ShakeAndBake1776 5 points ago +5 / -0

If Trump had unanimous support of the people I would be more skeptical of him, but there are millions of people still against him. In my area, the roles are reversed and Trump is the agent of chaos and the bad guy. However I do think it’s good to keep a healthy skepticism. The Bible tells us to test ALL things with the Holy Spirit. So to just trust and accept everything Trump does wouldn’t be wise. I take it all back to God and wrestle over it with Him when I feel uneasy about something. After much time in prayer God has lead me to trust Trump for now. I believe the Lord is truly working through him. But just like Moses, David, the Disciples and pretty much every other major figure in the Bible, they all have had their “fallen” moments. The only “person” I put 100% blind faith in is Jesus Himself.

ShakeAndBake1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep, there is a reason why “her” nickname in Hollywood is Jennifer Manistan. There is a clip of someone poking fun of her about it. It might have been Adam Sandler. I forget, I’ll have to find it again.

ShakeAndBake1776 5 points ago +5 / -0

Can confirm it was a huge red pill. It also brought a lot of people back or felt closer to Christ. Lots of Bible discussions and testimony.

ShakeAndBake1776 7 points ago +7 / -0

Aww fren, God loves you so much, more than we can comprehend. I’m telling you, He wants you to cry out to Him no matter how big or small. He transcends time and space. I know it’s hard to comprehend, but He is with you at a close, intimate level, while at the same time fighting the big battles for us too. I’m praying for you fren. God bless, and please talk with Him. Give it all to Him, he can take it. :)

ShakeAndBake1776 13 points ago +13 / -0

That’s too funny. I just commented the same thing before I saw your comment. I’ll take it as confirmation 😎. Also, the Lord put it on my heart to read Esther yesterday. I don’t think that was just a coincidence either!

ShakeAndBake1776 34 points ago +34 / -0

Exactly what happened with Haman in the book of Esther. Isn’t this supposed to be biblical or something?

ShakeAndBake1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

She spoke out on Obama before regarding SA. I shared one of her videos on Instagram back around 2020 regarding that and that got my account banned.

ShakeAndBake1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for putting this together. Much appreciated. I will be sharing this with others.

ShakeAndBake1776 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yepp I can absolutely see that. And according to our history books the “enlightenment” period happened next after the dark ages. Enlightenment could mean Lucifer. Basically when “the science” changed everything we thought we knew about the world and the cosmos. And the old world buildings/cathedrals makes no sense how they were built with the technology of the time. Like the pyramids, I believe there was another type of energy source has now been hidden/destroyed.

ShakeAndBake1776 2 points ago +3 / -1

Awesome stuff. This is where I am at myself too. And how I got there was about a year ago I was reading revelation and just tired and confused about all the theories (futuristic), so I stopped analyzing and just prayed and asked God what is the actual truth here. And when I was reading over the trumpets I heard as clear as day, “these already happened”. And then it all kind of clicked and felt something was really off with dispensationalism. Did some research going down that rabbit hole and realized we are much farther in the timeline than the church teaches us. Once you see it, you can’t unsee. It’s been wild living in this matrix lol.

ShakeAndBake1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yepp, this timeline makes so much more sense. Gearing up for Gog and Magog.

ShakeAndBake1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t understand how she can see the truth in all these things but then get sucked into the brainwashing of the catholic church. This is what happens when you rely on your own understanding and use his-story to make decisions. Most of our his-story has been twisted and altered. That includes church his-story outside of the Word of God. Each church on earth has been corrupted in some way. Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox; each one has its short falls and strengths. Yes the catholic church has some things right, but also a lot wrong. If she truly wants people to “come home” she is going to have to start going deeper in faith and not sight. “Come home” is a hypnotic phrase used by Catholics to boast themselves and think they are the one and only true church. But that is false. Catholics are going to have to learn to let go of traditions that blatantly go against God. But other churches also need to realize the Catholics have some things right and listen to them too. But like she said, with the right programming, the people will accept anything, including in the church. Hypnotic phrases like “come home” can be quite powerful. It’s what Q does. And now, she is repeating this one like a parrot. Satan infiltrated every single one to make Christians weak in our spiritual walk and battle. “Traditions” intentionally created to do just that. God will reveal the actual truth about His church if you can put biases aside and connect with Him. She has come a long way, but still has quite more to go if she actually wants the truth when it comes to the church. She got tripped up there. In summary, coming “home” means realizing your actual identity in Christ. That is the one true church. Taking your place as the son or daughter of the Most High-becoming His body with Christ as the head. That is what needs to come first. If you are putting your identity in a denomination first (and yes Catholic is just another denomination), you are falling short of what God is calling for you. God’s church is so much bigger and has been hindered due to, yes divide, but then also putting each divide in a box and limiting the people’s minds of what God can actually do. The true coming home means realizing this and then leveling up beyond petty differences beyond the institutionalized church and putting together each truth each of the churches hold. All in Christ Jesus of course. God is Spirit. You must connect with Him in Spirit to understand what I am saying. God bless frens.

