at life, and the louder your car, the more people feel sorry for you that you’re that much of an idiot.
I’m so tired already hearing about Israel and antisemitism. No class or race should have such priority for protection when the west was built on “lower classes” on White backs and blood, and keep getting g shit on and taken advantage of.
Not Finland the people. Not even Finland loyalist. Not Finland democrats or republicans. It’s the internationalist inside Finland (non loyalist) that penetrated their press, to put out ads to sway public opinion. There’s a group of people called by a certain name that were known widely for doing this the same thing century after century.
Israel first has been the motto for all politicians dual citizens and other blackmailed office holders.
Ben is a clown. Stop supporting those who support degeneracy of the west and having the White race constantly fight Israel's batters for them. Israel hasnt' provided america with anything BUT illegal Migration into the west (yes they use their NGO to induce illegals in western countries) Trans, Gay, Pedo, Femanist agenda yup all israel intellegence agencies.
Israel is also a safe haven for pedophiles that get caught. Their anti white agenda is discusting, in univeristies, media, social media. Fk israel Invaded by parasites.
this looks extremly gay and fake
women by now, know its too dangerous to walk the streets let alone a tunnel in paris.
I suspect we will start seeing more of these types shanagins
objectivity - to subdue to thought of cleansing the land of infiltrators.
I had always thought flynn was a double agent. Its funny that finally conservatives are seeing this divide and conqure technique again and again and some are finally seeing who is really on the side of their best intrest. Israel isn't America period.
In fact Israel is responsible for many attrocities against America (NGO migrant crises, terrorist attacks, USS Liberty, 9-11, trans, Gay, femenist movements, and doxing against free speech. We cannot be great with a people in office with dual citizenship to a nation that wants to control everything, look at everyone else whos not jewish as goyim and slaves.
Support for israel is the demolishing of the west. There's no 4th direction.
debt clock is literally useless. We all know, or should know, that the plan is to destroy the economy and goto war. We do not know when the economy will collapse. Soros hasn't given the okay to do so yet. It will be sudden most likely. And it feels we are close. No clock is going to tell anyone anything. Its like testing for covid. It doens't do anything good. Only bad. I got some survivability stuff ready for fam and I. I hope you all do too. Remember, once society falls, that not to relax. There will be malitias out there for evil purposes and if you're white, remember that you might not be racist... but others may be and will most likley try to wipe you out based on your skin color.
A brown slave race is what is planned. Lower IQ and easily to manipulate. 1 religon, 1 race (non-white), 1 currency. That is what is foretold. Anything else is a lie, against the bible, and a psyop to get you unprepared and to lead to the slaughter faster. Don't make their job easier by being dumbass. Its your responsibility to be prepared. Or continnue with online clocks and silly psyops. godspeed
Maintain control of your emotions for they are the downfall into influence without control.
Skeptic. He should be held to his promises of deporting illegals, closing border, and moving justice system into the right direction.
Either he does or doesn’t. Dumping more into Israel isn’t America first. It’s save your own arse from blackmail that israel holds over you.
Date fagging is the house of cards to a fan.
6 years since this post.
Maui genocide
Epstien list
Open borders
Absolute destruction
Ww3 incoming.
Israel has too much support from blackmailed politicians including Trump
I support suspending congress of any and all actions that don’t deal with the border, then mass deportation of illegal crime breaking infiltrators and even their children born here. But since they’re all democrat voters, and we have unioarty, what’s it matter what we support. Congress does their own thing and we are slaves to work, fund, these not representatives but rulers, via our forced taxes. So what a silly question.
Have you tried getting a real job? Something that you can be proud and have honor in. Or do you have it in your blood to lie, use deceit?
I imagine it would suck to not have any other skills that could benefit society. I can imagine being a burger flipper or janitor, progressing to feed someone or clean up area around me. But something online. Being used by groups that hate you but also use you for your ability to be dishonest and overall shitty. Shitty person skills built into a career. My goodness, That is the saddest thing I’ve heard in a long time.
Another open antiwhite racist holding public office.