SocratesKnowsNothin2 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeh, sure, tar is odd, but where's the natural methane fire videos ? I was an engineer in a past life, and when we'd end up in manholes for, say, spill cleanups, you'd measure for O2 and methane. and I was a member at a course in Quincy MA (still there) called Granite Links GC. the club was born from all of the dug out soil from the big dig. they used that Boston Blue Clay to cap a landfill in Quincy which came to be 27 holes of golf that has amazing views. anyway, when they capped the landfill, as is required, you need to account for the decomposition of the waste so they set up an array of piping grinds to capture this and it still produces massive amounts of methane that they sell off to a local power company. it used to be burning 24/7 from these industrial size methane diffusers before they found a buyer for the gas. it's been years and not sure how many more it will create methane until the waste stops producing.

if there's a peat layer of soil, or some other highly organic material, naturally occurring, than controlled fracking in areas rich with this material might all the fires we're seeing to be sustained to the point frickin cars are melting, but not the trees beside it, kek

SocratesKnowsNothin2 1 point ago +1 / -0

very interesting, never heard that. if they have known gas deposit and a way of controlling fracking to very select areas, this is more plausible than I thought

I tried to search it quickly before shooting off my response, and with all the fires going on, not sure how many pages deep I'd have to go to not be watching some yahoo video on current LA fires

SocratesKnowsNothin2 1 point ago +1 / -0

"State Farm Ain't There"...kinda a catchy ring to it. they might be able to use this for a commercial I think

SocratesKnowsNothin2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll spare myself the Hannity "tick tock" shite and wait to hear if anything worthwhile happened here :)

SocratesKnowsNothin2 1 point ago +1 / -0

anyone that is or wants to be down the eugenics / depopulation rabbit hole, here's a must watch that involves much commentary from MLK's niece Alveda King about Margaret Sanger and her marionettes

the brazen broadcasting of their intentions with respect to eugenics in the 20th century, as laid out in this documentary, is astounding


SocratesKnowsNothin2 2 points ago +2 / -0

when discussing the laptops he speculates that Trump didn't release his files because they included incriminating evidence against the Bidens. not sure it if logic would be because Trump felt it easiest to beat Biden. I don't buy this theory, but like and trust, for now, Judge Joe who said he along with others got to examine the THREE laptops

I'd tell y'all where the clip is but it's a moving target where this appears to be live, but it's about exactly 1 hr prior to the time I posted this

SocratesKnowsNothin2 2 points ago +2 / -0

this was prior to 2016 election and it'd be impossible to imagine that Moore didn't realize he was promoting Trump to a victory. I think he's an actor/double agent that is working for the white hats but pretended to be one of "them".

I recommend a movie of his "Planet of the Humans" which is a documentary where a guy attempts to back his support of global warming and green causes by doing deep research only to learn it's all a scam

SocratesKnowsNothin2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree with this ruling and it may be by design to make sure that all electors certify Trump's win ! there has to be a mechanism for challenging a corrupted election but the electors should not have unilateral control to decline to certify

SocratesKnowsNothin2 7 points ago +7 / -0

just for anyone looking to verify...

I did a quick look and didn't see James Brown or this song in the soundtrack for Iron Eagle, because it's not on the soundtrack. upon further research though this is stated in wiki (see last song on list):

The following songs were featured in the film, but not included in the soundtrack album:

"Old Enough to Rock and Roll" by Rainey Haynes
"Gimme Some Lovin'" by The Spencer Davis Group
"Eyes of the World" by Eric Martin
"We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister
"Proud Mary" by Ike & Tina Turner
"There Was a Time" by James Brown
SocratesKnowsNothin2 1 point ago +1 / -0

never heard this before...while simple, it is brilliant!

might have to troll some sheeple that love to use the term and ask if "misinformation" is short for missing information

SocratesKnowsNothin2 1 point ago +1 / -0

are you referring to the EOs "Biden" has renewed year after year that Trump set in motion during his 1st term? such as EO 13848 which I know off the top of my head and I think is the most hopeful EO that has real force and is an indicator that the Dems/Biden aren't in control. there are others related to elections I'm pretty sure

SocratesKnowsNothin2 1 point ago +1 / -0

indeed. of course there's chemtrails...how bad and how intentional is the only question. just use our eyes right

SocratesKnowsNothin2 1 point ago +1 / -0

do we really know someone died? not hard to fathom that was a patriot/s part of the false flag plan that faked their death for the good cause

if there was absolute proof that someone died as a result I would not find it reasonable to assume it was a white hat false flag

SocratesKnowsNothin2 6 points ago +8 / -2

with you. Trump may or may not know that it wasn't real, but either way believe it was a FF perpetrated by the good guys for good cause

SocratesKnowsNothin2 8 points ago +9 / -1

I tend to agree and I think they also wanted it to have this exact effect...to make the cabal creatures question what happen where the good guys are controlling the false flags for GOOD and they look like lunatics (because they are) and realize they are no longer in control. causing them to freak out

SocratesKnowsNothin2 2 points ago +2 / -0

ha, so you have these scapegoats locked up since 2003 and after 21 years they realize they are never getting out so they agree to give the deep state what they want. no trial requiring actual evidence and their willingness to admit fault for an act the deep state perpertrated. this couldn't possibly be false confessions. what a joke

SocratesKnowsNothin2 4 points ago +5 / -1

I have entertained the idea that:

  • blackhats planned to kill trump and had people in position including in the SS, FBI, media, "citizens" in stands, etc
  • the whitehats knew this was coming (Trump might not have had any clue though and explains his genuine reaction or he did know and that's why he showed no fear) and foiled the plan by having their own "sniper" take out blackhat sniper, hit Trumps ear with something that resembled a actual shot to the ear, if not an actual bullet
  • the inside blackhat operators probably had no clue who or where sniper/s would be but instead had orders not to interfere with any such suspicious activity wo they wouldn't have had a clue if a "sniper" was positioned by the blackhats or whitehats at the time
  • the whitehats might have shot certain "citizens"/people intentionally if they were blackhat operators in the stands
  • the blackhats now know something happen to take out their patsy and foil their plan but they can't vocalize that and they are shitting their pants
  • perhaps Biden is now known to have been the mole and had a role in foiling the plan and that might be cause for the quick push to get him out of the presidential race and ultimately current office
SocratesKnowsNothin2 16 points ago +18 / -2

anyone having properly researched this knows that Kamala and Bronco bummer are not natural-born. hopefully something soon will expose this any cause some normie jaws to drop

SocratesKnowsNothin2 2 points ago +2 / -0

can I ask the weight of your dog, and what dosage you're giving once a day or how often?

with what?

started 2 weeks ago?

I have been researching and just started my 3 dogs today as preventative measure although a couple of them have lumps on their hind legs,

my research has me giving them about 1500 miligrams per day each and it should be with fats. I feed them raw meat in the morning so hopefully this is good.

also seems that it's best to start a couple of days before a full or new moon. new moon is sunday so started yesterday and it only goes for 5 days.

for your situation I trust you probably need to dose more often but not sure if more or less per day.

I'l assume you have, but if not check out https://www.fenbendazole.org/fenbendazole-information/fenbendazole-dosage-guide/

SocratesKnowsNothin2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe Biden is not directing anyone and because he's incapable deep state actors in the background are doing the ordering and professing dementia Joe gave them orders. by lying that the orders actually came from dementia Joe they are committing treason and exerting authority they don't have...usurping

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