SkepButOpen 1 point ago +6 / -5

Oh I’m sure we’ll find excuses for why all of the hype and hopium just sits there rotting.

We love to talk big shit and claim it’s coming any day now, and talk about big events, and talk about big shit that’s about to hit, and then just conveniently forget about it. Seems to be our style.

SkepButOpen 1 point ago +3 / -2

Arrests do seem to be heating up. Does anyone have a number they can share with me to prove it? Like what is the rate of arrests say, in the last six months, or six weeks, or five days compared to the previous year, two years, five years, etc.? I mean they’re heating up, right? So what is the empirical evidence of that? Anybody?

Because, over the last so many years, I’ve seen a number of times where we said that arrests were starting to become more frequent or “heating up”, or what have you.

Compared to those other times, how does this particular timeframe look? I mean certainly we have empirical evidence to show it, right? That the arrests are heating up? More so than the last thousand times I was told that?

SkepButOpen -1 points ago +1 / -2

She’s also signed on for several Disney projects for the next few years and other Hollywood projects also that are pending. So I mean…

SkepButOpen -1 points ago +1 / -2

So then why is she still signed up for Disney projects through the next few years? Just curious.

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +5 / -5

I’ve seen suicide weekends predicted at least 100 different times for 100 different dates. And yet people still can’t understand why people don’t believe them when they make predictions.

For how many more years do we have to see widely held beliefs fall apart before we finally think to ourselves, maybe, just maybe, there’s nothing to this and we’ve been had?

I made this comment somewhere else, I’m willing to revisit my comments and everybody else’s comments in this thread five years from now to se if “suicide weekend actually happen. If there were mass suicide events in sports, politics, Hollywood, movies, celebrities, journalists, etc. I’m willing to revisit this and find out who’s right five years from now. I am. I’d love to do that. Because you know what? I said similar things three years ago and would have been right on all of them. Every single last fucking one of them.

I would have been called a doubter and a Doomer, and someone who didn’t believe, and would’ve been right every single fucking time on all of the fucking predictions everyone fucking made three years ago. Every single last one of them. Every. Single. Last. One of them.

SkepButOpen -1 points ago +1 / -2

That’s like me asking you what he “couldn’t” do.


Results matter.

SkepButOpen 5 points ago +7 / -2

They do, at an astounding rate. A lot of these guys aren’t natural. Natty professionals can live a long time, but at some point they need to stop being so lean because it’s actually really bad to be in single-digit body fat percentage for too long. Most of these guys will maintain in the double digits, low double digits, once they are done with their careers. They almost have to. Guys that aren’t natty? They’re dead in their 40s constantly.

SkepButOpen 3 points ago +5 / -2

Actually, knowing that sport very well, and no I’m not at that level, but the people who are… It’s not rare. At all. Guys who aren’t natural drop dead in their 40s all the time.

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +2 / -2

Good for him. Now close the border.

Break the fucking law if you have to and dare them to come get you. This has to stop.

Nice publicity stunt, though.

SkepButOpen 2 points ago +4 / -2

What about the plan? I mean at some point, after six years of loss after loss after loss being explained as necessary to “set a trap” the trap has to be sprung at some point or there just wasn’t a plan.

So something will happen, I suspect, before 2024. If not? Then there was never anything going on in the first place.

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +2 / -2

Well they were safe if they were allowed to appear unsafe in order to set a trap. Even if we haven’t sprung the trap yet, I still expect Republicans to clean up pretty nicely in 2022, would be way too suspicious if there weren’t major moves to elect Republicans with this disastrous administration. The real test will be 2024, unfortunately, can we get it cleaned up by then? If we don’t, I’m throwing in the towel. I already have my doubts, but if they steal another presidential election, all hope I have that there is a plan are gone.

SkepButOpen 3 points ago +5 / -2

20? No. Either there’s a plan in place to end all this bullshit or there isn’t. If there’s a plan in place, it’s not going to take 20 years. If it takes 20 years and we still haven’t seen the solution to this, then there was no plan.

SkepButOpen 5 points ago +7 / -2

At some point it no longer makes sense to celebrate the gathering of evidence of crimes that won’t be prosecuted anyway. We have more than enough. Not just with election fraud, but with treason. We’ve caught them red-handed, just us, regular folks, over and over again. If nothing is ever going to happen what’s the point in continuing to gather evidence? You gather the evidence you need to prosecute the people who broke the law and betrayed our nation. We could accumulate more evidence and more evidence and more evidence for another 10 years and people will still say it’s coming any day now. I know these things take time, you have to move at a glacial pace if you’re trying to break down evil that is this well organized and this entrenched in our every day lives. Of course it’s going to take what seems like forever, but what’s the limit? Maybe it’s not six years, I can look with that. Eight? 10? 12? The sad truth is that it could take 20 years of people are still going to be saying “two more weeks.“ They will still be saying “here it comes they can’t stop it!” There has to be a limit. There has to be a point where we finally realize that, oh, it’s just not happening. Act or stop fucking around.

SkepButOpen -2 points ago +1 / -3

Oh. Cool. I absolutely LOVE excuses!

SkepButOpen 13 points ago +15 / -2

And what are they really dying of that they are labeling as “COVID-19”?

Couldn’t be strokes or blood clots or anything, right?

SkepButOpen 0 points ago +2 / -2

Wake me up when he gets results.

SkepButOpen -1 points ago +1 / -2

Or, you know, ask them now.

It’s always two more weeks, isn’t it?

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