Grassley is a good egg.
Well I think using the picture in the post is directly implying that the picture was in the drop and it’s not. What links to the drop to Pedodesta other than the name Johnny is the number 265 which is on the fish. So if the podesta fish picture isn’t in the drop… I mean…
Right but take out the fish and is there even a connection other than the number 265?
So business as usual then.
What an amazing coincidence that all of these people who have been executed by WhITe HaTs are also of a very advanced age.
I mean seriously people. Jesus fucking Christ. Catch on already. These aren’t executions. These people are dying because they’re fucking old. Grow up.
That will lead to arrests soon, right?
Yeah? When is he going to be arrested?
THIS is the stuff I’m in to. Real tangible action and progress. Not secret messages in tweets or number sequences. No childish fantasies.
This. The real stuff.
Second faggot.
Millions actually.
They aren’t all that creative with names.
I wouldn’t even give half a fucking shit about the goddamn Internet or anything related to it if it turns out everything went dark because we were getting the job done. I’d give it up forever if it meant we were getting the job done.
He has a decently awful body, so there’s that.
Those are remarkable claims that require remarkable evidence to rise to the level of having been “proven.” It’s like something out of a bad fanfiction story.
Watching it now, will have to finish it later but I’m not seeing “proof” of anything. Maybe I’ll see it later in the vid. Keeping my mind open. Definitely WANT to believe.
But even just the Larry Johnson call. The voice on the phone identifying himself as Johnson proves nothing. No other names were even mentioned in the call so even if it’s him we can’t prove he was speaking about the people she claims. Then she says “lady and gentlemen, this IS PROOF.” (Paraphrasing)
Is it?
We have to stop throwing that word around it makes us look ridiculous when it’s nothing of the sort.
She says she has the Italian intercept. Ok. Where is it? Can you prove it’s real? She offers NOTHING in the way of verification.
She makes one claim after another that to a normal person would rightfully seem outrageous but offers nothing to back most of them up. This is infuriating. This is exactly how and why this type of stuff gets ignored.
There could be 50 million fraudulent ballots but until we can nail down how many exactly were for each candidate, or how many were switched to whom, we haven’t proven anything.
If Democrats can just say “maybe all those bad ballots were for Trump” we have haven’t proven anything. That’s the next line of defense that they are probably already preparing.
And for much of the rest of her claims they can simply brush it off as bad fiction. She does almost nothing at all to even begin backing it up.
Yeah those Q bastards HATE child molesters!!!!
HOw AbsOlUteLy dArE tHEy!!!!
Well you mentioned that you quit drinking. With no context. How heavy and how long and when did you quit? A lot of very heavy drinkers who drink for a long time feel a rather extended period of anxiety after they quit. For some people it lasts a year. For some people it lasts 10 years.
Frankly, I’ve seen this happen to occasional drinkers who were still alcoholics and needed to quit. You can be an alcoholic and barely drink if it has some kind of control in your life, if you’re hiding it from a spouse, if it leads to embarrassing behaviors, and you just can’t put it down permanently even if you desperately wanted to. You don’t need to be a heavy every day drinker to be an alcoholic.
I knew guys who were able to control it to once a week, or once every two weeks, but every time they drank they regretted it. But then guess what? Two weeks later, they pick up again. Did they made the same regrettable mistakes over and over again, many of them driving that way in a dangerous themselves and others and promising never to do it again and doing it again two weeks later, one week later, whenever.
If you quit because you “needed“ to, I would honestly seek counseling to deal with it. There are plenty of resources out there, sometimes having someone to talk to, trust me, can be very important. Even if you’re not struggling with it anymore, it is like losing a friend or cutting off a limb. It can be traumatic, and that’s not hyperbole, to cut something out of your life that meant so much to you. I don’t know if that was your situation or not, I’m just guessing since you brought it up. Hell, I know people who quit smoking that, years later, still had anxiety. There are parts of your brain that don’t know the difference from giving up a substance to losing a friend or a loved one. Your brain just can’t process that it’s a different thing it shouldn’t matter as much. It just knows that whatever it relied on was gone.
This is my problem with this type of thing. She describes the pictures of Natalie as being “questionable” and “uncomfortable”. Questionable enough to raise red flags that perhaps the situation should be investigated. She never specifically said that the pictures were sexual. She never specifically said the pictures showed sexual abuse, or incest or anything of the sort. Something like that is MORE THAN JUST QUESTIONABLE OR UNCOMFORTABLE.
Chanel would have used much stronger language!
I do believe he had a sexual relationship with his niece. But this isn’t proof he fucked her and isn’t even proof that Chanel is SAYING he did.
But I’ve seen this video recycled here and in other places, often times a link to news stories describing this video without even linking to the video, and it’s being passed off as PrOoF!!!! of incest between Hunter Biden and his niece and it is nothing of the sort. So we start sharing this and spreading it around and telling people hey, look, he fucked his niece.
Then they actually watch the video or even worse, have to track the video down because it was not even included in the link, and it’s nothing of the sort. It just isn’t. There are millions of ways in which there could be pictures that are completely inappropriate and extremely alarming and disturbing that isn’t “proof” that he’s fucking his niece. And then we wonder why no one believes us.
WHy DoN’T ThE NomIEs bElIeVe Us??!!
No. He isn’t. And he’s also not a clone, and he’s not a body double. He’s exactly what we think he is. A puppet whose masters cheated to put him in the White House, who has no idea what’s going on around him at any time.
A criminal, the father of a criminal, that raised a family of pedophiles and sex maniacs.
Because they weren’t asking him about that. Another misleading post. They were asking him about Russia and a number of other things. Doesn’t matter, he still staring at them like a goddamn idiot, and why does he always seem to have a lozenge in his mouth or something? It just makes him look even more smarmy and douchey. God I hate this motherfucker.
Fuck the GOP. They abandoned us. They’re a bunch of swamp rats like the rest of them. They’ve done absolutely nothing for us, in many many years. Fuck them almost as much as fuck the Democrats.
What is he panicking about? Continuing to get away with all the bad shit he’s done? I don’t think he’s panicking. He has nothing to worry about. Nothing is happening to any of these people. That’s objectively true. Nothing has happened to any of these people. Any of them.
Well wouldn’t the Patriots recruit him be the ones that put the pieces in place? That’s an awful lot for one man to handle.