He's corrupt in the grave. Real Pedo Joe is pushing up daisies in hell about now!
We're watching a movie. This is all timed. And hilarious. Cue the Benny Hill theme!
You don't "Spray and Pray" - was that an allusion to the chemtrails? Dude seems tuned in!
Look at this badge - at the bottom: https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/6/c/9/j/Q/c9jQj.aiEB.jpg
I think he just assumes there are fewer Soros picked DA's in those jurisdictions. The boomerang will happen. I can't wait!
It still surprises me how many people lined up like sheep to be tested and jabbed with no questions.
Love happy Pepe!!!
God bless humanity. Especially the children. Please remove the demons in this realm and let peace and prosperity reign.
Yeah, I think the worst of the worst have already been exterminated and replaced with doubles, CGI or clones. Musk, Fauci, Biden, Big Mike, the Kenyan, Killary. Once you know, it becomes pretty obvious.
You could see her looking down and listening intently to someone in her earpiece and she definitely looked uncomfortable. Just reads lines and can't think for herself.
Fani Willis is about to be nose deep in the Trump quicksand. Can't wait!
Haha - they Shrek'd him!
He's already been eliminated. When you see that little Jew troll it's usually CGI but there is also a double.
He caught them all. We are watching a movie. Plus he has doubles. I'm not worried at all.
Completely agree. It's disgusting.
I don't think we're actually sending any money there. We're watching a movie to wake the normies up.
it's so obvious that it makes sense. Complete exposure of all the ways they cheat and corrupt. We're watching a movie. And it's getting good!
All of these big box stores are going to go down, one by one. The era of the monopolies is coming to an end. Get ready to say goodbye to Amazon and hello to mom and pop stores all over the country. Can't happen fast enough.
Yeah, that does not look like a biological female.
August is certainly getting hot! I feel like we are creaking and ratcheting up to the top of the roller coaster giant hill. Hold on to your hats, folks! NCSWIC!
Well, to be fair, that was before the great awakening and Trump. I give him a pass. I was a deluded demoncrat my whole life. We've all learned a lot.
Unbelievable how many sick pedophiles are in this world. I truly don't understand the numbers.
White hats have to take over the MSM and start broadcasting the truth. The sheeple only believe what they see on TV.
I wouldn't let your kid go to college until they are exposed for the financial and "scientific" frauds they are. No need to go now - get a job and wait a couple years. Or get into a trade school or apprenticeship. The degrees they are selling now are worthless!