SkepButOpen -2 points ago +1 / -3

Why? Do you think they’re going to believe you?

“Look some pics on twitter of patches! Oh! I guess we were wrong about Trump!”

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +2 / -2

Did you actually read the article?

The article is very clearly an attempt to further the narrative that this is, indeed, a right wing conspiracy. Everything about this article is furthering the narrative that this is a right wing conspiracy. It’s working from the assumption that these labs were using pathogens for beneficial research and blames the RUSSIANS and their “invasion” for the need to tell the labs to destroy those pathogens before the Russians accidentally or purposely release them.

It further reiterates that these were not pathogens used for bio warfare. Nothing about this article does anything to dispel the notion that this is a “right wing conspiracy.” At all. In fact it reinforces that false narrative.

I swear half of the articles that get posted here are not read by the people who post them. It’s very frustrating.

SkepButOpen 1 point ago +2 / -1

I would argue that this treasonous headline is absolutely correct for most Americans. Most of them aren’t even aware of the fact that they were duped, tricked, lied to, manipulated and abused. Most of them are completely unaware that an entire generation of children will never catch up on their development as long as they live. Millions of Americans are completely unaware of the fact that masks don’t work.

And as for any of them hanging? I’ll believe that when I see it.

SkepButOpen 2 points ago +3 / -1

That’s 100% why I think he never touches that subject.

SkepButOpen 4 points ago +5 / -1

Man he just continues to pump out good stuff.

SkepButOpen 1 point ago +2 / -1

Has it even rolled out? I mean has it progressed past our general sphere? Does Footdoc have a wide audience?

I hate to say it, but, for as much as we hate them, unless some of the stuff starts to get out in the MSM, the same people who haven’t heard about this will continue to not hear about this. With some exceptions, obviously, but in general? Sleeping people will still stay asleep.

I mean there are still tens to hundreds of millions of people in our own country who think that COVID-19 is going to kill them if they don’t wear masks.

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +1 / -1

I’ve been asking that for five years about a number of different people and I’m told to shut up. I wonder what those people will say five years from now when arrests like this still haven’t been made. Or maybe they will be made!

Because every day I’ve got people telling me it’s coming real soon they can feel it. Of course those are the same people to get mad at me for asking why it didn’t happen when, another six months later, all that stuff that “felt really close“ didn’t happen. I mean they are the very one saying “here it comes”… And then get mad when it doesn’t and you ask why.

I’m not sure how many more years we can excuse this with “it isn’t your timeline” or “they’ve BEEN arrested - in secret!” or “no, she’s dead, that’s a clone”.

SkepButOpen 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yes, sadly.

SkepButOpen 3 points ago +4 / -1

Everybody knows about the TickTock dancing nurses, but people always forget about all of these supposed physicians and doctors with YouTube channels that attempt to use comedy to hide their propaganda. They’ll do some cute bullshit and then slip in the importance of masking, vaccines, etc. They’re not very subtle.

SkepButOpen 9 points ago +9 / -0

I forget where, but I read a very convincing dig somewhere that offered very compelling evidence that Robert Downey Jr. was on that site outing perverts and pedophiles for a number of years. And if I recall correctly, and I’m sure someone here can correct me if I don’t, once it was pieced together who it was he stopped posting.

I know it’s been rumourd for a number of years that Mel Gibson had a tremendous amount of influence on Robert Downey Junior getting his life back together, and Robert publicly defended Mel Gibson numerous times. It makes you think.

SkepButOpen 12 points ago +15 / -3

He said multiple times, at least I know he did on the Anthony Cumia show, about how he’s a Christian even though he’s a homosexual. I don’t know how you reconcile those two things, but at least there’s a spark of hope for him to repent

SkepButOpen 8 points ago +10 / -2

He’s my favorite faggot. Hopefully he turns away from homosexuality.

deleted -13 points ago +3 / -16
SkepButOpen -3 points ago +4 / -7

Does it matter? Do you really see anything happening to him? Really?

Maybe the Canadian version of a strongly worded letter?

SkepButOpen -3 points ago +4 / -7

Yeah, I heard he wasn’t winning re-election, either. I’ve heard about 1 million times that he was about to be toppled and kicked out or that he would quit or that he would be arrested. But no, that’s cool, another promise of “someday“ he’ll be punished or lose or somehow face consequences. Awesome. That’s extremely comforting.

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +3 / -3

Yeah I came to accept that the military was the only way a time ago. It’s been proven right over and over again as citizens just sit back and take it up the ass repeatedly and these people get away with everything they’re doing while we celebrate people stepping down and CEO firings executives taking golden parachutes and mediocre journalists losing their jobs. We continue with boom boom boom and “breaking news!” and promises of future justice going on year FIVE while these animals who we say constantly ARE PANICKING YOU GUYS!!!!!! just keep doing whatever the hell it is they want to.

It has to be the military. Has to be. We just sat here and watched while election was stolen, children were abused with masks in public schools and our rights were taken away from us. It has to be the military. No one else is doing shit.

SkepButOpen 7 points ago +10 / -3


Fats, proteins and carbohydrates work together to give you your best body possible. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that alll carbohydrates are bad. Do you really think broccoli is bad? Onions? Cauliflower? Cookies, cake and potato chips are bad. There are bad carbohydrates.

Productive Carbohydrates play a very important role. You need carbohydrates, a lot of protein, and a decent amount of fat in order to do the things you want to do with your body. I can’t believe anyone thinks “carbohydrates“ in general are bad. Holy fucking shit. That’s incredibly stupid, obtuse and ignorant.

I wouldn’t have a six pack today if it wasn’t for good carbohydrates. I need them because they are low calorie, satiating, and provide things for your body that protein and fats cannot.

They literally provide things that protein and fat physiologically CANNOT provide.

I can’t believe that’s hard for people to grasp. Different macronutrients play different roles for your body. You need all of them, in certain amounts to do what you need to have done for your body.

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