it's Gold-fags fren.
ewww I ain't touching a Lizard demon..
good thing they have experience kneeling to terrorists.
lol. delete this.
probably just trying to open back up the money laundering op Zelensky couldn't keep going.
they prefer to create false flags to make others do the fighting.....
hiding a bracelet maybe
underground bullet train to Gitmo?
"world's richest man"
don't forget all the bitchute clown vids about how it's not 10/4 it's akshulluh 10/11. then on 10/11 back to the Gene Decode Shari Raye muh gitmo comms.
Pretty sure the trenches in WW1 are worse than anything we will go through.
cope and seethe commies.
all for a LARP. very odd indeed.........
okay he was rolling around in 100 dollar bills but he wasn't naked. please stick to the facts! if you have any.....
Commies: There's no evidence.
Someone check his search history.
Stop Noticing!
it's all so gay.
The cope will be unbearable.
mostly peaceful genocide.
very interesting. I sent a sticky request fren.
jokes on you. I can't afford to buy stuff from those companies anyway.
optics are very important. we're talking about it 3 years after the fact.