SaucerSometimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

The family unit is the smallest unit of natural society. Followed by the Clan unit (your surname). Then the Tribe (your neighbors). Then a Band of Tribes (confederated peoples occupying common ground cooperatively due to mutual peaceful overlaps). Then a Nation, which is simply a mutual defense agreement (nothing more).

Our system imitates this but reorganizes people into institutions that are controllable by outsiders that would otherwise never be allowed control of the natural units of society.

Individual < Local < County < State < Country < Deep State

Anything that doesn't fit into their structure they crush, and minimizing and isolating people to the smallest unit, the individual, is ideologically enforced as a "virtue" of society while they systematically corrupt and destroy the values that make good individuals and replace individual virtue with narcissism and self-service.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Abr. r ok. s.ti it is btr nt 2 do unnec. abr. tho. let me expl;

We have a lot we need to read here. No one wants to spend an extra 2-3 seconds per word figuring out someone's uncommon shorthand language.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with you on this. Its a hook for shutting topics down, but the context is important, no one legit shuts down well thought out points and arguments that aren't overtly emotionally driven or attempting to drive others emotions.

Also please for fucks sake, just type out "something".

SaucerSometimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. I think it was a genuine DS false flag but the leaked identity was all that was needed to force a backfire.

The FF was meant probably to distract from the financial storm they're in, the internet tyranny in the works, a failing NATO, an EU/UN people are in the early stages of open revolt against (in Europe), a roll-out of CBDC that they don't want people aware of too soon because people will have a negative prejudice of it being contrived tyranny instead of viewing it as a good thing and a solution to a problem. That's a start, there's so much shit now that they need to distract people from. Arizona, the bio-weapon virus, the dubious vaccine that existed before the pandemic. Their control the narrative and gatekeeper assets are under constant and relentless suspicion.

When the FF distraction failed they had to push the timetable up on the Trump arrest narrative to not only continue the distractions, but to distract people from their failed distraction too, and now they lost the narrative entirely on red flag 2A infringement with people now viewing a mentally ill radical left as capable of violent terrorism.

And with their Trump arrest going off like a firecracker in a rainstorm, we're right back to looking at the big picture they are trying to distract us from in record time.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, it rides eternal, shiny and chrome.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for posting the O'Keefe and OMG's stuff Ashland. He's doing the same job he did before, but it looks like he's very serious about growing grass roots citizen journalism. He's dropping explanations of trade craft in every video now -- that might seem like common sense after he explains a thing, but the reality is that most people wouldn't consider doing this until they take a moment to imagine themselves doing it, and those little trade craft explanations get them imagining.

I'm kinda thinking about doing it. Small team, watch out for each other, go on the road and follow the happenings. Its like secret squirrel private eye shit. Sounds like real adventure.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, and with the 7.3 powerstroke.

SaucerSometimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd buy land lumber and an RV in a state and location with good soil, water, lumber, fishing, and access to markets -- if I were in a buying stance.

Build the structures yourself, patiently and methodically, getting good pricing on materials and doing the work yourself.

Building things to the standards of mortgage loan requirements is crucial. You can always get a licensed contractor to sign off on your work as long as you can build to or exceed their minimum standard.

SaucerSometimes 3 points ago +3 / -0

This I think. False flag or not, it looks like the intention was to put a red hat on terrorism, but someone made sure the real identity of the shooter was known information.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's actually a very good defense for the use. Thanks.

SaucerSometimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Using a dead language instead of the common language to communicate important information is a great way to fuck up a nation where the common people play a vital role in civics.

Who paid for them to turn DC into a permanent Roman Republic LARP festival anyway? Did we pay for that vain nonsense or is that how the faggy aristocrat class bought the seat of government? By douching it up with expensive old world shit and making it something common people typically will not view as appropriate to their own class and status in society?

Speculating, but something to that, maybe.

SaucerSometimes 5 points ago +6 / -1

Every time you displace yourself and your family you have a part of your identity stolen from you by these people. Wisconsin will be one step closer to what happened to California. In 10 years "Cheesehead" will by synonymous to "communist faggot" and the Green Bay Packers will be called the Gay Bay Fudge Packers.

