Fight the battle on all fronts Fren. Meme them until they cry, then make memes of them crying!
They dont even know oil is needed to produce the phone they run their OnlyFans account from.....
just wait. the business will close itself down 41% of the time.
No clue, but damn that's a cool pepe!!!
EU: Reconsider? Do you not read our articles?
Of course Fren. it's awful stuff but people need to understand evil.
literally terrorisms
I'm sure all the vaccines we were all forced to take as children repress all sorts of spiritual, emotional and intellectual abilities. I think going forward it will be voluntary and almost frowned upon and generations will be born to perform and live their highest potential.
calm down Barry its only tax funded colleges that don't have to discriminate based on race. HBCs can still do whatever they want.
Just look up Mouthy Buddah on Bitchute.
Harambe using classified Neuralink tech?
This also. sorry for the hijack but wanted to give fren infos
*very uninspiring.....
I might just start watching MSNBC now. The unbridled rage is gonna be hilarious!
dunno. I tried it when I first started the account and it said it was already taken. yes I am said Fren. To prove it remember when you were amazed that I had no idea what Crazy Days and Nights blog was.
how you been fren? ShmellyTunaMelt was taken at the time.
Got eeeeem!!!
Mk eyes!
mods are the best. 4 minutes.....
damn beat me to it.