Common core and critical thinking are sorely lacking in this nation. Most are just apathetic like an abused dog. Any fool who trusts the government will get what they deserve. This Hopiun got me tired. Every day that passes Biden and his minions have their lists all supplied by Dorset Zuckerberg they know every Trump supporters name and address and contacts. I'm amazed at how quickly the communist takeover was. The American people didn't even whimper. But ole Joe will definitely make you whimper.
Unbelievable you say, we officially cloned a sheep in 1988. That's what they told you. We've been doing this for much longer than any realize. It's been said Hillary had like 11 clones. Made her difficult to truly locate. The red pill should just be Google Biden 2009. To now. That ain't Joe
Tired of being told I'm the crazy one.
All I know is this shit needs to get over with. Tired of family calling me crazy. Wife is tired and says Your smarter than that. She'll listen but when there is only speculation she gets angry. By the looks of things we have only 2 possible scenarios. One is The Biden Administration is gonna ram everything up our anuses and isn't a damn thing we can do about it. Congreas is fenced in. Can't get to them. Or Trump did defeat them and we are wrapping this all up. No way I can do 4 years of this again. Nope ill get bug out bag ready.
Lester is a tool. Whats really sad is so many of these journalist slash activists could have become Big News Casters if they had done their jobs.
This is ironic. Wasn't Kirsten alleged to be Allison Mack's Mother? I swore NXIUM would have brought down Coma of course they have all known what was happening there right in Andrew's Backyard. But 15,000 sent to their deaths is pretty damning.
True indeed. It appears many of these families have gone beyond criminal elements. Many are pedophiles and even pedovores. Word is the Rothschild s had a horrible New Year.
Well no, it appears all 5 Governors who alled signed similar edicts are all under DOJ investigation. And as of Jan all five refused to send data related to investigation. Cuomo, Whitmer, Wolfe, Murphy and Newsome.
Once these officers are free to go. Then charges of domestic terrorism need to be filed vs Keith Ellison. Watch as Minneapolis burns down. All due to his own racist views. Knowing he would never get a 2nd degree murder charge. And actually why is their even a trial. Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose. How is it racists and scumbags become the Top Cops in these states. Ellison and his son support both antifa and BLM. And How is Keith not in jail for beating his first wife. It truly is a clown world.
They have been stonewalling this since before the election. Any post on any Social media would get you banned. Hunter and Joe and many others Pelosi Kerry Romney. All were involved. And now all appear that DJT gone its business as usual. Not gonna happen. Drop the Hammer
Flight logs do indicate he did catch flight from Newark to Lauderdale. I believe 1999. I will have to look in my Google drive and post. His name appears only once.
Trump is his own orbit. Epstein his own orbit. Sometimes orbits meet. Trump knew Jeffrey. Especially many years ago. I'm also paralegal. Have read every case which was brought against Trump. All dismissed without merit. According to flight logs Trump did catch flight from Newark to Ft Lauderdale. Never been to the Island as far as any evidence I have seen. Trump did start the investigation into Epstein this last time. Even agreed to testify if needed.
We all should call CNN out. Even if you don't watch. Tell them your own network paid John Sullivan to breach Capitol and filmed it with A CNN person next to him. And John is Antifa . Remember when Larry King you could call in like Tara readers mother did. And actually call t here POS OUT. And don't get me started on Anderson Pooper Vanderbilt
Rapidly losing faith. This shitshow needs to be shut down.
These people are stupid. Clowns in Action whacked Khashoggi. And honestly who cares. He pissed off some very powerful people. And MBS won't be controlled by any elite forces.
Kerry should be the first politician to be hung for violating the Logan Act.
Get these asshats. Project Veritas rocks.
Get your bug out bag ready. Because FEMA camps will be the rage. Gotta stop that flow of dis info. Look at the uygur camps in CCP
Each day that passes. I get ridiculed even more. Wife wants divorce. Been doing this since 98. Wife is tired, im tired. I used to battle on the boards and even earned a Secret Service visit. For a meme of HRC being led to gallows. This plan could have been completed with mass arrests and an EBS broadcast weeks ago. Hard being faithful when you know AOC and Co got their lists of all Trump supporters. Just a matter of time since no one seems to be doing much of anything. It will be off the FEMA camps for all of us here to stop the spread of disinformation you know.
And I believe they mean it. Now the question to ask is ? Was this election surveilled and were all involved caught. My guess is yes. I don't even think Joe is in the WH. And Commie La went back to her Cali home. Pray for the EBS and all of these commies see Republic of the United States justice.
Well the NAACP has now gone FULL RETARD. Not surprised. About time for a major house cleaning there as well. And if one more talking head states Our Democracy. I'm gonna throw my 72 inch Samsung. We are a Constitutional Republic. Looks like we're gonna have to start there.
We are watching a movie. Whether u believe now or later. This is a movie. Enjoy the Show
All an act. Hes gonna use dementia as his excuse to get out of being placed in front of a firing squad. His mind may be m u sh. Wont matter hes been evil for decades.
Had Hopium till this . How are either of these two still serving. Thats my question? So maybe need to get bug out bag ready. Have a feeling waiting for a military that Obama had 8 years to rebuild in his Marxist image. This show may have been over before it started and the NWO won. Dont know. But if something doesn't give safe to say were all fooked.