ShakeAndBake1776 32 points ago +32 / -0

Yepp. I found this site and what Q was in December 2020. I followed rabbit holes upon rabbit holes of truth until the ultimate Truth, Jesus Christ, revealed a himself to me by the end of Jan 2021. It was truly a supernatural experience. I’ve been following Him ever since 😎

ShakeAndBake1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thank God everyday I got out of Philly. Lord help us. I pray that the baby can be adopted into a good home.

ShakeAndBake1776 7 points ago +7 / -0

Exactly. With Independence Day just passing I hope people remember that we can’t and never will be free without being fully DEPENDENT on Jesus. The foundation of our prayers need to be people’s hearts turning to the LORD and seeking Him.

ShakeAndBake1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think I’ve told you before, but I had a very similar experience. I was tired of all the “theories” and debates of revelation. So I asked the same thing to God, what is the actual truth in all this. Then when I was reading the seals and trumpets, I heard, “this already happen”. Flash forward a couple of months and then I heard when coming out of a dream “Revelation 20”. Then after a little research it all clicked. It truly is a lot. It means everything we think about our known world has been altered and flipped upside down. (Except Jesus of course. He is the rock and cornerstone holding it all together still). I understand why Q would say, disinformation is necessary. Even for “our side”. Like, if they just started exposing these truths it would be too much for anyone unless God removed those scales first. or everyone would just automatically write Q off because it would be too crazy. If you need anyone to talk to please feel free to DM me! I presented this theory to some friends and they can “see” it. It’s been nice to talk and bounce ideas off each other and talk through it all.

ShakeAndBake1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

I get what you are saying. It’s an unpopular opinion on this site but you are right. I hope and pray Trump is fully committed to Christ, but I do see some red flags that we can’t just ignore and make excuses for them to fit our own narratives. Whether that is for optics or it’s his true belief, only God knows and time will tell. Of course I’m voting for him in November, but my faith is with Christ and Him alone. I think if you put your faith in another world power, you will be disappointed. I’ve heard all the theories, that one side of evil is being intentionally exposed and sacrificed to usher in another side of the same beast. I don’t know and can only pray on it and keep vigilant. But there are truths that “our side” is still hiding about the nature of our world. If the reason is malicious or they are just taking baby steps because even people here are not ready for that, again only God knows and time will tell. At the end of the day, we should care about the truth and the truth alone. Otherwise, all of this “awakening” was for nothing. (Bracing myself for all the down votes lol).

ShakeAndBake1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

I thought of the Pharisees. They were extreme but for the wrong reasons. Sometimes we (including myself) tend to get stuck in our own understanding, self-righteousness, or zeal that we miss what God is actually up to. Stand firm, but make sure you are still operating in God’s character (fruit of the Spirit).

ShakeAndBake1776 12 points ago +12 / -0

I knew that stupid Texas song by Beyoncé was some sort of warning/witchcraft. The song talks about a “tornado touching down in her city” and the reports said a tornado touched down in Houston. That witch is from Houston. The lyrics say Texas is going down (down down down down). And she has the sleep walkers singing it and posting it all over social media in agreement with them.

ShakeAndBake1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s interesting, I didn’t know they were accredited for that. I just saw something yesterday that there are some ancient Egyptian drawings that depict some of their gods with blue skin. I know other religions have blue gods too, Hinduism being one of them. I wonder if those entities they saw showed them how. Hope your pain is doing better from the ER visit!

ShakeAndBake1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hahaha 😂 did I just unlock tin foil hat status?

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