You better not retreat.

SaucerSometimes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Secret agendas require secret agents that work for secret agencies. Good eye.

Not trying to sound like Dr Suess, just saying there is nothing grass roots about their party and at a point the act does become unconvincing. Those look like clowns left out to dry.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

edit* barely coherent rant

Its probably going to get worse before it gets better, but people waking up has put an expiration date on the entire Cabal. We don't know when exactly but its coming.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

What he said folks. I have a fucked up sense of humor.

But all the same, if you like beer, see if you have a local hometown brewer you might like to support instead of Anheuser-Busch.

If you don't think this is WHs self-destructing a cancerous company you're not paying attention to how this show works.

SaucerSometimes 1 point ago +1 / -0


Bude : Booth (has the connotation of an outhouse) Wasser : Water

Budweiser is Outhouse Water.


Its an inside joke that they can sell Americans piss and they'll drink it.

SaucerSometimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Edit* too much bad language.

Young men have a lot of testosterone. Art and books aren't what they would be doing if they didn't have video games. When I was young. there was nothing better than destroying a thing or winning a fight. That is, until the discovery of women. Then we get older and accumulate responsibilities.

Point is video games are meant to give us something harmless to destroy and fight. Which is good on the surface, but bad if you consider that sometimes destroying things and winning fights is necessary and the window of time where we are dumb and reckless enough to practice this and gain proficiency is short.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

This meme is excellent. Clever to use movie releases as a way to show the span of time this all happened.

Russia Derangement Syndrome is all they have.

They can't talk about an ancient cold war between Jewish Khazaria and Byzantine Orthodox Christian Rus (a Norse/Slavic people that settled both Kiev and Moscow as their 2 largest seats of power, the descendants of Norse and Slavic peoples that were the people Byzantium created their Varangian Guard from). The Slavs were as much in conflict with the steppe's Khazar as anyone, if not more, they were not conquered by the Norse, they were allies that became one people over time.

Its divide and conquer and balkanization. They want to draw a line between Norse and Slavic, and a line between Orthodox (their unifying heritage as a nation) and atheist dogma and pagan colonizer vs colonized narratives. The ingredients of color revolutions are the same shit everywhere.

The fingerprints of the Cabal CIA are balkanization, division of peoples, destruction of or revision of unifying history, color revolutions, government coups.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

You all should be boycotting this shit already because its loaded with soy and other poisons. As far as the vaccine tyranny goes, there are higher value targets for shaming than fuckin' Hershey.

Start with your local politicians, if the people generate enough public shaming on sitting politicians over key issues, the people to replace them will appear.

SaucerSometimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

The world growing the spine to reject financial domination is conditional on our rejection of our own forced complicity. The world fears the American people. We were always the iron behind the cabal's threats. The Cabal stole our voice and leveled threats at the world, and the world cowered to it because we, the American people, delivered on those threats. Its not about our national ego. Its about neutralizing the iron (ourselves) behind the Cabal's threats and allowing the world to break the chains of their own agreements made in bad faith and under coercion.

The American people are an admirable and strong people, and most of the world doesn't know what our real voice even sounds like. The American people don't even know what their own voice sounds like. We haven't actually spoken as one nation with our own true voice in a very long time.

SaucerSometimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is also how the population has so many derangement syndromes and programmed prejudices.

Just replace the bowl for trauma, the bell for a contrived enemy, and the salivating dog for an attack dog.

SaucerSometimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

This tweet has some neocon narrative shit sneaking in sideways with Joe's fuck up of the moment. Why should we defend the petrodollar? Is there a term for this kind of framing of an argument in propaganda studies?

SaucerSometimes 3 points ago +3 / -0

True. Go lift some weights or build/fix something (carpentry, change your car's oil, whatever)

Your body or mind needs different chemicals than what dooming gives them. Just interrupt those chemicals, and come back to it after.

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