Scwurtle 1 point ago +1 / -0

This guy has been incarcerated since 2017... how is this connected to J6?

Scwurtle 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do not dispute the following:

Elon Musk owns X. Elon is pro H1-B. Elon said he'd go to war on this issue. Elon told detractors to do some face f---ing. People who oppose Elon's views have been demonitized or banned.

What I can't do, is use those givens tonarrove at these conclusions:

Elon Musk is demonitizing people on X, because they disagree. Elon Musk is banning people on X, because they disagree. Elon Musk is against free speech.

Again, I'm not trying to say "Elon good." I just haven't seen any convincing evidence that Elon Musk is personally and purposefully silencing anyone's voice on X.

If I'm wrong, or I've missed something, I'm ENTIRELY willing to admit it. Thank you for your response. You included relevant info, and left out any person attacks on me. I appreciate that, and if you choose to take the time to help me understand your position, I would appreciate that as well.

Scwurtle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not seeing the connection to Elon in all of this. If the reasoning is "Elon owns X, everything bad that happens is his fault,"... I would ask if the same logic applies to Trump's first presidential term. Is Trump to blame for everything that the Executive Office did from 2017 to 2020?

There are some circumstantial links, but I can't see how this can be laid at Elon's feet. Now, if nothing is done about these demonitizations and bans, then maybe there's a bit of a link. Even so, I'm skeptical of taking anything at face value during these interdasting times.

Scwurtle 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not quite sure what he's getting at. Okay, yeah, military operations are documented. And?

Legitimate question here... what's the point of the post?

Scwurtle 12 points ago +12 / -0

Remind them that DOGE doesn't actually exist. It's just Elon Musk bringing publicly available information into the spotlight.

Scwurtle 9 points ago +9 / -0

Please, stop... it's too much winning...

Scwurtle 3 points ago +3 / -0

He starts with: I'm an American who grew up in Christianity and I know the Bible well..."

And then later states: "There are people in scriptures accusing Jesus of being demon-possessed. Are they also speaking 'the word of God'?"

To answer him, yes. The Word of God includes attacks against Jesus by his opponents. Anyone who thinks they can cite one "mUh CoNtRaDiCtIoN" and claim it as a "cHeCkMaTe, ChRiStIaNs" does not, in fact, know the Bible well.

The idea is that everything the Bible says is true is a red herring. The Bible isn't "true." The Bible is God's inspired Word, given to us so that we may know the nature of God, the nature of Man, and the nature of the relationship between God and Man. It's a tool. Tools can't be true or false. They can only be used.. properly or improperly.

** These are my own personal (non-comprehensive) beliefs, and I welcome any genuine questions, comments, or concerns. **

Scwurtle 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was able to play around in bioluminescent waves off the coast of Massachusetts back in the late summer of 2008. Cool as shit. Some kind of organism that gave off light when agitated, so it appeared to be glowing around us as we swam and splashed.

I have also seen those square wave patterns in the news before, but I can't attest to whether or not they are natural or man-made. It's possible in my mind that they could be created, but I would need to see the waves connected to an outcome before I got all HAARPy about it.

This guy seems to be stoking the conspiracy flames wothout really providing any answers. Like standing outside of a dark house and saying "ooooh, look it's spooky!"

Scwurtle 6 points ago +6 / -0

I second this. I went through some emotional turmoil in early 2023 and lost almost 60 lbs in 3 months. Lost my desire for sugar and snacks completely, no longer had to take Prilosec daily, slept better... it's been amazing.

Scwurtle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I try to minimize my talk of faith (because online conversion isn't my aim) but I agree completely with you. I think we're in for a glorious revival before things go south.

Scwurtle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm all about skepticism, but I believe that we're at the point in the game where two paths are possible:

  1. Trump is who we think he is, he knows what he's doing, the white hats are in control, and anyone who isn’t on "We the People's" side is in place because they have a role to play. Trust the plan, so to speak.

  2. The white hats are not in control, and we're headed for the Great Reset and/or extreme civil unrest. If the white hats haven't secured our future, then the Cabal has already won. They will implement the Great Reset, but too many of us are awake. We tear ourselves apart as a nation, and a perpetual police state occurs. They win.

I agree that humanity needs to be aware of the danger posed by technological advances, but to imply that Trump is unwittingly surrounding himself with bad actors is unrealistic considering what we've seen over the last 9 years.

Scwurtle 3 points ago +3 / -0

Devil's Advocate: isn't Z needed to continue the grift? Wouldn't they just put in a double, or show some AI vids to keep the illusion going?

Scwurtle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with this analysis. The flight pattern is a known search pattern, but it doesn't fit this scenario, for the reasons you mentioned above.

Scwurtle 25 points ago +25 / -0

That painting from 1721 is a joke. The artist is Dietz Nuutzen... Dees Nutz.

Scwurtle 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think the question is that if the ballot shenanigans show that he did not win the Senate race, is he allowed to "unresign" from the House? I vote no. =)

Scwurtle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't there a distinction to be made between Federal Pardons, and Military Courts Martial, or Tribunals?

Scwurtle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Respiratory Therapy student here, offering some insight on the ventilator: obviously I don't know precisely what is happening, but here is an overview...

During Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG), the patient is sedated and intubated prior to surgery, and then connected to a Cardiopulmonary Bypass machine. This machine acts as the patient's heart and lungs during surgery. Following the procedure ALL patients, no matter how healthy, remain intubated until the physicians are confident that the lungs can handle the work of breathing. Reducing the workload on the lungs (and keeping the patient sedated) allows the body to focus on repairing the trauma to the heart caused by surgery.

Over time, youay hear the physicians (or RT's) talk about reducing the pressures and volumes. This is a good sign, meaning that your stepfather is needing less help from the ventilator. The idea is to get him off of mechanical ventilation as soon as possible, while minimizing the chance of going back on. I hope this helped, and if you have any specific questions I will do my best to answer them.

God bless you, your stepfather, and your family.

Scwurtle 6 points ago +6 / -0

With a nice little side of market manipulation, no doubt. I bet someone could find some very fortuitous trades done within the last week or two. "Qui bono," and all that.

Scwurtle 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm going to preface this reply by saying that I am not here to argue with you, or to convince you of anything. This isn't an attack on your beliefs, or an indictment of you as a person. I'm legitimately curious about why you responded this way.

To address your comment: (if we are presuming Creation is His, to do with as He pleases. Destroying wickedness is not sinful. It is justice for God to crush rebellion. It is mercy to allow the return of those who rebel.

To address your approach: the Great Awakening is a spiritual movement. You don't have to agree with the implications of that, but to attack the foundation of faith in God, on this forum, seems counterproductive.

Scwurtle 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not only that, but Trump and the white hats have displayed "public beef" with people that they were close to behind the scenes. (Example: Kim Jong Un). What was going on in the news cycle at that point? Why would Kash (a known white hat) distance himself publicly from Elon? Was Elon still playing a part at that point? We may never know, but one tweet from 1.5 years ago isn't much of an argument against anyone.

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