God the fucking ignorance of the entire fucking thing. Fight for women on the front lines, fight for trans in the military, fight to remove the unvaccined, fight to make the military as PC as possible. Then when the fighting starts? Well all of those we fought to get in can't be going off to war! What do they think being in the military is?
Gotta love that logic. One time, a racist guy posted a pepe meme - therefore all pepe is racist.
This one time, a gay guy raped a kid. Another time, a politician raped a kid. Therefore all gays and all politicians are child molesters. Some people on the far left actually think fucking kids is just a normal sexual orientation - therefore the entire left think its okay to fuck kids. Some political figures in the past have engaged in satanic rituals and child molesting cabals that sought to control the world - therefore all political figures- ... wait a minute.
But for real the approach is so tired I don't think there's any real people left who don't see thru it.
Something not going your way? Call it racist. Still not going your way? Escalate. Call them nazis. Compare them to actually Hitler. Say they're worse than Hitler.
I really love how thru all the bad stuff it's "Q warned us" and then any time things turn for the better it's "Q is saving us" while at the same time none of these followers of Q have done anything more than post on message boards at home and this Q is nowhere to be seen.
I think there's a very low level half-truth spin thru all of this that sidesteps all the vax mandates, firing, etc. Hospital business models require them to operate just below capacity.
If you really wanted to, you could point at typical load a hospital carries (90% cap? 95% cap?) Then point at any possible thing that lands people in the hospital and say "oh no - this will crush us." It's like when people zoom in on a graph to distort data.
I don't think we can blame Biden entirely for this one unfortunately. The entire covid / covid response scandal has to be to blame here. Something like 80% of all the USD in circulation has been printed since 2020. It's hard to not see that as the primary source of inflation.
They announced the new variant was hitting shelves, and I couldn't help but stop to think ... they never even did definitively prove the delta variant was really a thing right? There was a lot of headlines, but last I saw they had no way of distinguishing the two really other than using it as a sketchy cover for how ineffective the vaccine is (oh you got vaxxed and still got sick? Must be delta) and yet they're moving right along to a new strain.
Is there ANY evidence of these new strains actually doing anything? I don't doubt that these mutations might exist - but the ides that just bc they found mutations means they're rampaging thru the population is pretty retarded. It really takes no more than basic logic to tell you more deadly = less spread.
And then you can't help but follow this to its natural conclusion. If they're willing to create a virus that they wanna claim is super deadly just to control people, why wouldn't they keep doing it? And even if they didn't create covid, and are just being opportunistic in using it to restructure societies how they see fit - what's to stop them from trying to make an ACTUALLY deadly virus for the same end?
When I put their shoes on for a moment. We've got this wu-flu that we're using to trying and control the population. Our involvement in the actual creation and dissemination may be tenuous - but that's not to say we COULDNT. Now we're using the virus to fear monger people into this new world order we have a dream for. Problem is, a whole lot of people are hip to it. They're seeing the virus isn't as deadly as we were saying. We tried spreading fear about some now strains we found - bc they do exist we can prob prove that and exaggerate their rate of spread and general deadliness - but that doesn't seem to be working either. So if it all starts to fall apart, and they've got me backing into a corner and the people are believing it less and less .. well. I might just release an actual deadly virus for the "told ya so" and to tighten my grip.
I remember seeing one of the a while back about some member of the WHO being charged as well. Same as with this, unable to find any real corroboration. I'd love for it to be true, but this is like the only website saying this stuff.
And of course, all the fact checkers jumped on all of em, flagging entire stories as false as soon as they can find one tiny detail that doesn't line up.
What gets me is that they're so obviously being a cuck when taking this position. I was just talking to a friend about this last night. These places/people know that the 5th circuit has issued a stay on this order, whether they know why or not. They know the executive action has been effectively halted at least for right now. They have to know that theres a decent chance this mandate is going to be shot down flat out. For some reason though, they're still super eager to jump the gun and hit their employees with these awful ultimatums. I really hope a whole bunch of lawsuits come out of this.
Its the covid vax now... then next year the flu vax isn't recommended, it's also mandatory.
You know how there's so many stupid little driving laws that 9 times out of 10 a cop can find a reason to stop you if he wants to? It's essentially more of that.
I can't remember for the life of me what I'm thinking of but, an old movie or skit or something where someone cons someone else out of money by handing the same money back and forth a bunch of time but in different denominations...
Anyone else think its kinda funny to see the "strong and empowered" [usually] ultra-lib 3rd wave feminists doing a full 180 and coming out with this now?
To the fine women who wanted to no part in any of this nonsense since the beginning, I absolutely stand by you. But all the women who've been blabbering about cis white men for the past 3 or 4 years? You reap what you fuckin sow
Lol @ the thought of a bunch of pro abortion, anti-gun pink haired soyboys and slay queens "coming for your guns." The hilarious part is they seem to think that since this decision is somehow treading on their made up constitutional right to hoover their cooters, they think that means they'll be able fo trample upon actual constitutional rights.
Hate to rain on their moral superiority parade, but their ideology is pretty generally in direct opposition to the human race as a whole so they can go straight to hell with their nonsense. Prop up the unfit, force the unsuccessful and undeserving into positions of success, stop as much human reproduction as possible... I mean honestly looking at it from the perspective of someone interested in the success of the human race in general, it's hard to not see them as 100% the enemy.